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Created December 4, 2020 14:17
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sign a multi sig transaction in the format of P2SH in go
package main
import (
func SpendMultiSig() (string, error) {
// you can use your wif
wifStr1 := "cQpHXfs91s5eR9PWXui6qo2xjoJb2X3VdUspwKXe4A8Dybvut2rL"
wif1, err := btcutil.DecodeWIF(wifStr1)
if err != nil {
return "", err
// public key extracted from wif.PrivKey
pk1 := wif1.PrivKey.PubKey().SerializeCompressed()
wifStr2 := "cVgxEkRBtnfvd41ssd4PCsiemahAHidFrLWYoDBMNojUeME8dojZ"
wif2, err := btcutil.DecodeWIF(wifStr2)
if err != nil {
return "", err
pk2 := wif2.PrivKey.PubKey().SerializeCompressed()
wifStr3 := "cPXZBMz5pKytwCyUNAdq94R9VafU8L2QmAW8uw3gKrzjuCWCd3TM"
wif3, err := btcutil.DecodeWIF(wifStr3)
if err != nil {
return "", nil
pk3 := wif3.PrivKey.PubKey().SerializeCompressed()
// create redeem script for 2 of 3 multi-sig
builder := txscript.NewScriptBuilder()
// add the minimum number of needed signatures
// add the 3 public key
// add the total number of public keys in the multi-sig screipt
// add the check-multi-sig op-code
// redeem script is the script program in the format of []byte
redeemScript, err := builder.Script()
if err != nil {
return "", err
redeemTx := wire.NewMsgTx(wire.TxVersion)
// you should provide your UTXO hash
utxoHash, err := chainhash.NewHashFromStr( "b14e1fda5f3f74cfceb43bce9b35b0bbe3d5666d21cc802b30dc2fb738a475fe")
if err != nil {
return "", nil
// and add the index of the UTXO
outPoint := wire.NewOutPoint(utxoHash, 1)
txIn := wire.NewTxIn(outPoint, nil, nil)
// adding the output to tx
decodedAddr, err := btcutil.DecodeAddress("mxnMVvGkEsC8YQeUXoos9MXJSne9UVnbCS", &chaincfg.TestNet3Params)
if err != nil {
return "", err
destinationAddrByte, err := txscript.PayToAddrScript(decodedAddr)
if err != nil {
return "", err
// adding the destination address and the amount to the transaction
redeemTxOut := wire.NewTxOut(43000, destinationAddrByte)
// signing the tx
sig1, err := txscript.RawTxInSignature(redeemTx, 0, redeemScript, txscript.SigHashAll, wif1.PrivKey)
if err != nil {
return "", err
//sig2, err := txscript.RawTxInSignature(redeemTx, 0, redeemScript, txscript.SigHashAll, wif2.PrivKey)
//if err != nil {
// return "", err
sig3, err := txscript.RawTxInSignature(redeemTx, 0, redeemScript, txscript.SigHashAll, wif3.PrivKey)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("got error in constructing sig3")
return "", err
signature := txscript.NewScriptBuilder()
signatureScript, err := signature.Script()
if err != nil {
// Handle the error.
return "", err
redeemTx.TxIn[0].SignatureScript = signatureScript
var signedTx bytes.Buffer
hexSignedTx := hex.EncodeToString(signedTx.Bytes())
return hexSignedTx, nil
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