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Created June 18, 2021 14:13
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A timer that race to a given time and declutters activity.
import android.os.CountDownTimer
import androidx.lifecycle.*
* Any lifecycle owner that need a timer should implement this.
interface TimerCallback : LifecycleOwner {
fun onTick(millisUntilFinished: Long)
fun onTimeOut()
* Countdown timer that is aware of lifecycle of activity/fragment. It avoids need to implement
* lifecycle methods on the caller end and enforce to implement `onTick` and `onTimeOut`. Also delivers
* the timeout when activity/fragment resumed if the time is past.
* Caller should make sure to keep reference to the timer and start & discard to make sure duplicate
* timers not running in parallel. Once the timer finish it will off-hook itself.
* Usage:
* ```kotlin
* val timer: LifecycleAwareTimer? = null
* fun startMyTimer()
* {
* val duration = 10*1000 // 10 sec timer
* timer?.discardTimer() // discard old timer to avoid
* timer = LifecycleAwareTimer(duration = duration, interval = 1000, this@SomeActivity/Fragment)
* timer?.startTimer()
* }
* ```
class LifecycleAwareTimer(
private val duration: Long,
private val interval: Long,
private val callback: TimerCallback
) : LifecycleObserver {
private val stopAt: Long = System.currentTimeMillis() + duration
private var timer: CountDownTimer? = null
private val expired: Boolean
get() = (stopAt - System.currentTimeMillis()) <= 0
init {
* Create and start a CountDownTimer if needed. Also discards the previous timer (since timer
* cannot be resumed and always start at the initial eta).
fun startTimer() {
timer = null
val eta = stopAt - System.currentTimeMillis()
timer = object : CountDownTimer(
eta, interval) {
override fun onTick(millisUntilFinished: Long) {
override fun onFinish() {
* Cancels the timer and off-hook from lifecycle callbacks
fun discardTimer() {
fun onResume() {
if (expired) {
} else {
fun onPause() {
fun onDestroy() {
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