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Created April 10, 2018 15:13
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  • Save mahamshahid18/be1ca4fdfe24ea2e6e66ef32fc74cb25 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save mahamshahid18/be1ca4fdfe24ea2e6e66ef32fc74cb25 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
  • Install pre-reqs (Git, JDK 1.8, Python 2.7, Node version > 6.11)
  • Clone Repo
  • Install Google Cloud SDK (download and install the version you need, afterwards run this command: install.bat --path-update true)
  • Verify if Google Cloud SDK is installed correctly (run in terminal: gcloud version)
  • Get the App Engine Java SDK (run in terminal: gcloud -q components install app-engine-java)
  • Verify if App Engine SDK was correctly installed (run in terminal: gcloud version and there should be an entry on app-engine-java)
  • run in terminal: npm install
  • run in terminal: gradlew.bat createConfigs
  • Modify the file (if you're using a version of JDK which is not defined in PATH -- its value will be added to
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