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Last active June 1, 2023 10:38
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Extend WordPress REST API with custom rest fields and endpoints
* Register custom rest fields
add_action( 'rest_api_init', 'register_custom_fields' );
* Register rest fields and endpoint
* @return void
function register_custom_fields() {
// Register post attachment url field
register_rest_field( 'post', 'attachment_url',
//register_rest_field( array('post', 'suggestion' ), 'attachment_url',
'get_callback' => 'get_attachment_url' ,
'update_callback' => 'set_attachment_url' ,
'show_in_rest' => true,
'auth_callback' => 'attachment_url_permission_check',
// Register post thumbs_up and thumbs_down field
register_rest_field( 'post', 'thumbs_up',
'get_callback' => 'get_thumbs_up' ,
'update_callback' => 'set_thumbs_up' ,
'show_in_rest' => true,
'auth_callback' => 'permission_check',
register_rest_field( 'post', 'thumbs_down',
'get_callback' => 'get_thumbs_down' ,
'update_callback' => 'set_thumbs_down' ,
'show_in_rest' => true,
'auth_callback' => 'permission_check',
// Register suggestions up/down votes
register_rest_field( 'suggestion', 'up_vote',
'get_callback' => 'get_up_vote' ,
'update_callback' => 'set_up_vote' ,
'show_in_rest' => true,
'auth_callback' => 'permission_check',
register_rest_field( 'suggestion', 'down_vote',
'get_callback' => 'get_down_vote' ,
'update_callback' => 'set_up_vote' ,
'show_in_rest' => true,
'auth_callback' => 'permission_check',
// Register endpoint:
register_rest_route( 'powerapi/v1', '/siteinformation', array(
'methods' => 'GET',
'callback' => 'get_site_information'
) );
// Register endpoint:
register_rest_route( 'powerapi/v1', 'things', array(
'methods' => 'GET, POST, DELETE',
'callback' => 'get_the_things',
'args' => array(
'id' => array( 'validate_callback' => 'validate_id' ),
'title' => array( 'validate_callback' => 'validate_id' )
'permission_callback' => 'permission_check',
// Register endpoint:
register_rest_route( 'powerapi/v1', 'things/(?P<link_id>\d+)', array(
'methods' => 'GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE',
'callback' => 'get_one_thing',
'args' => array(
'id' => array( 'validate_callback' => 'validate_id' ),
'title' => array( 'validate_callback' => 'validate_id' )
'permission_callback' => 'permission_check',
* Retrieve information for a custom endpoint
* @return WP_Rest_Response
function get_site_information() {
return new WP_Rest_Response( array(
'pages' => wp_count_posts('page'),
'posts' => wp_count_posts('post'),
'suggestion' => wp_count_posts('suggestion'),
) );
* Register 'suggestion' post type and make it available through the rest API
* Accessible through /wp/v2/suggestions
add_action( 'init', 'register_suggestions_post_type' );
function register_suggestions_post_type() {
$args = array(
'label' => 'Suggestions',
'public' => true,
'show_ui' => true,
'show_in_menu' => true,
'show_in_rest' => true, // /wp/v2/suggestions
'rest_base' => 'suggestions',
'menu_icon' => 'dashicons-lightbulb',
'supports' => array( 'title', 'excerpt', 'thumbnail')
register_post_type( 'suggestion', $args );
* Get the thumbnail url of a given post
* @param array $post
* @return string
function get_attachment_url( $post ) {
return get_the_post_thumbnail_url( $post, 'large' );
* Update the post thumbnail url (Just return for now)
* @param string $value
* @param array $post
* @param WP_Rest_Request $request
* @return string
function set_attachment_url( $value, $post, $request ) {
return get_the_post_thumbnail_url( $post, 'large' );
* @param string $object the object type
* @param string $field_name name of the field to retrieve
* @param WP_Rest_Request $request
* @return string
function get_thumbs_up( $post, $field_name, $request ) {
$thumbs = get_post_meta( $post['id'], 'thumbs_up', true );
$thumbs = ! empty( $thumbs ) ? $thumbs : 0;
return $thumbs;
* Update
* @param string $value - the new value to be saved
* @param string $field_name - name of the field to retrieve
* @param WP_Rest_Request $request - the current rest request object
* @return string
function set_thumbs_up( $value, $post, $field_name ) {
$thumbs_up = get_thumbs_up( $post ) + $value;
return update_post_meta( $post['id'], $field_name, $thumbs_up );
* @param string $object the object type
* @param string $field_name name of the field to retrieve
* @param WP_Rest_Request $request
* @return string
function get_thumbs_down( $post, $field_name, $request ) {
$thumbs = get_post_meta( $post['id'], $field_name, true );
$thumbs = ! empty( $thumbs ) ? $thumbs : 0;
return $thumbs;
* Update
* @param string $value - the new value to be saved
* @param string $field_name - name of the field to retrieve
* @param WP_Rest_Request $request - the current rest request object
* @return string
function set_thumbs_down( $value, $post, $field_name ) {
$thumbs_up = get_thumbs_down( $post ) + $value;
return update_post_meta( $post['id'], $field_name, $thumbs_up );
* @param string $object the object type
* @param string $field_name name of the field to retrieve
* @param WP_Rest_Request $request
* @return string
function get_up_vote( $suggestion, $field_name, $request = '') {
$up_vote = get_post_meta( $suggestion['id'], $field_name, true );
$up_vote = $up_vote ? $up_vote : 0;
return $up_vote;
* Update
* @param string $value - the new value to be saved
* @param array $suggestion - the object to be updated
* @param string $field_name - name of the field to retrieve
* @return int
function set_up_vote( $value, $suggestion, $field_name ) {
$up_vote = get_up_vote( $suggestion, $field_name ) + 1; // OR + $value
return update_post_meta( $suggestion['id'], $field_name, $up_vote );
* @param string $object the object type
* @param string $field_name name of the field to retrieve
* @param WP_Rest_Request $request
* @return int
function get_down_vote( $suggestion, $field_name, $request = '') {
$up_vote = get_post_meta( $suggestion['id'], $field_name, true );
$up_vote = $up_vote ? $up_vote : 0;
return $up_vote;
* Update down vote by adding 1 to current value
* @param string $value - the new value to be saved
* @param array $suggestion - the object to be updated
* @param string $field_name - name of the field to retrieve
* @return int
function set_down_vote( $value, $suggestion, $field_name ) {
$up_vote = get_down_vote( $suggestion, $field_name ) + 1; // OR + $value
return update_post_meta( $suggestion['id'], $field_name, $up_vote );
* Check permissions
* @param WP_Rest_Request $request
* @return bool
function permission_check( $request ) {
return true;
* Get some custom data not in the default wordpress tables
* It could be from a custom table or completely outside of WordPress database
* @param WP_Rest_Request $request
* @return WP_Rest_Response
function get_the_things( $request ) {
// get params from request.
// get data from custom table using $wpdb
$things_from_database = array(
array( 'id' => 1, 'name' => 'Thing name'),
array( 'id' => 2, 'name' => 'Thing name two'),
array( 'id' => 3, 'name' => 'Thing name three'),
if ( $things_from_database ) {
return new WP_Rest_Response ( $things_from_database, 200 );
return new WP_Rest_Response( array( 'Nothing found' ), 404 );
* Get some custom data not in the default wordpress tables
* It could be from a custom table or completely outside of WordPress database
* @param WP_Rest_Request $request
* @return WP_Rest_Response
function get_one_thing( $request ) {
// get params from request.
// get data from custom table using $wpdb
// get item whose id is $request['id']
$thing_from_database = array( 'id' => 1, 'name' => 'Thing name');
if ( $thing_from_database ) {
return new WP_Rest_Response ( $thing_from_database, 200 );
return new WP_Rest_Response( array( 'Nothing found' ), 404 );
// General get and set functions
* Get value of a rest field stored in post meta
* @param string $object the object type
* @param string $field_name name of the field to retrieve
* @param WP_Rest_Request $request
* @return string
function get_rest_field_count( $object, $field_name, $request ) {
$thumbs = get_post_meta( $object['id'], $field_name, true );
$thumbs = ! empty( $thumbs ) ? $thumbs : 0;
return $thumbs;
* Increment the field value stored in post meta
* @param string $value - the new value to be saved
* @param string $field_name - name of the field to retrieve
* @param WP_Rest_Request $request - the current rest request object
* @return string
function set_rest_field_count( $value, $object, $field_name ) {
$thumbs_up = get_rest_field_count( $object ) + $value;
return update_post_meta( $object['id'], $field_name, $thumbs_up );
* Get custom rest field from post meta
* @param string $object the object type
* @param string $field_name name of the field to retrieve
* @param WP_Rest_Request $request
* @return string
function get_rest_field_string( $object, $field_name, $request ) {
$thumbs = get_post_meta( $object['id'], $field_name, true );
$thumbs = ! empty( $thumbs ) ? $thumbs : 0;
return $thumbs;
* Update custom rest field in post meta
* @param string $value - the new value to be saved
* @param string $field_name - name of the field to retrieve
* @param WP_Rest_Request $request - the current rest request object
* @return string
function set_rest_field_string( $value, $object, $field_name ) {
$thumbs_up = get_rest_field_count( $object ) + $value;
return update_post_meta( $object['id'], $field_name, $thumbs_up );
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