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Created September 11, 2014 06:56
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MSYS2 "Open Here" registry settings
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
@="Open MSYS2 here"
@="c:\\msys64\\usr\\bin\\mintty.exe /bin/sh -lc 'cd \"$(cygpath \"%V\")\"; exec bash'"
@="Open MSYS2 here"
@="c:\\msys64\\usr\\bin\\mintty.exe /bin/sh -lc 'cd \"$(cygpath \"%V\")\"; exec bash'"
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ghost commented May 19, 2015

I have created a bash_here.bat file and added c:\msys64\bash_here.bat "%V" in regedit.
Content of bash_here.bat:
@echo off
set curpath="."
if NOT 'x%1' == 'x' set curpath=%1
start %~dp0usr\bin\mintty.exe -i /mingw64/share/git/git-for-windows.ico -t "MSYS2 Bash Here" -w normal /usr/bin/bash -lc 'cd "$(cygpath %curpath%)"; export CHERE_INVOKING=1; exec bash --login -i'

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Thanks everyone! Two notes for people like me who might lack familiarity with .reg files:

  1. These registry entries assume msys64 is installed directly on the C drive.
  2. To get a login shell, you can use the string exactly as magthe posted in his comment if you use the regedit.exe GUI editor to create or modify the entries. If you use a .reg file, you need to escape both the \ and the " characters as magthe did in the original post. Therefore the .reg file lines become:
@="c:\\msys64\\usr\\bin\\mintty.exe /bin/bash -lc 'cd \"$(cygpath \"%V\")\"; export CHERE_INVOKING=1; exec bash --login -i'"

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lianera commented Feb 27, 2016

Here is a solution for mingw64 with .reg file:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

@="Open mingw64 here"

@="c:\\msys64\\usr\\bin\\mintty.exe /bin/sh -lc 'export MSYSTEM=MINGW64;cd \"$(cygpath \"%V\")\";exec bash --login'"

@="Open mingw64 here"

@="c:\\msys64\\usr\\bin\\mintty.exe /bin/sh -lc 'export MSYSTEM=MINGW64;cd \"$(cygpath \"%V\")\";exec bash --login'"

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aronmgv commented Jul 8, 2016

My reg file for all 3 variants..

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

@="MinGW &32 Bash Here"

@="c:\\msys64\\usr\\bin\\mintty.exe /bin/bash -lc 'export MSYSTEM=MINGW32; cd \"$(cygpath \"%V\")\"; export CHERE_INVOKING=1; exec bash --login -i'"

@="MinGW &64 Bash Here"

@="c:\\msys64\\usr\\bin\\mintty.exe /bin/bash -lc 'export MSYSTEM=MINGW64; cd \"$(cygpath \"%V\")\"; export CHERE_INVOKING=1; exec bash --login -i'"

@="MSYS2 Bash Here"

@="c:\\msys64\\usr\\bin\\mintty.exe /bin/bash -lc 'export MSYSTEM=MSYS; cd \"$(cygpath \"%V\")\"; export CHERE_INVOKING=1; exec bash --login -i'"

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coldfix commented Aug 17, 2016

Substitute %V with %V/ in this solution. Without the slash the command breaks for top level directories (i.e. drives) since %V expands to something like C:\ and the trailing backslash breaks the escaping of the quote.

See my fork for a more fixed version.

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Salamandar commented Feb 9, 2017

Hmmm, I got a way simpler solution.

 E:\msys64\mingw64.exe /bin/sh -c 'CHERE_INVOKING=1 $SHELL'

I removed -l because it was losing the current path.
I need $SHELL, as I'm using Zsh.

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fangly commented Mar 30, 2017

With the exec bash solutions above, I always had the following error:

bash: cannot set terminal process group (-1): Inappropriate ioctl for device
bash: no job control in this shell

Based on the content of msys64/mingw64_shell.bat and these Mintty tips, I came up with a working solution. This is for a MinGW64 Bash shell only:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

@="Open MinGW here"

@="C:\\msys64\\usr\\bin\\mintty -i /msys2.ico --dir \"%V/\" /bin/env MSYSTEM=MINGW64 CHERE_INVOKING=1 /usr/bin/bash -l"

@="Open MinGW here"

@="C:\\msys64\\usr\\bin\\mintty -i /msys2.ico --dir \"%1/\" /bin/env MSYSTEM=MINGW64 CHERE_INVOKING=1 /usr/bin/bash -l"

Note that both right-clicking on the background or on the icon of a folder triggers the action.

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makefile commented Dec 4, 2017

The above doesn't work for me,for I use Cygwin64,the following works fine.And I use exec bash to replace the parent shell.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

@="Cygwin Here"

@="d:\\cygwin64\\bin\\mintty.exe /bin/sh -lc 'cd \"`cygpath \"%V\"`\"; exec bash'"

@="Cygwin Here"

@="d:\\cygwin64\\bin\\mintty.exe /bin/sh -lc 'cd \"`cygpath \"%V\"`\"; exec bash'"

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hiptkang commented Dec 1, 2018

For some users...

registry file

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

@="MinGW &64 Bash Here"

@="C:\\msys64\\msys2_shell.cmd -mingw64 -where \"%V/\""

@="MinGW &64 Bash Here"

@="C:\\msys64\\msys2_shell.cmd -mingw64 -where \"%V/\""

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The command lines from @MacGyver27's .reg file worked fine for me so I didn't need to modify it. But here are some things to add that people may want to change to the above files:

  • If you add a key to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell, the menu item will be displayed when you right click on a folder in explorer. If you add a key to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\Background\shell, the menu item will be displayed when you right click on an empty area in a folder in explorer. If you add a key to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Drive\shell, the menu item will be displayed when you right click on a drive. You may or may not want to add all three.
  • If your context menu is too cluttered you may want to enable the item for SHIFT+right clicks only. In this case you should add the following:

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ceremcem commented Aug 6, 2020

For those who want make's autocompletion to work, replace the /command lines with this command, as applied in here.

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Hexlord commented Sep 20, 2020

For some users...

registry file

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

@="MinGW &64 Bash Here"

@="C:\\msys64\\msys2_shell.cmd -mingw64 -where \"%V/\""

@="MinGW &64 Bash Here"

@="C:\\msys64\\msys2_shell.cmd -mingw64 -where \"%V/\""

The only option that worked for me with fresh MSYS2, thank you so much

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wswind commented Nov 2, 2021

C:\\msys64\\msys2_shell.cmd -mingw64 -here works for me.

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