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Last active March 29, 2024 01:55
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  • Save magurofly/3ace701334588aed6920e238bd240075 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save magurofly/3ace701334588aed6920e238bd240075 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
cargo-compete (AtCoder) compete.toml
# Path to the test file (Liquid template)
# Variables:
# - `manifest_dir`: Package directory
# - `contest`: Contest ID (e.g. "abc100")
# - `bin_name`: Name of a `bin` target (e.g. "abc100-a")
# - `bin_alias`: "Alias" for a `bin` target defined in `pacakge.metadata.cargo-compete` (e.g. "a")
# - `problem`: Alias for `bin_alias` (deprecated)
# Additional filters:
# - `kebabcase`: Convert to kebab case (by using the `heck` crate)
test-suite = "{{ manifest_dir }}/testcases/{{ bin_alias }}.yml"
# Open files with the command (`jq` command that outputs `string[] | string[][]`)
# VSCode:
#open = '[["code", "-a", .manifest_dir], ["code"] + (.paths | map([.src, .test_suite]) | flatten)]'
# Emacs:
#open = '["emacsclient", "-n"] + (.paths | map([.src, .test_suite]) | flatten)'
src = '''
#![allow(dead_code, unused_imports, unused_macros, non_snake_case)]
fn main() {
input! {
type Int = i64;
const MOD: Int = 998244353;
// const MOD: Int = 1_000_000_007;
const INF: Int = 1_000_000_000_000_000_000;
const YESNO: [&'static str; 2] = ["Yes", "No"];
use proconio::{input, input_interactive, marker::{Chars, Bytes, Usize1}, source::line::LineSource};
use std::*;
use std::ops::*;
use collections::*; // (BTree|Hash)(Set|Map), BinaryHeap, VecDeque, LinkedList
use cmp::{self, Reverse}; // cmp::{min, max}
// use itertools::*;
use num_traits::*;
use num_integer::*;
fn yes() { println!("{}", YESNO[0]); }
fn no() { println!("{}", YESNO[1]); }
fn yesno(c: bool) { println!("{}", if c { YESNO[0] } else { YESNO[1] }); }
fn say<T: std::fmt::Display>(x: T) -> T { println!("{}", x); x }
fn neighbor4<F: FnMut(usize, usize)>(i: usize, j: usize, h: usize, w: usize, mut f: F) { if i > 0 { (f)(i - 1, j); } if i < h - 1 { (f)(i + 1, j); } if j > 0 { (f)(i, j - 1); } if j < w - 1 { (f)(i, j + 1); } }
trait MyItertools : Iterator + Sized {
fn to_vec(self) -> Vec<Self::Item> { self.collect::<Vec<_>>() }
fn to_vec_rev(self) -> Vec<Self::Item> { let mut v = self.collect::<Vec<_>>(); v.reverse(); v }
fn tally(self) -> HashMap<Self::Item, usize> where Self::Item: Copy + Eq + hash::Hash { let mut counts = HashMap::new(); self.for_each(|item| *counts.entry(item).or_default() += 1 ); counts }
fn count_if<P: Fn(&Self::Item) -> bool>(self, predicate: P) -> usize { self.filter(predicate).count() }
fn implode(self, sep: &str) -> String where Self::Item: std::string::ToString {|x| x.to_string()).to_vec().join(sep) }
fn mex(self, gen: impl IntoIterator<Item = Self::Item>) -> Self::Item where Self::Item: Ord { let mut v = self.collect::<Vec<_>>(); v.sort(); v.dedup(); let mut it = v.into_iter(); gen.into_iter().find(|a| if let Some(x) = { a != &x } else { true }).unwrap() }
impl<T: ?Sized> MyItertools for T where T: Iterator + Sized {}
trait MyOrd : PartialOrd + Sized {
fn chmax(&mut self, mut rhs: Self) -> bool { if self < &mut rhs { *self = rhs; true } else { false } }
fn chmin(&mut self, mut rhs: Self) -> bool { if self > &mut rhs { *self = rhs; true } else { false } }
impl<T: Sized + PartialOrd> MyOrd for T {}
trait MyPrimInt : PrimInt {
/// `self ** e` を `m` で割ったあまりを返す
fn mod_pow(self, mut e: Self, m: Self) -> Self { let (mut a, mut r) = (self, Self::one()); while e > Self::zero() { if e & Self::one() == Self::one() { r = r * a % m; } a = a * a % m; e = e >> 1; } r }
/// 互いに素な場合、 `mod m` における `self` の逆元、そうでない場合、 `self * inv % m == gcd(self, m)` となるような `Err(inv)` を返す
fn mod_inv(self, m: Self) -> Result<Self, Self> { let (g, i) = self.ext_gcd(m); if g.is_one() { Ok(i) } else { Err(i) } }
/// 素数判定をする。 `self < 2**64` の場合は `O(log self)` 、そうでなければ `O(sqrt self)`
fn is_prime(self) -> bool { let u = Self::zero().count_zeros() - self.leading_zeros(); if u <= 8 || u > 64 { self._is_prime_sqrt() } else { self._is_prime_miller_rabin(&if u <= 32 { vec![2, 7, 61] } else { vec![2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17] }.into_iter().map(MyPrimInt::convert).collect::<Vec<_>>()) } }
fn _is_prime_sqrt(self) -> bool { let mut k = 2.convert(); while k * k <= self { if (self % k).is_zero() { return false; } k = k + Self::one(); } true }
fn _is_prime_miller_rabin(self, bases: &[Self]) -> bool { if self <= Self::one() { return false; } for &a in bases { if self == a { return true; } if (self % a).is_zero() { return false; } } let mut d = self - Self::one(); d = d >> d.trailing_zeros() as usize; for &a in bases { let mut t = d; let mut y = a.mod_pow(t, self); while !(self - t).is_one() && !y.is_one() && !(self - y).is_one() { y = y * y % self; t = t << 1; } if !(self - y).is_one() && (t % 2.convert()).is_zero() { return false; } } true }
/// 拡張ユークリッドの互助法 `(gcd(self, a), x)` s.t. `self * x + a * y == gcd(self, a)` for some y
// fn ext_gcd(self, a: Self) -> (Self, Self, Self) { if self < a { let (g, y, x) = a.ext_gcd(self); (g, x, y) } else if a.is_zero() { (self, Self::one(), Self::one()) } else { let (g, y, x) = a.ext_gcd(self % a); (g, x, y - x * (self / a)) } }
fn ext_gcd(self, x: Self) -> (Self, Self) { let y = self % x; if y.is_zero() { return (x, y); } let (mut p, mut q) = ((x, Self::zero()), (y, Self::one())); while !q.0.is_zero() { let u = p.0 / q.0; p = (p.0 - q.0 * u, p.1 - q.1 * u); std::mem::swap(&mut p, &mut q); } if p.0 < Self::zero() { p.0 = p.0 + x / p.0; } p }
/// `(self / other).ceil()`
fn ceiling_div(self, other: Self) -> Self { (self + other - Self::one()) / other }
/// `(self / unit).floor() * unit`
fn align_floor(self, unit: Self) -> Self { (self / unit) * unit }
/// `(self / unit).ceil() * unit`
fn align_ceil(self, unit: Self) -> Self { self.ceiling_div(unit) * unit }
/// 他の整数型に変換する
fn convert<T: PrimInt>(self) -> T { <T as NumCast>::from(self).unwrap() }
fn pow(self, mut e: Self) -> Self { let (mut a, mut r) = (self, Self::one()); while e > Self::zero() { if e & Self::one() == Self::one() { r = r * a; } a = a * a; e = e >> 1; } r }
/// base を基数としたときの各桁を求める( 0 のときは vec![0] )
fn digits(mut self, base: Self) -> Vec<Self> { assert!(base > Self::zero()); let mut d = vec![]; while self != Self::zero() { d.push(self % base); self = self / base; } d.reverse(); if d.is_empty() { d.push(Self::zero()); }; d }
impl<T: PrimInt> MyPrimInt for T {}
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Default)]
pub struct BTreeMultiset<T: Ord> { len: usize, set: BTreeMap<T, usize> }
impl<'a, T: Ord> BTreeMultiset<T> {
pub fn new() -> Self { Self { len: 0, set: BTreeMap::new() } }
pub fn len(&self) -> usize { self.len }
pub fn count(&self, x: &T) -> usize { self.set.get(x).copied().unwrap_or(0) }
pub fn insert_multiple(&mut self, x: T, count: usize) -> usize { self.len += count; let n = self.set.entry(x).or_insert(0); *n += count; *n }
pub fn insert(&mut self, x: T) -> usize { self.insert_multiple(x, 1) }
pub fn remove_multiple(&mut self, x: &T, count: usize) -> usize { if let Some(n) = self.set.get_mut(x) { let n0 = *n; *n = n0.saturating_sub(count); let n = *n; self.len -= n0 - n; if n == 0 { self.set.remove(x); } n } else { 0 } }
pub fn remove(&mut self, x: &T) -> usize { self.remove_multiple(x, 1) }
pub fn iter(&'a self) -> btree_map::Iter<'a, T, usize> { self.set.iter() }
pub fn into_iter(self) -> btree_map::IntoIter<T, usize> { self.set.into_iter() }
pub fn keys(&'a self) -> btree_map::Keys<'a, T, usize> { self.set.keys() }
pub fn range(&'a self, range: impl RangeBounds<T>) -> btree_map::Range<'a, T, usize> { self.set.range(range) }
# `edition` for `Cargo.toml`.
edition = "2018"
# `profile` for `Cargo.toml`.
# By setting this, you can run tests with `opt-level=3` while enabling `debug-assertions` and `overflow-checks`.
#profile = '''
#opt-level = 3
dependencies = '''
ac-library-rs = "=0.1.1"
once_cell = "=1.18.0"
static_assertions = "=1.1.0"
varisat = "=0.2.2"
memoise = "=0.3.2"
argio = "=0.2.0"
bitvec = "=1.0.1"
counter = "=0.5.7"
hashbag = "=0.1.11"
pathfinding = "=4.3.0"
recur-fn = "=2.2.0"
indexing = "=0.4.1"
amplify = "=3.14.2"
amplify_derive = "=2.11.3"
amplify_num = "=0.4.1"
easy-ext = "=1.0.1"
multimap = "=0.9.0"
btreemultimap = "=0.1.1"
bstr = "=1.6.0"
az = "=1.2.1"
glidesort = "=0.1.2"
tap = "=1.0.1"
omniswap = "=0.1.0"
multiversion = "=0.7.2"
num = "=0.4.1"
num-bigint = "=0.4.3"
num-complex = "=0.4.3"
num-integer = "=0.1.45"
num-iter = "=0.1.43"
num-rational = "=0.4.1"
num-traits = "=0.2.15"
num-derive = "=0.4.0"
ndarray = "=0.15.6"
nalgebra = "=0.32.3"
alga = "=0.9.3"
libm = "=0.2.7"
rand = "=0.8.5"
getrandom = "=0.2.10"
rand_chacha = "=0.3.1"
rand_core = "=0.6.4"
rand_hc = "=0.3.2"
rand_pcg = "=0.3.1"
rand_distr = "=0.4.3"
petgraph = "=0.6.3"
indexmap = "=2.0.0"
regex = "=1.9.1"
lazy_static = "=1.4.0"
ordered-float = "=3.7.0"
ascii = "=1.1.0"
permutohedron = "=0.2.4"
superslice = "=1.0.0"
itertools = "=0.11.0"
itertools-num = "=0.1.3"
maplit = "=1.0.2"
either = "=1.8.1"
im-rc = "=15.1.0"
fixedbitset = "=0.4.2"
bitset-fixed = "=0.1.0"
proconio = { version = "=0.4.5", features = [ "derive" ] }
text_io = "=0.1.12"
rustc-hash = "=1.1.0"
smallvec = "=1.11.0"
kind = "cargo-compete"
# Platform
# - atcoder
# - codeforces
# - yukicoder
platform = "atcoder"
# Path (Liquid template)
# Variables:
# - `contest`: Contest ID. **May be nil**
# - `package_name`: Package name
path = "./{{ contest }}"
#kind = "oj-api"
#url = "{{ id }}"
#path = "./{{ contest }}"
# for Library-Checker
#url = "{{ args[0] }}"
##is-contest = ["false"] # optional
##target-kind = "bin" # ["bin", "example"]. default to "bin"
#bin-name = '{{ args[0] }}'
##bin-alias = '{{ args[0] }}' # optional
##bin-src-path = './src/bin/{{ bin_alias }}.rs' # optional
# for yukicoder
#url = '{% case args[0] %}{% when "contest" %}{{ args[1] }}{% when "problem" %}{{ args[1] }}{% endcase %}'
#is-contest = ["bash", "-c", '[[ $(cut -d / -f 4) == "contests" ]]'] # optional
##target-kind = "bin" # ["bin", "example"]. default to "bin"
#bin-name = '{% assign segments = url | split: "/" %}{{ segments[5] }}'
##bin-alias = '{% assign segments = url | split: "/" %}{{ segments[5] }}' # optional
##bin-src-path = './src/bin/{{ bin_alias }}.rs' # optional
# Toolchain for the test. (optional)
toolchain = "1.70.0"
# Profile for `cargo build`. ("dev" | "release")
# Defaults to `"dev"`.
#profile = "dev"
kind = "command"
args = ["cargo", "equip", "--exclude-atcoder-202301-crates", "--remove", "docs", "--minify", "libs", "--no-rustfmt", "--bin", "{{ bin_name }}"]
language_id = "5054"
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