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mahemoff /
Created January 9, 2019 00:37
Fixing Docker error on Ubuntu 16.04

As here, but refined ...

Create or edit /etc/systemd/system/containerd.service.d/override.conf to contain just this:

[Service] ExecStartPre=

To make it happen:

  • systemctl daemon-reload
mahemoff / Ansible Disk Check
Last active February 6, 2024 23:33
Show disk space and warn about disk full in Ansible
* Shows a message while asserting like:
ok: [host] => {
"msg": "disk usage 4.2B of total 20.0GB (21.0%) (should be within limit 90.0%)"
* Note this only looks at first mount point on current node
* Fails if disk is near-full
* Last step pushes to a push-based monitoring service, which will alert us if it doesn't get there after some time
* Need to setup a variable `disk_limit`, which is the max acceptable usage ratio, e.g. set it to 0.8 if you want to keep disks within 80% of max size
mahemoff / gist:07c0c3427aa3eb3c0abc07f76fc68279
Created September 15, 2018 08:24
Show disk space and warn about disk full in Ansible
- name: show disk space
debug: msg="{{ ((mount.size_total - mount.size_available) / 1000000000) | round(1,'common') }}GB of {{ (mount.size_total / 1000000000)|round(
1, 'common') }}GB ({{ (100 * ( (mount.size_total - mount.size_available) / mount.size_available)) | round(1, 'common')}}%)"
mount: "{{ ansible_mounts | first }}"
tags: disk
- name: e
mahemoff /
Last active August 6, 2018 09:58
Verifying Google OAuth auth code on the back-end

This is the "missing Ruby example" for the ID flow example at

It's easy enough to get an auth code like "4/BlahBlahBlah...", but I couldn't find any working examples on how to exchange it for the access code and encoded ID.

To use this, you need to access Google's API console, and under "credentials" establish a client ID and secret, which should go in your environment. (Most examples will use the "secrets.json" file, but I don't want to keep a separate config file for every platform, so it's better to put them in something like Rails' secret.yml or Figaro).

The auth_code is obtained from your web or native client using Google's front-end libraries. The client posts it to your own back-end, which does the exchange and verifies+stores the result. Note the redirect URI must be configured in Google's "credentials" console, otherwise the call will fail (even though it serves no purpose in this context; it's only needed for a non-JavaScript

mahemoff / linodecost.rb
Created June 20, 2018 08:50
Report monthly Linode cost
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'byebug'
require 'linode'
require 'awesome_print'
# setup API access - key is in file
open('/etc/linode.conf').read =~ /api_key: (.+)/
lin = key).linode

MySQL backup commands and sizes

Adventures in storing and backing up a typical database using innobackupex and gpg. Using gzipped tar due to ubiquity, even though it's possibly 10-20% worse on perf/storage.


PREPARED (ie ready to move to MySQL folder)

  • 2800MB Uncompressed and prepared (roughly the size of live database)
  • 21000MB Uncompressed before compression
  • 700MB Crypted+Compressed (ideal for external storage)
mahemoff / bench.rb
Last active March 11, 2018 08:36
Benchmarking performance of persistent HTTP requests
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'uri'
require 'net/http'
require 'benchmark'
# dummy fetch first URL to baseline setup (ensures DNS and any routing
# optimisations done)
def prime_fetching(urls)
ignored = Net::HTTP.get_response(URI(urls.first))
mahemoff / MySQL monitoring
Last active January 28, 2018 13:56
MySQL one-liner for monitoring long queries on the console
| 2786271 | appy | borg:89700 | global_app_center | Query | 12 | updating | SELECT `posts` FROM `blog` WHERE `authors`.`id` IN ( 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2.. | |
mahemoff / gist:f828acf69bd00d8db06b085221c92b3e
Created October 12, 2017 21:43
AWS backup folder from command-line with compression and encryption
### Install Python and aws
[pip install awscli](
You may need to add it to your path, e.g. export PATH="$PATH:/home/player/.local/bin"
### Setup AWS S3 bucket
* In S3, create a new backup bucket. You may wish to set it up with versioning and lifecycle management rules so that you can just keep pushing to the same object and old versions will be deleted and/or moved to Glacier. Also recommended to establish tags and logging if cost is likely to be significant and therefore should be tracked.
* In IAM, create a programmatic user and ensure it has an access key and secret access key
*Places Geek*
Unusual places,_Washington - US coastal enclave in Canada - Triple enclave until 2015 (Indian enclave inside Bangladeshi enclave inside Indian enclave inside Bangladesh) - UK house address twins, including 2 Manchester houses beside each other with same address