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Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
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Helper to incrementally consume a multipart response (stream-like) using Play's WS client (Play 2.3.0-RC1)
package wsmultipart
import play.api.libs.iteratee._
import play.api.libs.iteratee.Parsing.MatchInfo
import play.api.http.{MediaType, HeaderNames}
object WSMultipartHandler {
* An iteratee that consumes a multipart response (incoming stream of byte arrays) and invokes the provided
* partHandler with each extracted part. As result, the iteratee returns either just the response headers (if
* the response was not processed, e.g. due to a wrong status code), or the response headers and the number
* of parts processed.
* The implementation is based on Play's BodyParser multipartParser (
* @param partHandler is invoked with each part plus one more time at the end (thus the handler must check if
* the passed bytes are not empty) - this is already the case in the original implementation
* of Play's BodyParser multipartParser (perhaps might be improved, perhaps there's a reason for this)
* @param headers the headers used to create the iteratee. Must contain the "Content-Type" header to read the "boundary"
* parameter from.
def consumeMultipart(partHandler: Map[String, String] => Iteratee[Array[Byte], Unit])(headers: WSResponseHeaders):
Iteratee[Array[Byte], Either[WSResponseHeaders, (WSResponseHeaders, Int)]] = headers.status match {
case 200 => {
val maybeBoundary = for {
mt <- headers.headers.get(HeaderNames.CONTENT_TYPE).map(_.head).flatMap(MediaType.parse.apply)
(_, value) <- mt.parameters.find(_._1.equalsIgnoreCase("boundary"))
boundary <- value
} yield ("\r\n--" + boundary).getBytes("utf-8") { boundary =>
multipartConsumer(headers, boundary, partHandler)
case _ => Done(Left(headers))
private def multipartConsumer(headers: WSResponseHeaders,
boundary: Array[Byte],
partHandler: (Map[String, String]) => Iteratee[Array[Byte], Unit]):
Iteratee[Array[Byte], Either[WSResponseHeaders, (WSResponseHeaders, Int)]] = {
val CRLF = "\r\n".getBytes
val takeUpToBoundary = Enumeratee.takeWhile[MatchInfo[Array[Byte]]](!_.isMatch)
val maxHeaderBuffer = Traversable.takeUpTo[Array[Byte]](4 * 1024) transform Iteratee.consume[Array[Byte]]()
val collectHeaders = { buffer =>
val (headerBytes, rest) = Option(buffer.drop(2)).map(b => b.splitAt(b.indexOfSlice(CRLFCRLF))).get
val headerString = new String(headerBytes, "utf-8")
val headers = { header =>
val key :: value = header.trim.split(":").toList
(key.trim.toLowerCase, value.mkString.trim)
val left = rest.drop(CRLFCRLF.length)
(headers, left)
val readPart = collectHeaders.flatMap {
case (headers, left) => Iteratee.flatten(partHandler(headers).feed(Input.El(left)))
val handlePart =[MatchInfo[Array[Byte]]](_.content).transform(readPart)
Traversable.take[Array[Byte]](boundary.size - 2).transform(Iteratee.consume()).flatMap { firstBoundary => transform Iteratee.repeat {
takeUpToBoundary.transform(handlePart).flatMap { part =>
Enumeratee.take(1)(Iteratee.ignore[MatchInfo[Array[Byte]]]).map(_ => part)
}.map(parts => Right(headers -> (parts.size - 1)))
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