INSERT GRAPHIC HERE (include hyperlink in image)
Subtitle or Short Description Goes Here
alias cd2="cd ..;cd ..;" | |
alias postman="/home/newbie/Downloads/Postman/Postman" | |
alias vscodium="codium" | |
#alias cd2="cd ../../" | |
#alias attendance="source /home/mahesh/PycharmProjects/odoo_selenium_attendance/venv/bin/activate;python3 /home/mahesh/PycharmProjects/odoo_selenium_attendance/;deactivate" | |
alias clip="xclip -sel clip" | |
alias ls="ls --color=auto" | |
alias google="ping" | |
alias lsh="ls -lhXG" | |
alias cd3="cd ..;cd ..;cd .." |
set title " change title of terminal to buffer name | |
colorscheme seoul256 | |
"set autochdir " automatically change directory to the dir of curent buffer | |
set hidden " hide buffers instead of closing them | |
set nocompatible |