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Created July 12, 2016 22:36
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FailureAccrualFactory.scala with additional logs
package com.twitter.finagle.service
import com.twitter.conversions.time._
import com.twitter.finagle.Stack.{Params, Role}
import com.twitter.finagle._
import com.twitter.finagle.client.Transporter
import com.twitter.finagle.service.exp.FailureAccrualPolicy
import com.twitter.finagle.stats.StatsReceiver
import com.twitter.finagle.util.DefaultLogger
import com.twitter.logging.Level
import com.twitter.util._
import java.util.logging.Logger
import scala.util.Random
object FailureAccrualFactory {
private[finagle] def wrapper(
statsReceiver: StatsReceiver,
failureAccrualPolicy: FailureAccrualPolicy,
label: String,
logger: Logger,
endpoint: Address,
responseClassifier: ResponseClassifier
timer: Timer
): ServiceFactoryWrapper = {
new ServiceFactoryWrapper {
def andThen[Req, Rep](factory: ServiceFactory[Req, Rep]) =
new FailureAccrualFactory(
private[this] val rng = new Random
private[finagle] val defaultConsecutiveFailures = 5
// Use equalJittered backoff in order to wait more time in between
// each revival attempt on successive failures; if an endpoint has failed
// previous requests, it is likely to do so again. The recent
// "failure history" should influence how long to mark the endpoint
// dead for.
private[finagle] val jitteredBackoff: Stream[Duration] =
Backoff.equalJittered(5.seconds, 300.seconds)
private[finagle] val defaultPolicy =
() => FailureAccrualPolicy.consecutiveFailures(defaultConsecutiveFailures, jitteredBackoff)
* Add jitter in `markDeadFor` to reduce correlation.
* Return a () => Duration type that can be used in Param.
def perturb(
markDeadFor: Duration,
perturbation: Float = 0.1f,
rand: Random = rng
): () => Duration =
() => {
val ms = markDeadFor.inMilliseconds
(ms + ms*rand.nextFloat()*perturbation).toInt.milliseconds
val role = Stack.Role("FailureAccrual")
* An ADT representing a [[FailureAccrualFactory]]s [[Stack.Param]], which is one of the following:
* 1. [[Param.Configured]] - configures failure accrual
* 2. [[Param.Replaced]] - replaces the standard implementation with the given one
* 3. [[Param.Disabled]] - completely disables this role in the underlying stack
sealed trait Param {
def mk(): (Param, Stack.Param[Param]) = (this, Param.param)
private[finagle] object Param {
case class Configured(failureAccrualPolicy: () => FailureAccrualPolicy) extends Param
case class Replaced(factory: Timer => ServiceFactoryWrapper) extends Param
case object Disabled extends Param
implicit val param: Stack.Param[Param] = Stack.Param(Param.Configured(defaultPolicy))
// -Implementation notes-
// We have to provide these wrapper functions that produce params instead of calling constructors
// on case classes by the following reasons:
// 1. The param inserted into Stack.Params should be casted to its base type in order to tell
// the compiler what implicit value to look up.
// 2. It's not possible to construct a triply-nested Scala class in Java using the sane API.
// See
* Configures the [[FailureAccrualFactory]].
* Note there is a Java-friendly method in the API that takes `Duration` as a value, not a function.
* @param numFailures The number of consecutive failures before marking an endpoint as dead.
* @param markDeadFor The duration to mark an endpoint as dead.
* @see The [[ user guide]]
* for more details.
def Param(numFailures: Int, markDeadFor: () => Duration): Param =
Param.Configured(() => FailureAccrualPolicy.consecutiveFailures(
numFailures, Backoff.fromFunction(markDeadFor)))
* Configures the [[FailureAccrualFactory]].
* @param numFailures The number of consecutive failures before marking an endpoint as dead.
* @param markDeadFor The duration to mark an endpoint as dead.
* @see The [[ user guide]]
* for more details.
def Param(numFailures: Int, markDeadFor: Duration): Param =
Param.Configured(() => FailureAccrualPolicy.consecutiveFailures(numFailures,
* Configures the [[FailureAccrualFactory]].
* @param failureAccrualPolicy The policy to use to determine when to mark an endpoint as dead.
* @see The [[ user guide]]
* for more details.
def Param(failureAccrualPolicy: () => FailureAccrualPolicy): Param =
* Replaces the [[FailureAccrualFactory]] with the [[ServiceFactoryWrapper]]
* returned by the given function `factory`.
private[finagle] def Replaced(factory: Timer => ServiceFactoryWrapper): Param =
* Replaces the [[FailureAccrualFactory]] with the given [[ServiceFactoryWrapper]] `factory`.
private[finagle] def Replaced(factory: ServiceFactoryWrapper): Param =
Param.Replaced(_ => factory)
* Disables the [[FailureAccrualFactory]].
private[finagle] val Disabled: Param = Param.Disabled
* Creates a [[com.twitter.finagle.Stackable]] [[com.twitter.finagle.service.FailureAccrualFactory]].
def module[Req, Rep]: Stackable[ServiceFactory[Req, Rep]] =
new Stack.ModuleParams[ServiceFactory[Req, Rep]] {
val role: Role = FailureAccrualFactory.role
val description: String = "Backoff from hosts that we cannot successfully make requests to"
override def parameters: Seq[Stack.Param[_]] = Seq(
def make(params: Params, next: ServiceFactory[Req, Rep]): ServiceFactory[Req, Rep] = {
params[FailureAccrualFactory.Param] match {
case Param.Configured(p) =>
val timer = params[param.Timer].timer
val statsReceiver = params[param.Stats].statsReceiver
val label = params[param.Label].label
val logger = params[param.Logger].log
val classifier = params[param.ResponseClassifier].responseClassifier
val endpoint = params[Transporter.EndpointAddr].addr
wrapper(statsReceiver, p(), label, logger, endpoint, classifier)(timer)
case Param.Replaced(f) =>
case Param.Disabled =>
// The FailureAccrualFactory transitions between Alive, Dead, ProbeOpen,
// and ProbeClosed. The factory starts in the Alive state. After numFailures
// failures, the factory transitions to Dead. When it is revived,
// it transitions to ProbeOpen. After a request is received,
// it transitions to ProbeClosed and cannot accept any further requests until
// the initial request is satisfied. If the request is successful, it
// transitions back to Alive, otherwise Dead.
// The transitions can be visualized using the state diagram:
// ,<-----------.
// Alive |
// | ,---ProbeClosed
// ∨ ∨ ^
// Dead |
// `---> ProbeOpen
protected[finagle] sealed trait State
protected[finagle] object Alive extends State
protected[finagle] object Dead extends State
protected[finagle] object ProbeOpen extends State
protected[finagle] object ProbeClosed extends State
* A [[com.twitter.finagle.ServiceFactory]] that accrues failures, marking
* itself unavailable when deemed unhealthy according to its configuration.
* This acts as a request driven
* [[ circuit breaker]].
* When used in a typical Finagle client, there is one instance per node
* and as such, the load balancer will avoid nodes that are marked down
* via failure accrual.
* @param responseClassifier used to determine which request/response pairs
* are successful or not.
* @see The [[ user guide]]
* for more details.
class FailureAccrualFactory[Req, Rep] private[finagle](
underlying: ServiceFactory[Req, Rep],
failureAccrualPolicy: FailureAccrualPolicy,
timer: Timer,
statsReceiver: StatsReceiver,
label: String = "",
logger: Logger = DefaultLogger,
endpoint: Address = Address.failing,
responseClassifier: ResponseClassifier = ResponseClassifier.Default)
extends ServiceFactory[Req, Rep] { svcFacSelf =>
import FailureAccrualFactory._
def this(
underlying: ServiceFactory[Req, Rep],
numFailures: Int,
markDeadFor: Duration,
timer: Timer,
statsReceiver: StatsReceiver,
label: String,
logger: Logger,
endpoint: Address,
responseClassifier: ResponseClassifier
) = this(
FailureAccrualPolicy.consecutiveFailures(numFailures, Backoff.const(markDeadFor)),
def this(
underlying: ServiceFactory[Req, Rep],
numFailures: Int,
markDeadFor: Duration,
timer: Timer,
statsReceiver: StatsReceiver,
label: String,
logger: Logger,
endpoint: Address
) = this(
FailureAccrualPolicy.consecutiveFailures(numFailures, Backoff.const(markDeadFor)),
// writes to `state` and `reviveTimerTask` are synchronized on `svcFacSelf`
@volatile private[this] var state: State = Alive
private[this] var reviveTimerTask: Option[TimerTask] = None
private[this] val removalCounter = statsReceiver.counter("removals")
private[this] val revivalCounter = statsReceiver.counter("revivals")
private[this] val probesCounter = statsReceiver.counter("probes")
private[this] val removedForCounter = statsReceiver.counter("removed_for_ms")
private[this] def didFail() = svcFacSelf.synchronized {
state match {
case Alive | ProbeClosed =>
failureAccrualPolicy.markDeadOnFailure() match {
case Some(duration) => markDeadFor(duration)
case None if state == ProbeClosed =>
// The probe request failed, but the policy tells us that we
// should not mark dead. We probe again in an attempt to
// resolve this ambiguity, but we could also mark dead for a
// fixed period of time, or even mark alive.
case None =>
case _ =>
private[this] val onServiceAcquisitionFailure: Throwable => Unit = { _ =>
logger.log(Level.WARNING, s"""***FailureAccrualFactory: onServiceAcquisitionFailure for "$label"""")
protected def isSuccess(reqRep: ReqRep): Boolean =
responseClassifier.applyOrElse(reqRep, ResponseClassifier.Default) match {
case ResponseClass.Successful(_) => true
case ResponseClass.Failed(_) => false
protected def didSucceed(): Unit = svcFacSelf.synchronized {
// Only count revivals when the probe succeeds.
state match {
case ProbeClosed =>
logger.log(Level.WARNING, s"""***FailureAccrualFactory: ALIVE for "$label"""")
state = Alive
case _ =>
private[this] def markDeadFor(duration: Duration) = svcFacSelf.synchronized {
// In order to have symmetry with the revival counter, don't count removals
// when probing fails.
if (state == Alive) removalCounter.incr()
state = Dead
logger.log(Level.WARNING, s"""***FailureAccrualFactory: DEAD for "$label"""")
val timerTask = timer.schedule(duration.fromNow) { startProbing() }
reviveTimerTask = Some(timerTask)
logger.log(Level.WARNING, s"""***FailureAccrualFactory marking connection to "$label" as dead. Remote Address: ${endpoint.toString()}""")
* Called by FailureAccrualFactory after marking an endpoint dead. Override
* this method to perform additional actions.
protected def didMarkDead() = {}
* Enter 'Probing' state.
* The service must satisfy one request before accepting more.
protected def startProbing() = svcFacSelf.synchronized {
logger.log(Level.WARNING, s"""***FailureAccrualFactory: startProbing for "$label"""")
state = ProbeOpen
* Exit 'Probing' state (if necessary)
* The follow-on operation (i.e. the result of first request while probing) will determine
* whether the factory transitions to Alive (successful) or Dead (unsuccessful).
private[this] def stopProbing() = {
state match {
case ProbeOpen =>
logger.log(Level.WARNING, s"""***FailureAccrualFactory: stopProbing for "$label"""")
svcFacSelf.synchronized {
state match {
case ProbeOpen =>
state = ProbeClosed
case _ =>
case _ =>
def apply(conn: ClientConnection) = {
underlying(conn).map { service =>
// N.B. the reason we can't simply filter the service factory is so that
// we can override the session status to reflect the broader endpoint status.
new Service[Req, Rep] {
def apply(request: Req): Future[Rep] = {
// If service has just been revived, accept no further requests.
// Note: Another request may have come in before state transitions to
// ProbeClosed, so > 1 requests may be processing while in the
// ProbeClosed state. The result of first to complete will determine
// whether the factory transitions to Alive (successful) or Dead
// (unsuccessful).
// Invoke service
service(request).respond { rep =>
if (isSuccess(ReqRep(request, rep))) didSucceed()
else didFail()
override def close(deadline: Time): Future[Unit] = service.close(deadline)
override def status: Status = Status.worst(service.status,
override def status: Status = state match {
case Alive | ProbeOpen => underlying.status
case Dead | ProbeClosed => Status.Busy
protected[this] def getState: State = state
private[this] def cancelReviveTimerTask(): Unit = svcFacSelf.synchronized {
reviveTimerTask = None
def close(deadline: Time): Future[Unit] = underlying.close(deadline).ensure {
override def toString = s"failure_accrual_${underlying.toString}"
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