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Topmost window via CGWindow
NSWindow *topmostAppWindowAtPoint(CGPoint screenPoint)
const CGWindowLevel kScreensaverWindowLevel = CGWindowLevelForKey(kCGScreenSaverWindowLevelKey);
/* This function returns a pointer to the app's topmost NSWindow that
the point `screenPoint` is over. The important distinction here is that
this function takes _all_ system windows into consideration and will return
`nil` if there is a system window (or NSMenu etc.) that the cursor
is over which is atop the app window, which is information that
can't otherwise be gleaned by checking against `[NSApp orderedWindows]` etc.
This is useful in cases where you need to know e.g. what window the cursor is
*really* over, whether it is a window in your app, or a menu in the menubar, etc.
pid_t appPID = [[NSRunningApplication currentApplication] processIdentifier];
NSWindow *appWindow = nil;
CFArrayRef windowArray = CGWindowListCopyWindowInfo(kCGWindowListOptionOnScreenOnly | kCGWindowListExcludeDesktopElements, kCGNullWindowID);
CFIndex windowCount = 0;
NSRect mainScreenRect = NSScreen.mainScreen.frame;
float mainScreenHeight = mainScreenRect.size.height;
/* Flip the screen coord point Y here to match what the CGWindow expects */
screenPoint.y = mainScreenHeight - screenPoint.y;
if ((windowCount = CFArrayGetCount(windowArray)))
for (CFIndex i = 0; i < windowCount; i++)
NSDictionary *windowInfoDictionary = (__bridge NSDictionary *)((CFDictionaryRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(windowArray, i));
NSNumber *ownerPID = (NSNumber *)(windowInfoDictionary[(id)kCGWindowOwnerPID]);
NSNumber *level = (NSNumber *)(windowInfoDictionary[(id)kCGWindowLayer]);
if (ownerPID.intValue == appPID)
/* We are concerned with menus or application windows etc., anything
at or above screensaver level (1000) we just assume is something special
that we should ignore, and skip it. */
if (level.integerValue < kScreensaverWindowLevel)
CGRect rect = NSZeroRect;
CGRectMakeWithDictionaryRepresentation((CFDictionaryRef)(windowInfoDictionary[(id)kCGWindowBounds]), &rect);
if (CGRectContainsPoint(rect, screenPoint))
NSNumber *windowID = windowInfoDictionary[(id)kCGWindowNumber];
appWindow = [NSApp windowWithWindowNumber:windowID.integerValue];
return appWindow;
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