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Created December 31, 2022 18:29
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modified dtruss

macOS Dtrace scripts

I've been using Dtrace off-and-on to diagnose and debug problems on macOS for some years. Unfortunately, some of the scripts that are included with macOS itself have gone rather stale, or didn't survive the port from Solaris/BSD particularly well. This includes the all-important dtruss script for tracing processes' syscalls, which doesn't seem to have changed since Mac OS X 10.5, and where many of its options simply don't work as advertised. While I was doing some development under contract for Microsoft in their attempt at porting VFS for Git to macOS, we needed a passable option for tracing, so I was able to update Mac dtruss and fix many of its issues as part of that engagement. The patches were originally applied on that repo but it's not a good long-term home for them, especially as the Mac port for VFS for Git was stopped when Apple deprecated the APIs used in a subsequent macOS release, so that entire subtree has been removed from recent revisions of the repository. I'll keep updating dtruss here when I make improvements, and I'll likely end up adding new dtrace scripts or modified versions of existing ones.

  • Phil

Tracing on macOS

DTrace is the main low-level tool for tracing and diagnostics on macOS. For diagnosing issues potentially caused by VFS for Git, tracing syscalls to track down errors has proven to be a useful technique on Windows. On macOS, the DTrace script dtruss which ships with the OS can be used for tracing system calls made by processes. However, it has not been updated for newer OS versions for a while, making some of its features unreliable. We therefore recommend using our updated version of the script, and the instructions below assume you are using this version.

TL;DR: This build command is failing/misbehaving and I've been asked to collect a trace

To capture a trace of the syscalls made by the failing command, run the following:

++path-to-vfs4g-source++/Scripts/Mac/Tracing/dtruss -d -e -F -f    ++command-to-run++   2> >(tee   ++trace-filename.txt++   >&2)

General tips

dtruss simply outputs a live list of all syscalls (or all calls to one specific syscall) made by the selected/matching process(es), including return value/errno and arguments. Arguments are formatted for human readability to some extent. (e.g. string arguments are typically printed as a string, not just the raw char pointer.)

The output is written to stderr, so to save it to a file use 2> filename.txt, or to both save it to file and print it to the terminal, this will work in bash:

sudo dtruss -p 1000    2> >(tee clang-trace.txt >&2)

When starting dtruss, wait for the column headers to appear before starting whatever activity you're trying to trace; dtrace can take a few seconds to compile and inject the script, and events that occur before this is done will be dropped. This is of course not an issue if you are starting the traced command on the dtruss command line directly. The column headers will look something like this, the exact headers will depend on the command line flags passed:


Specifying processes to trace

Named processes

Use -n <processname>, for example if there seems to be a problem with syscalls made by clang:

sudo ./Scripts/Mac/Tracing/dtruss -d -e -n clang

Note that process names in macOS are limited to MAXCOMLEN, i.e. 16 characters.

The -d and -e flags enable printing of time stamps (in µs, where 0 = time when dtruss was started) and elapsed wall time during the syscall (also µs), respectively.


Use -p <PID> in place of -n.

Tracing a command

For tracing processes started from the command line, launching the command directly together with dtruss is typically the most convenient. To trace the ls command, simply use:

./Scripts/Mac/Tracing/dtruss ls 

Note the lack of sudo on this command. This was required on stock dtruss but meant all commands launched this way ran as the root user. Instead, the script now runs only dtrace itself as root via sudo, so you will still need to be an admin (wheel group) and type your password.

Tracing child processes

Often, the thing you're trying to diagnose is a more complex mix of multiple processes; for example, building some software from source will typically kick off many different processes for the build system itself, compilers, linkers, and other tools. For tracing the activity of the whole build, it's often most convenient to trace the root build command and all processes launched by it, recursively. dtruss supports this via the -f flag, which can be combined with any of the other process selectors. For example:

 ./Scripts/Mac/Tracing/dtruss -d -e -f xcodebuild

This will run an xcodebuild in the current directory, trace that process and any other processes below it in the hierarchy and additionally output time stamps and syscall runtimes.

Changes over stock dtruss

For reference, the following improvements have been made so far:

  • When launching a command with dtruss, it's now possible to run the command as a non-root user. Simply run dtruss [-options] <command> as a non-privileged admin user; the command will run as this user, and dtrace itself will be run as root via sudo (you will likely be prompted for your password).
  • Correct logging of execve() and posix_spawn() syscalls.
  • Improvements to output for syscalls with buffer or string parameters. (Better handling of NULL pointers, large buffers, etc.)
  • A new -F option for filtering out common but typically uninteresting syscalls. At the moment, this only filters out close() calls returning EBADF. Some programs seem to call close() on thousands of sequential integers, most of which are not valid file descriptors.
  • The mode for following child processes (-f) is much more reliable. Previously, processes created with posix_spawn() were typically ignored. (They were typically only detected if the parent process had previously already used fork(); a mix of both techniques in the same program is rare, however.) posix_spawn() is a very common method for creating new processes on macOS nowadays, especially as fork()/execve() is explicitly disallowed for Objective-C based apps. Following posix_spawn()ed processes is now directly supported and some bugs that tended to occur when following any child process have also been fixed.

Remaining bugs/limitations in dtruss

  • dtruss no longer exits when the specified command itself exits. (This regression is a consequence of the non-privileged command launch change.)
  • There are still some syscalls which are badly formatted in the trace output.
  • The buffers can fill up and miss events when a lot of traced events occur. This is indicated by the message dtrace: 6228 dynamic variable drops with non-empty dirty list - try increasing the dynamic variable memory (e.g. -b 100m for 100MB - default is currently 30MB) in this case. Better still, try to narrow the focus of your tracing.
  • Currently, you can trace either all syscalls or just one, not some subset.
# #!/usr/bin/sh
# dtruss - print process system call time details.
# Written using DTrace (Solaris 10 3/05).
# 17-Jun-2005, ver 0.80 (check for newer versions)
# USAGE: dtruss [-acdeflhoLs] [-t syscall] { -p PID | -n name | command }
# -p PID # examine this PID
# -n name # examine this process name
# -t syscall # examine this syscall only
# -a # print all details
# -c # print system call counts
# -d # print relative timestamps (us)
# -e # print elapsed times (us)
# -f # follow children as they are forked
# -l # force printing of pid/lwpid per line
# -o # print on cpu times (us)
# -s # print stack backtraces
# -L # don't print pid/lwpid per line
# -b bufsize # dynamic variable buf size (default is "4m")
# eg,
# dtruss df -h # run and examine the "df -h" command
# dtruss -p 1871 # examine PID 1871
# dtruss -n tar # examine all processes called "tar"
# dtruss -f # run and follow children
# The elapsed times are interesting, to help identify syscalls that take
# some time to complete (during which the process may have context
# switched off the CPU).
# SEE ALSO: procsystime # DTraceToolkit
# dapptrace # DTraceToolkit
# truss
# COPYRIGHT: Copyright (c) 2005 Brendan Gregg.
# The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
# Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
# (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License.
# You can obtain a copy of the license at Docs/cddl1.txt
# or
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions
# and limitations under the License.
# Author: Brendan Gregg [Sydney, Australia]
# TODO: Track signals, more output formatting.
# 29-Apr-2005 Brendan Gregg Created this.
# 09-May-2005 " " Fixed evaltime (thanks Adam L.)
# 16-May-2005 " " Added -t syscall tracing.
# 17-Jun-2005 " " Added -s stack backtraces.
# --- Process Arguments ---
### Default variables
opt_pid=0; opt_name=0; pid=0; pname="."
opt_elapsed=0; opt_cpu=0; opt_counts=0;
opt_relative=0; opt_printid=0; opt_follow=0
opt_command=0; command=""; opt_buf=0; buf="30m"
opt_trace=0; trace="."; opt_stack=0;
opt_wait=0; wname="."; opt_has_target=0
### Process options
while getopts ab:cdefhln:op:st:LFW: name
case $name in
b) opt_buf=1; buf=$OPTARG ;;
p) opt_pid=1; pid=$OPTARG ;;
n) opt_name=1; pname=$OPTARG ;;
W) opt_wait=1; wname=$OPTARG ;;
t) opt_trace=1; trace=$OPTARG ;;
a) opt_counts=1; opt_relative=1; opt_elapsed=1; opt_follow=1
opt_printid=1; opt_cpu=1 ;;
c) opt_counts=1 ;;
d) opt_relative=1 ;;
e) opt_elapsed=1 ;;
f) opt_follow=1 ;;
l) opt_printid=1 ;;
o) opt_cpu=1 ;;
L) opt_printid=-1 ;;
s) opt_stack=-1 ;;
F) opt_filter=1 ;;
h|?) cat <<-END >&2
USAGE: dtruss [-acdefholLFs] [-t syscall] { -p PID | -n name | command | -W name }
-p PID # examine this PID
-n name # examine this process name
-t syscall # examine this syscall only
-W name # wait for a process matching this name
-a # print all details
-c # print syscall counts
-d # print relative times (us)
-e # print elapsed times (us)
-f # follow children
-l # force printing pid/lwpid
-o # print on cpu times
-s # print stack backtraces
-L # don't print pid/lwpid
-F # filter out common & noisy syscalls
-b bufsize # dynamic variable buf size
dtruss df -h # run and examine "df -h"
dtruss -p 1871 # examine PID 1871
dtruss -n tar # examine all processes called "tar"
dtruss -f # run and follow children
exit 1
shift `expr $OPTIND - 1`
### Option logic
if [ $opt_pid -eq 0 -a $opt_name -eq 0 -a $opt_wait -eq 0 ]; then
if [ "$*" = "" ]; then
$0 -h
command="$*" # yes, I meant $*!
if [ $opt_wait -eq 1 ]; then
if [ $opt_follow -eq 1 -o $opt_name -eq 1 ]; then
if [ $opt_printid -ne -1 ]; then
### Option translation
## if [ "$trace" = "exec" ]; then trace="exece"; fi
if [ "$trace" = "exec" ]; then trace="execve"; fi
# --- Main Program, DTrace ---
### Define D Script
#pragma D option quiet
* Command line arguments
inline int OPT_has_target = '$opt_has_target';
inline int OPT_command = '$opt_command';
inline int OPT_follow = '$opt_follow';
inline int OPT_printid = '$opt_printid';
inline int OPT_relative = '$opt_relative';
inline int OPT_elapsed = '$opt_elapsed';
inline int OPT_cpu = '$opt_cpu';
inline int OPT_counts = '$opt_counts';
inline int OPT_pid = '$opt_pid';
inline int OPT_name = '$opt_name';
inline int OPT_trace = '$opt_trace';
inline int OPT_stack = '$opt_stack';
inline int OPT_filtercommon = '$opt_filter';
inline int PID_OPT = '$pid';
inline string NAME = "'"$pname"'";
inline string TRACE = "'$trace'";
/* print header */
/* OPT_printid ? printf("%-8s ","PID/LWP") : 1; */
OPT_printid ? printf("\t%-8s ","PID/THRD") : 1;
OPT_relative ? printf("%8s ","RELATIVE") : 1;
OPT_elapsed ? printf("%7s ","ELAPSD") : 1;
OPT_cpu ? printf("%6s ","CPU") : 1;
printf("SYSCALL(args) \t\t = return\n");
/* Apple: Names of top-level sysctl MIBs */
sysctl_first[0] = "CTL_UNSPEC";
sysctl_first[1] = "CTL_KERN";
sysctl_first[2] = "CTL_VM";
sysctl_first[3] = "CTL_VFS";
sysctl_first[4] = "CTL_NET";
sysctl_first[5] = "CTL_DEBUG";
sysctl_first[6] = "CTL_HW";
sysctl_first[7] = "CTL_MACHDEP";
sysctl_first[9] = "CTL_MAXID";
/* globals */
/* variables for following child processes.
* trackedpid is indexed by PID; values:
* 0 = not tracing this process
* -1 = tracing this process
* >0 = thread ID (tid) during vfork call */
trackedpid[pid] = 0;
/* child: set to PID once a thread has been identified as part of a traced
* process due to its descendence from a traced process. Threads get recycled
* by other processes, so storing the PID here catches that case. */
self->child = 0;
self->follow_in_spawn_call = 0;
/OPT_command && $1 > 0/
PID = $1;
system("/bin/kill -CONT %d", $1);
* Save syscall entry info
/* Threads seem to be recycled on macOS, including thread-local DTrace
* variables; check for mismatch between self->child and pid to detect and
* reset the variables. */
/OPT_follow && (self->child != 0) && (self->child != pid)/
/* Clean up recycled threads */
self->child = 0;
self->start = (uint64_t)0;
self->vstart = (uint64_t)0;
self->arg0 = (uint64_t)0;
self->arg1 = (uint64_t)0;
self->arg2 = (uint64_t)0;
self->arg3 = (uint64_t)0;
self->arg4 = (uint64_t)0;
self->arg5 = (uint64_t)0;
/* MacOS X: notice first appearance of child process´s thread from fork or
* posix_spawn. Checking the own process for presence in the trackedpid table
* also catches new threads in child processes whose parent process has died. */
/OPT_follow && 0 == self->child && (trackedpid[ppid] == -1 || trackedpid[pid] == -1)/
/* set as child */
self->child = pid;
/* MacOS X: notice first appearance of child and parent from vfork */
/OPT_follow && trackedpid[ppid] > 0 && 0 == self->child/
/* set as child */
this->vforking_tid = trackedpid[ppid];
self->child = (this->vforking_tid == tid) ? 0 : pid;
/* print output */
self->code = errno == 0 ? "" : "Err#";
/* OPT_printid ? printf("%5d/%d: ",pid,tid) : 1; */
OPT_printid ? printf("%5d/0x%x: ",(this->vforking_tid == tid) ? ppid : pid,tid) : 1;
OPT_relative ? printf("%8d: ",vtimestamp/1000) : 1;
OPT_elapsed ? printf("%7d: ",0) : 1;
OPT_cpu ? printf("%6d ",0) : 1;
printf("%s()\t\t = %d %s%d\n","vfork",
(this->vforking_tid == tid) ? pid : 0,self->code,(int)errno);
/* Alternative detection of recycled threads: start time stamp is still set,
* although no tracking criteria are met. Again, reset thread-local variables. */
/self->start &&
!((OPT_has_target && pid == $target) ||
(OPT_pid && pid == PID) ||
(OPT_name && NAME == strstr(NAME, execname)) ||
(OPT_name && execname == strstr(execname, NAME)) ||
(self->child == pid))/
self->child = 0;
self->start = (uint64_t)0;
self->vstart = (uint64_t)0;
self->arg0 = (uint64_t)0;
self->arg1 = (uint64_t)0;
self->arg2 = (uint64_t)0;
self->arg3 = (uint64_t)0;
self->arg4 = (uint64_t)0;
self->arg5 = (uint64_t)0;
/(OPT_has_target && pid == $target) ||
(OPT_pid && pid == PID) ||
(OPT_name && NAME == strstr(NAME, execname)) ||
(OPT_name && execname == strstr(execname, NAME)) ||
(self->child == pid)/
/* set start details */
self->start = timestamp;
self->vstart = vtimestamp;
self->arg0 = arg0;
self->arg1 = arg1;
self->arg2 = arg2;
/* count occurances */
OPT_counts == 1 ? @Counts[probefunc] = count() : 1;
/* 4, 5 and 6 arguments */
/(OPT_has_target && pid == $target) ||
(OPT_pid && pid == PID) ||
(OPT_name && NAME == strstr(NAME, execname)) ||
(OPT_name && execname == strstr(execname, NAME)) ||
(self->child == pid)/
self->arg3 = arg3;
self->arg4 = arg4;
self->arg5 = arg5;
/(OPT_has_target && pid == $target) ||
(OPT_pid && pid == PID) ||
(OPT_name && NAME == strstr(NAME, execname)) ||
(OPT_name && execname == strstr(execname, NAME)) ||
(self->child == pid)/
/* Save the executable path as it often seems to be unavailable on return */
self->arg1_str = (arg1 != 0 ? copyinstr(arg1) : "");
self->arg3 = arg3;
self->arg4 = arg4;
self->arg5 = arg5;
/(OPT_has_target && pid == $target) ||
(OPT_pid && pid == PID) ||
(OPT_name && NAME == strstr(NAME, execname)) ||
(OPT_name && execname == strstr(execname, NAME)) ||
(self->child == pid)/
// Save the PID as this is reported incorrectly in the :return probe
self->execve_self_pid = pid;
/* Copy the executable path from user space now, as the process will have an
* entirely new address space when execve() returns. */
self->arg0_str = arg0 ? copyinstr(arg0) : "";
* Follow children
/OPT_follow && self->start/
/* track this parent process */
trackedpid[pid] = -1;
/OPT_follow && self->start/
/* track this parent process */
trackedpid[pid] = tid;
/* syscall::rexit:entry */
/(self->child != 0)/
/* forget child */
self->child = 0;
trackedpid[pid] = 0;
/tracepid[args[0]->pr_pid] != 0/
/* Clears exited processes from the table in case the PID gets recycled */
self->child = 0;
tracepid[args[0]->pr_pid] = 0;
/* Follow posix_spawn()ed child processes */
/OPT_follow &&
((OPT_has_target && pid == $target) ||
(OPT_pid && pid == PID) ||
(OPT_name && NAME == strstr(NAME, execname)) ||
(OPT_name && execname == strstr(execname, NAME)) ||
(self->child == pid))/
trackedpid[pid] = -1;
self->follow_posix_spawn_child_pid = args[0]->pr_pid;
self->follow_in_spawn_call = 1;
trackedpid[self->follow_posix_spawn_child_pid] = -1;
self->follow_posix_spawn_child_pid = 0;
self->follow_in_spawn_call = 0;
// If the posix_spawn() call failed, reset our state, ready for the next such call.
self->follow_posix_spawn_child_pid = 0;
self->follow_in_spawn_call = 0;
* Check for syscall tracing
/OPT_trace && probefunc != TRACE/
/* drop info */
self->start = 0;
self->vstart = 0;
self->arg0 = (uint64_t)0;
self->arg1 = (uint64_t)0;
self->arg2 = (uint64_t)0;
self->arg3 = (uint64_t)0;
self->arg4 = (uint64_t)0;
self->arg5 = (uint64_t)0;
* Print return data
* The following code is written in an intentionally repetetive way.
* The first versions had no code redundancies, but performed badly during
* benchmarking. The priority here is speed, not cleverness. I know there
* are many obvious shortcuts to this code, Ive tried them. This style has
* shown in benchmarks to be the fastest (fewest probes, fewest actions).
/* print 3 args, return as hex */
/* calculate elapsed time */
this->elapsed = timestamp - self->start;
self->start = 0;
this->cpu = vtimestamp - self->vstart;
self->vstart = 0;
self->code = errno == 0 ? "" : "Err#";
/* print optional fields */
/* OPT_printid ? printf("%5d/%d: ",pid,tid) : 1; */
OPT_printid ? printf("%5d/0x%x: ",pid,tid) : 1;
OPT_relative ? printf("%8d ",vtimestamp/1000) : 1;
OPT_elapsed ? printf("%7d ",this->elapsed/1000) : 1;
OPT_cpu ? printf("%6d ",this->cpu/1000) : 1;
/* print main data */
printf("%s(0x%X, 0x%X, 0x%X)\t\t = 0x%X %s%d\n",probefunc,
OPT_stack ? ustack() : 1;
OPT_stack ? trace("\n") : 1;
self->arg0 = 0;
self->arg1 = 0;
self->arg2 = 0;
/* print 3 args, arg0 as a string */
syscall::getattrlist:return, /* XXX 5 arguments */
/* calculate elapsed time */
this->elapsed = timestamp - self->start;
self->start = 0;
this->cpu = vtimestamp - self->vstart;
self->vstart = 0;
self->code = errno == 0 ? "" : "Err#";
/* print optional fields */
/* OPT_printid ? printf("%5d/%d: ",pid,tid) : 1; */
OPT_printid ? printf("%5d/0x%x: ",pid,tid) : 1;
OPT_relative ? printf("%8d ",vtimestamp/1000) : 1;
OPT_elapsed ? printf("%7d ",this->elapsed/1000) : 1;
OPT_cpu ? printf("%6d ",this->cpu/1000) : 1;
/* print main data */
printf("%s(\"%S\", 0x%X, 0x%X)\t\t = %d %s%d\n",probefunc,
self->arg0 ? copyinstr(self->arg0) : "[NULL]",self->arg1,self->arg2,(int)arg0,
OPT_stack ? ustack() : 1;
OPT_stack ? trace("\n") : 1;
self->arg0 = 0;
self->arg1 = 0;
self->arg2 = 0;
/* open() takes 2-3 args; arg0 as string, arg2 as octal file mode */
/* calculate elapsed time */
this->elapsed = timestamp - self->start;
self->start = 0;
this->cpu = vtimestamp - self->vstart;
self->vstart = 0;
self->code = errno == 0 ? "" : "Err#";
/* print optional fields */
/* OPT_printid ? printf("%5d/%d: ",pid,tid) : 1; */
OPT_printid ? printf("%5d/0x%x: ",pid,tid) : 1;
OPT_relative ? printf("%8d ",vtimestamp/1000) : 1;
OPT_elapsed ? printf("%7d ",this->elapsed/1000) : 1;
OPT_cpu ? printf("%6d ",this->cpu/1000) : 1;
/* print main data; default arg2 to 0 if O_CREAT not set */
printf("%s(\"%S\", 0x%X, 0%o)\t\t = %d %s%d\n",probefunc,
self->arg0 ? copyinstr(self->arg0) : "[NULL]",self->arg1,(self->arg1 & 0x0200) ? self->arg2 : 0,(int)arg0,
OPT_stack ? ustack() : 1;
OPT_stack ? trace("\n") : 1;
self->arg0 = 0;
self->arg1 = 0;
self->arg2 = 0;
/* print 3 args, arg0 as a string, already copied (due to pid weirdness) */
/* calculate elapsed time */
this->elapsed = timestamp - self->start;
self->start = 0;
this->cpu = vtimestamp - self->vstart;
self->vstart = 0;
self->code = errno == 0 ? "" : "Err#";
/* print optional fields */
/* OPT_printid ? printf("%5d/%d: ",pid,tid) : 1; */
/* For some reason execve:return always reports pid = 0, so print stored value */
OPT_printid ? printf("%5d/0x%x: ", self->execve_self_pid,tid) : 1;
OPT_relative ? printf("%8d ",vtimestamp/1000) : 1;
OPT_elapsed ? printf("%7d ",this->elapsed/1000) : 1;
OPT_cpu ? printf("%6d ",this->cpu/1000) : 1;
/* print main data */
printf("%s(\"%S\", 0x%X, 0x%X)\t\t = %d %s%d\n",probefunc,
OPT_stack ? ustack() : 1;
OPT_stack ? trace("\n") : 1;
self->arg0 = 0;
self->arg1 = 0;
self->arg2 = 0;
self->arg0_str = 0;
self->execve_self_pid = 0;
/* print 3 args, arg1 as a string, for read/write variant */
/* calculate elapsed time */
this->elapsed = timestamp - self->start;
self->start = 0;
this->cpu = vtimestamp - self->vstart;
self->vstart = 0;
self->code = errno == 0 ? "" : "Err#";
/* print optional fields */
/* OPT_printid ? printf("%5d/%d: ",pid,tid) : 1; */
OPT_printid ? printf("%5d/0x%x: ",pid,tid) : 1;
OPT_relative ? printf("%8d ",vtimestamp/1000) : 1;
OPT_elapsed ? printf("%7d ",this->elapsed/1000) : 1;
OPT_cpu ? printf("%6d ",this->cpu/1000) : 1;
/* print main data */
printf("%s(0x%X, \"%S\" (0x%X), 0x%X)\t\t = %d %s%d\n",probefunc,self->arg0,
(arg0 == -1 || self->arg1 == 0) ? "" : stringof(copyin(self->arg1, arg0 < 1024 ? arg0 : 1024)), self->arg1, self->arg2,(int)arg0,
OPT_stack ? ustack() : 1;
OPT_stack ? trace("\n") : 1;
self->arg0 = 0;
self->arg1 = 0;
self->arg2 = 0;
/* print 3 args, arg1 as a string */
/* calculate elapsed time */
this->elapsed = timestamp - self->start;
self->start = 0;
this->cpu = vtimestamp - self->vstart;
self->vstart = 0;
self->code = errno == 0 ? "" : "Err#";
/* print optional fields */
/* OPT_printid ? printf("%5d/%d: ",pid,tid) : 1; */
OPT_printid ? printf("%5d/0x%x: ",pid,tid) : 1;
OPT_relative ? printf("%8d ",vtimestamp/1000) : 1;
OPT_elapsed ? printf("%7d ",this->elapsed/1000) : 1;
OPT_cpu ? printf("%6d ",this->cpu/1000) : 1;
/* print main data */
printf("%s(0x%X, \"%S\", 0x%X)\t\t = %d %s%d\n",probefunc,self->arg0,
OPT_stack ? ustack() : 1;
OPT_stack ? trace("\n") : 1;
self->arg0 = 0;
self->arg1 = 0;
self->arg2 = 0;
/* print 3 args, arg0 and arg2 as strings */
/* calculate elapsed time */
this->elapsed = timestamp - self->start;
self->start = 0;
this->cpu = vtimestamp - self->vstart;
self->vstart = 0;
self->code = errno == 0 ? "" : "Err#";
/* print optional fields */
/* OPT_printid ? printf("%5d/%d: ",pid,tid) : 1; */
OPT_printid ? printf("%5d/0x%x: ",pid,tid) : 1;
OPT_relative ? printf("%8d ",vtimestamp/1000) : 1;
OPT_elapsed ? printf("%7d ",this->elapsed/1000) : 1;
OPT_cpu ? printf("%6d ",this->cpu/1000) : 1;
/* print main data */
printf("%s(\"%S\", 0x%X, \"%S\")\t\t = %d %s%d\n",probefunc,
copyinstr(self->arg0), self->arg1, copyinstr(self->arg2), (int)arg0,
OPT_stack ? ustack() : 1;
OPT_stack ? trace("\n") : 1;
self->arg0 = 0;
self->arg1 = 0;
self->arg2 = 0;
/* print 2 args, arg0 and arg1 as strings */
/* calculate elapsed time */
this->elapsed = timestamp - self->start;
self->start = 0;
this->cpu = vtimestamp - self->vstart;
self->vstart = 0;
self->code = errno == 0 ? "" : "Err#";
/* print optional fields */
/* OPT_printid ? printf("%5d/%d: ",pid,tid) : 1; */
OPT_printid ? printf("%5d/0x%x: ",pid,tid) : 1;
OPT_relative ? printf("%8d ",vtimestamp/1000) : 1;
OPT_elapsed ? printf("%7d ",this->elapsed/1000) : 1;
OPT_cpu ? printf("%6d ",this->cpu/1000) : 1;
/* print main data */
printf("%s(\"%S\", \"%S\")\t\t = %d %s%d\n",probefunc,
copyinstr(self->arg0), copyinstr(self->arg1),
OPT_stack ? ustack() : 1;
OPT_stack ? trace("\n") : 1;
self->arg0 = 0;
self->arg1 = 0;
self->arg2 = 0;
/* print 0 arg output */
/* calculate elapsed time */
this->elapsed = timestamp - self->start;
self->start = 0;
this->cpu = vtimestamp - self->vstart;
self->vstart = 0;
self->code = errno == 0 ? "" : "Err#";
/* print optional fields */
/* OPT_printid ? printf("%5d/%d: ",pid,tid) : 1; */
OPT_printid ? printf("%5d/0x%x: ",pid,tid) : 1;
OPT_relative ? printf("%8d ",vtimestamp/1000) : 1;
OPT_elapsed ? printf("%7d ",this->elapsed/1000) : 1;
OPT_cpu ? printf("%6d ",this->cpu/1000) : 1;
/* print main data */
printf("%s()\t\t = %d %s%d\n",probefunc,
OPT_stack ? ustack() : 1;
OPT_stack ? trace("\n") : 1;
self->arg0 = 0;
self->arg1 = 0;
self->arg2 = 0;
/* Some processes seem to close a huge number of file descriptors they
* never opened as a precautionary measure, which floods the trace, so
* hide EBADF. */
/self->start &&
(OPT_filtercommon && arg0 == -1 && errno == 9)/
self->start = 0;
self->vstart = 0;
OPT_counts == 1 ? @CloseBadFDCounts[pid] = count() : 1;
self->arg0 = 0;
self->arg1 = 0;
self->arg2 = 0;
/* print 1 decimal arg output */
/* calculate elapsed time */
this->elapsed = timestamp - self->start;
self->start = 0;
this->cpu = vtimestamp - self->vstart;
self->vstart = 0;
self->code = errno == 0 ? "" : "Err#";
/* print optional fields */
/* OPT_printid ? printf("%5d/%d: ",pid,tid) : 1; */
OPT_printid ? printf("%5d/0x%x: ",pid,tid) : 1;
OPT_relative ? printf("%8d ",vtimestamp/1000) : 1;
OPT_elapsed ? printf("%7d ",this->elapsed/1000) : 1;
OPT_cpu ? printf("%6d ",this->cpu/1000) : 1;
/* print main data */
printf("%s(%d)\t\t = %d %s%d\n",probefunc,(int)self->arg0,
OPT_stack ? ustack() : 1;
OPT_stack ? trace("\n") : 1;
self->arg0 = 0;
self->arg1 = 0;
self->arg2 = 0;
/* print 1 string arg output */
/* calculate elapsed time */
this->elapsed = timestamp - self->start;
self->start = 0;
this->cpu = vtimestamp - self->vstart;
self->vstart = 0;
self->code = errno == 0 ? "" : "Err#";
/* print optional fields */
/* OPT_printid ? printf("%5d/%d: ",pid,tid) : 1; */
OPT_printid ? printf("%5d/0x%x: ",pid,tid) : 1;
OPT_relative ? printf("%8d ",vtimestamp/1000) : 1;
OPT_elapsed ? printf("%7d ",this->elapsed/1000) : 1;
OPT_cpu ? printf("%6d ",this->cpu/1000) : 1;
/* print main data */
printf("%s(\"%S\")\t\t = %d %s%d\n",probefunc,
self->arg0 ? copyinstr(self->arg0) : "[NULL]",
OPT_stack ? ustack() : 1;
OPT_stack ? trace("\n") : 1;
self->arg0 = 0;
self->arg1 = 0;
self->arg2 = 0;
/* print 2 arg output */
/* calculate elapsed time */
this->elapsed = timestamp - self->start;
self->start = 0;
this->cpu = vtimestamp - self->vstart;
self->vstart = 0;
self->code = errno == 0 ? "" : "Err#";
/* print optional fields */
/* OPT_printid ? printf("%5d/%d: ",pid,tid) : 1; */
OPT_printid ? printf("%5d/0x%x: ",pid,tid) : 1;
OPT_relative ? printf("%8d ",vtimestamp/1000) : 1;
OPT_elapsed ? printf("%7d ",this->elapsed/1000) : 1;
OPT_cpu ? printf("%6d ",this->cpu/1000) : 1;
/* print main data */
printf("%s(0x%X, 0x%X)\t\t = %d %s%d\n",probefunc,self->arg0,
OPT_stack ? ustack() : 1;
OPT_stack ? trace("\n") : 1;
self->arg0 = 0;
self->arg1 = 0;
self->arg2 = 0;
/* print pread/pwrite with 4 arguments */
/* calculate elapsed time */
this->elapsed = timestamp - self->start;
self->start = 0;
this->cpu = vtimestamp - self->vstart;
self->vstart = 0;
self->code = errno == 0 ? "" : "Err#";
/* print optional fields */
/* OPT_printid ? printf("%5d/%d: ",pid,tid) : 1; */
OPT_printid ? printf("%5d/0x%x: ",pid,tid) : 1;
OPT_relative ? printf("%8d ",vtimestamp/1000) : 1;
OPT_elapsed ? printf("%7d ",this->elapsed/1000) : 1;
OPT_cpu ? printf("%6d ",this->cpu/1000) : 1;
/* print main data */
printf("%s(0x%X, \"%S\", 0x%X, 0x%X)\t\t = %d %s%d\n",probefunc,self->arg0,
stringof(copyin(self->arg1,self->arg2 < 1024 ? self->arg2 : 1024)),self->arg2,self->arg3,(int)arg0,self->code,(int)errno);
OPT_stack ? ustack() : 1;
OPT_stack ? trace("\n") : 1;
self->arg0 = 0;
self->arg1 = 0;
self->arg2 = 0;
self->arg3 = 0;
/* print 4 args, arg0 as string, arg1 as string, arg2 as decimal, arg3 as hex */
/* calculate elapsed time */
this->elapsed = timestamp - self->start;
self->start = 0;
this->cpu = vtimestamp - self->vstart;
self->vstart = 0;
self->code = errno == 0 ? "" : "Err#";
/* print optional fields */
OPT_printid ? printf("%5d/0x%x: ",pid,tid) : 1;
OPT_relative ? printf("%8d ",vtimestamp/1000) : 1;
OPT_elapsed ? printf("%7d ",this->elapsed/1000) : 1;
OPT_cpu ? printf("%6d ",this->cpu/1000) : 1;
/* print main data */
printf("%s(\"%S\", \"%S\", %u, 0x%X)\t\t = %d %s%d\n",probefunc,
copyinstr(self->arg0), self->arg1 ? copyinstr(self->arg1) : "[NULL]", self->arg2, self->arg3, (int)arg0,
OPT_stack ? ustack() : 1;
OPT_stack ? trace("\n") : 1;
self->arg0 = 0;
self->arg1 = 0;
self->arg2 = 0;
self->arg3 = 0;
/* print 4 args, arg0 as string, arg3 as decimal: int lstat64_extended(user_addr_t path, user_addr_t ub, user_addr_t xsecurity, user_addr_t xsecurity_size) */
/* calculate elapsed time */
this->elapsed = timestamp - self->start;
self->start = 0;
this->cpu = vtimestamp - self->vstart;
self->vstart = 0;
self->code = errno == 0 ? "" : "Err#";
/* print optional fields */
OPT_printid ? printf("%5d/0x%x: ",pid,tid) : 1;
OPT_relative ? printf("%8d ",vtimestamp/1000) : 1;
OPT_elapsed ? printf("%7d ",this->elapsed/1000) : 1;
OPT_cpu ? printf("%6d ",this->cpu/1000) : 1;
/* print main data */
printf("%s(\"%S\", 0x%X, 0x%X, %u)\t\t = %d %s%d\n",probefunc,
copyinstr(self->arg0), self->arg1,self->arg2,self->arg3,(int)arg0,
OPT_stack ? ustack() : 1;
OPT_stack ? trace("\n") : 1;
self->arg0 = 0;
self->arg1 = 0;
self->arg2 = 0;
self->arg3 = 0;
/* print 4 args, arg0 as decimal FD, arg1 as string */
/* calculate elapsed time */
this->elapsed = timestamp - self->start;
self->start = 0;
this->cpu = vtimestamp - self->vstart;
self->vstart = 0;
self->code = errno == 0 ? "" : "Err#";
/* print optional fields */
/* OPT_printid ? printf("%5d/%d: ",pid,tid) : 1; */
OPT_printid ? printf("%5d/0x%x: ",pid,tid) : 1;
OPT_relative ? printf("%8d ",vtimestamp/1000) : 1;
OPT_elapsed ? printf("%7d ",this->elapsed/1000) : 1;
OPT_cpu ? printf("%6d ",this->cpu/1000) : 1;
/* print main data */
printf("%s(%d%s, \"%S\", 0x%X, 0x%X)\t\t = %d %s%d\n",probefunc,
(int32_t)self->arg0, self->arg0 == -2 ? " (AT_FDCWD)" : "", copyinstr(self->arg1),self->arg2,self->arg3,(int)arg0,
OPT_stack ? ustack() : 1;
OPT_stack ? trace("\n") : 1;
self->arg0 = 0;
self->arg1 = 0;
self->arg2 = 0;
self->arg3 = 0;
/* print 4 args, arg1 and arg3 as strings */
/* calculate elapsed time */
this->elapsed = timestamp - self->start;
self->start = 0;
this->cpu = vtimestamp - self->vstart;
self->vstart = 0;
self->code = errno == 0 ? "" : "Err#";
/* print optional fields */
/* OPT_printid ? printf("%5d/%d: ",pid,tid) : 1; */
OPT_printid ? printf("%5d/0x%x: ",pid,tid) : 1;
OPT_relative ? printf("%8d ",vtimestamp/1000) : 1;
OPT_elapsed ? printf("%7d ",this->elapsed/1000) : 1;
OPT_cpu ? printf("%6d ",this->cpu/1000) : 1;
/* print main data */
printf("%s(0x%X, \"%S\", 0x%X, \"%S\")\t\t = %d %s%d\n",probefunc,
self->arg0, copyinstr(self->arg1), self->arg2, copyinstr(self->arg3), (int)arg0,
OPT_stack ? ustack() : 1;
OPT_stack ? trace("\n") : 1;
self->arg0 = 0;
self->arg1 = 0;
self->arg2 = 0;
self->arg3 = 0;
/* Apple: print the arguments passed to sysctl */
/* calculate elapsed time */
this->elapsed = timestamp - self->start;
self->start = 0;
this->cpu = vtimestamp - self->vstart;
self->vstart = 0;
self->code = errno == 0 ? "" : "Err#";
/* print optional fields */
/* OPT_printid ? printf("%5d/%d: ",pid,tid) : 1; */
OPT_printid ? printf("%5d/0x%x: ",pid,tid) : 1;
OPT_relative ? printf("%8d ",vtimestamp/1000) : 1;
OPT_elapsed ? printf("%7d ",this->elapsed/1000) : 1;
OPT_cpu ? printf("%6d ",this->cpu/1000) : 1;
/* print main data */
mib = copyin(self->arg0, self->arg1 * sizeof(int));
mib1 = *(int *)mib;
mib2 = *((int *)mib + 1);
printf("%s(", probefunc);
printf("[%s, ", (self->arg1 > 0) ? ((*(int *)mib > 0 && *(int *)mib < 9) ? sysctl_first[mib1] : "unknown") : 0);
printf("%d, %d, %d, %d, %d] (%d), ",
(self->arg1 > 1) ? *((int *)mib + 1) : 0,
(self->arg1 > 2) ? *((int *)mib + 2) : 0,
(self->arg1 > 3) ? *((int *)mib + 3) : 0,
(self->arg1 > 4) ? *((int *)mib + 4) : 0,
(self->arg1 > 5) ? *((int *)mib + 5) : 0,
printf("0x%X, 0x%X, 0x%X, 0x%X)\t\t = %d %s%d\n",
self->arg2, self->arg3, self->arg4, self->arg5,
(int)arg0, self->code, (int)errno);
OPT_stack ? ustack() : 1;
OPT_stack ? trace("\n") : 1;
self->arg0 = 0;
self->arg1 = 0;
self->arg2 = 0;
self->arg3 = 0;
self->arg4 = 0;
self->arg5 = 0;
/* Apple: print the string provided to sysctlbyname */
/* calculate elapsed time */
this->elapsed = timestamp - self->start;
self->start = 0;
this->cpu = vtimestamp - self->vstart;
self->vstart = 0;
self->code = errno == 0 ? "" : "Err#";
/* print optional fields */
/* OPT_printid ? printf("%5d/%d: ",pid,tid) : 1; */
OPT_printid ? printf("%5d/0x%x: ",pid,tid) : 1;
OPT_relative ? printf("%8d ",vtimestamp/1000) : 1;
OPT_elapsed ? printf("%7d ",this->elapsed/1000) : 1;
OPT_cpu ? printf("%6d ",this->cpu/1000) : 1;
/* print main data */
printf("%s(%s, 0x%X, 0x%X, 0x%X, 0x%X)\t\t = %d %s%d\n",probefunc,
OPT_stack ? ustack() : 1;
OPT_stack ? trace("\n") : 1;
self->arg0 = 0;
self->arg1 = 0;
self->arg2 = 0;
self->arg3 = 0;
self->arg4 = 0;
/* print 5 arguments */
/* calculate elapsed time */
this->elapsed = timestamp - self->start;
self->start = 0;
this->cpu = vtimestamp - self->vstart;
self->vstart = 0;
self->code = errno == 0 ? "" : "Err#";
/* print optional fields */
/* OPT_printid ? printf("%5d/%d: ",pid,tid) : 1; */
OPT_printid ? printf("%5d/0x%x: ",pid,tid) : 1;
OPT_relative ? printf("%8d ",vtimestamp/1000) : 1;
OPT_elapsed ? printf("%7d ",this->elapsed/1000) : 1;
OPT_cpu ? printf("%6d ",this->cpu/1000) : 1;
/* print main data */
printf("%s(0x%X, 0x%X, 0x%X, 0x%X, 0x%X)\t\t = %d %s%d\n",probefunc,self->arg0,
OPT_stack ? ustack() : 1;
OPT_stack ? trace("\n") : 1;
self->arg0 = 0;
self->arg1 = 0;
self->arg2 = 0;
self->arg3 = 0;
self->arg4 = 0;
/* print 5 args, arg1 as string */
/* calculate elapsed time */
this->elapsed = timestamp - self->start;
self->start = 0;
this->cpu = vtimestamp - self->vstart;
self->vstart = 0;
self->code = errno == 0 ? "" : "Err#";
/* print optional fields */
/* OPT_printid ? printf("%5d/%d: ",pid,tid) : 1; */
OPT_printid ? printf("%5d/0x%x: ",pid,tid) : 1;
OPT_relative ? printf("%8d ",vtimestamp/1000) : 1;
OPT_elapsed ? printf("%7d ",this->elapsed/1000) : 1;
OPT_cpu ? printf("%6d ",this->cpu/1000) : 1;
/* print main data */
printf("%s(0x%X, \"%S\", 0x%X, 0x%X, 0x%X)\t\t = %d %s%d\n",probefunc,
self->arg0, copyinstr(self->arg1), self->arg2, self->arg3, self->arg4,
OPT_stack ? ustack() : 1;
OPT_stack ? trace("\n") : 1;
self->arg0 = 0;
self->arg1 = 0;
self->arg2 = 0;
self->arg3 = 0;
self->arg4 = 0;
/* print 5 args, arg1 and arg3 as strings */
/* calculate elapsed time */
this->elapsed = timestamp - self->start;
self->start = 0;
this->cpu = vtimestamp - self->vstart;
self->vstart = 0;
self->code = errno == 0 ? "" : "Err#";
/* print optional fields */
/* OPT_printid ? printf("%5d/%d: ",pid,tid) : 1; */
OPT_printid ? printf("%5d/0x%x: ",pid,tid) : 1;
OPT_relative ? printf("%8d ",vtimestamp/1000) : 1;
OPT_elapsed ? printf("%7d ",this->elapsed/1000) : 1;
OPT_cpu ? printf("%6d ",this->cpu/1000) : 1;
/* print main data */
printf("%s(0x%X, \"%S\", 0x%X, \"%S\", 0x%X)\t\t = %d %s%d\n",probefunc,
self->arg0, copyinstr(self->arg1), self->arg2, self->arg3 ? copyinstr(self->arg3) : "", self->arg4,
OPT_stack ? ustack() : 1;
OPT_stack ? trace("\n") : 1;
self->arg0 = 0;
self->arg1 = 0;
self->arg2 = 0;
self->arg3 = 0;
self->arg4 = 0;
/* getattrlistbulk has 5 unusual arguments: */
/* calculate elapsed time */
this->elapsed = timestamp - self->start;
self->start = 0;
this->cpu = vtimestamp - self->vstart;
self->vstart = 0;
self->code = errno == 0 ? "" : "Err#";
/* print optional fields */
OPT_printid ? printf("%5d/0x%x: ",pid,tid) : 1;
OPT_relative ? printf("%8d ",vtimestamp/1000) : 1;
OPT_elapsed ? printf("%7d ",this->elapsed/1000) : 1;
OPT_cpu ? printf("%6d ",this->cpu/1000) : 1;
this->attrs = (struct attrlist*)(self->arg1 ? copyin(self->arg1, sizeof(struct attrlist)) : NULL);
/* print main data */
printf("%s(%d, 0x%X { .bitmapcount = %d, .reserved = 0x%x, .commonattr = 0x%x, .volattr = 0x%x, .dirattr = 0x%x, .fileattr = 0x%x, .forkattr = 0x%x }, 0x%X, 0x%X, 0x%X)\t\t = %d %s%d\n", probefunc,
// attrlist
this->attrs ? this->attrs->bitmapcount : 0,
this->attrs ? this->attrs->reserved : 0,
this->attrs ? this->attrs->commonattr : 0,
this->attrs ? this->attrs->volattr : 0,
this->attrs ? this->attrs->dirattr : 0,
this->attrs ? this->attrs->fileattr : 0,
this->attrs ? this->attrs->forkattr : 0,
OPT_stack ? ustack() : 1;
OPT_stack ? trace("\n") : 1;
self->arg0 = 0;
self->arg1 = 0;
self->arg2 = 0;
self->arg3 = 0;
self->arg4 = 0;
/* getattrlistat has 6 arguments */
/* calculate elapsed time */
this->elapsed = timestamp - self->start;
self->start = 0;
this->cpu = vtimestamp - self->vstart;
self->vstart = 0;
self->code = errno == 0 ? "" : "Err#";
/* print optional fields */
/* OPT_printid ? printf("%5d/%d: ",pid,tid) : 1; */
OPT_printid ? printf("%5d/0x%x: ",pid,tid) : 1;
OPT_relative ? printf("%8d ",vtimestamp/1000) : 1;
OPT_elapsed ? printf("%7d ",this->elapsed/1000) : 1;
OPT_cpu ? printf("%6d ",this->cpu/1000) : 1;
/* print main data */
printf("%s(0x%X, \"%S\", 0x%X, 0x%X, 0x%X, 0x%X)\t\t = 0x%X %s%d\n",probefunc,self->arg0,
copyinstr(self->arg1),self->arg2,self->arg3,self->arg4,self->arg5, arg0,self->code,(int)errno);
OPT_stack ? ustack() : 1;
OPT_stack ? trace("\n") : 1;
self->arg0 = 0;
self->arg1 = 0;
self->arg2 = 0;
self->arg3 = 0;
self->arg4 = 0;
self->arg5 = 0;
/* fstat and fstat64 have 2 args: file descriptor and pointer */
/* calculate elapsed time */
this->elapsed = timestamp - self->start;
self->start = 0;
this->cpu = vtimestamp - self->vstart;
self->vstart = 0;
self->code = errno == 0 ? "" : "Err#";
/* print optional fields */
/* OPT_printid ? printf("%5d/%d: ",pid,tid) : 1; */
OPT_printid ? printf("%5d/0x%x: ",pid,tid) : 1;
OPT_relative ? printf("%8d ",vtimestamp/1000) : 1;
OPT_elapsed ? printf("%7d ",this->elapsed/1000) : 1;
OPT_cpu ? printf("%6d ",this->cpu/1000) : 1;
/* print main data */
printf("%s(%d, 0x%X)\t\t = %d %s%d\n",probefunc,self->arg0,
OPT_stack ? ustack() : 1;
OPT_stack ? trace("\n") : 1;
self->arg0 = 0;
self->arg1 = 0;
/* kill has 2 args that should be shown as decimal*/
/* calculate elapsed time */
this->elapsed = timestamp - self->start;
self->start = 0;
this->cpu = vtimestamp - self->vstart;
self->vstart = 0;
self->code = errno == 0 ? "" : "Err#";
/* print optional fields */
/* OPT_printid ? printf("%5d/%d: ",pid,tid) : 1; */
OPT_printid ? printf("%5d/0x%x: ",pid,tid) : 1;
OPT_relative ? printf("%8d ",vtimestamp/1000) : 1;
OPT_elapsed ? printf("%7d ",this->elapsed/1000) : 1;
OPT_cpu ? printf("%6d ",this->cpu/1000) : 1;
/* print main data */
printf("%s(%d, %d)\t\t = %d %s%d\n",probefunc,self->arg0,
OPT_stack ? ustack() : 1;
OPT_stack ? trace("\n") : 1;
self->arg0 = 0;
self->arg1 = 0;
/* mmap has 6 arguments */
/* calculate elapsed time */
this->elapsed = timestamp - self->start;
self->start = 0;
this->cpu = vtimestamp - self->vstart;
self->vstart = 0;
self->code = errno == 0 ? "" : "Err#";
/* print optional fields */
/* OPT_printid ? printf("%5d/%d: ",pid,tid) : 1; */
OPT_printid ? printf("%5d/0x%x: ",pid,tid) : 1;
OPT_relative ? printf("%8d ",vtimestamp/1000) : 1;
OPT_elapsed ? printf("%7d ",this->elapsed/1000) : 1;
OPT_cpu ? printf("%6d ",this->cpu/1000) : 1;
/* print main data */
printf("%s(0x%X, 0x%X, 0x%X, 0x%X, 0x%X, 0x%X)\t\t = 0x%X %s%d\n",probefunc,self->arg0,
self->arg1,self->arg2,self->arg3,self->arg4,self->arg5, arg0,self->code,(int)errno);
OPT_stack ? ustack() : 1;
OPT_stack ? trace("\n") : 1;
self->arg0 = 0;
self->arg1 = 0;
self->arg2 = 0;
self->arg3 = 0;
self->arg4 = 0;
self->arg5 = 0;
/* posix_spawn has 6 arguments, most of them too complicated to print here,
* but PID and path are the most useful for tracing anyway. */
/* calculate elapsed time */
this->elapsed = timestamp - self->start;
self->start = 0;
this->cpu = vtimestamp - self->vstart;
self->vstart = 0;
self->code = errno == 0 ? "" : "Err#";
/* print optional fields */
/* OPT_printid ? printf("%5d/%d: ",pid,tid) : 1; */
OPT_printid ? printf("%5d/0x%x: ",pid,tid) : 1;
OPT_relative ? printf("%8d ",vtimestamp/1000) : 1;
OPT_elapsed ? printf("%7d ",this->elapsed/1000) : 1;
OPT_cpu ? printf("%6d ",this->cpu/1000) : 1;
/* print main data */
printf("%s(0x%X -> PID %d, \"%S\" (0x%X), 0x%X, 0x%X, 0x%X, 0x%X)\t\t = 0x%X %s%d\n", probefunc,
self->arg0, ((self->arg0 != 0) ? *(pid_t*)copyin(self->arg0, sizeof(pid_t)) : -1),
self->arg1_str, self->arg1,
self->arg3,self->arg4,self->arg5, arg0,self->code,(int)errno);
OPT_stack ? ustack() : 1;
OPT_stack ? trace("\n") : 1;
self->arg0 = 0;
self->arg1 = 0;
self->arg2 = 0;
self->arg3 = 0;
self->arg4 = 0;
self->arg5 = 0;
self->arg1_str = 0;
/* print 3 arg output - default */
/* calculate elapsed time */
this->elapsed = timestamp - self->start;
self->start = 0;
this->cpu = vtimestamp - self->vstart;
self->vstart = 0;
self->code = errno == 0 ? "" : "Err#";
/* print optional fields */
/* OPT_printid ? printf("%5d/%d: ",pid,tid) : 1; */
OPT_printid ? printf("%5d/0x%x: ",pid,tid) : 1;
OPT_relative ? printf("%8d ",vtimestamp/1000) : 1;
OPT_elapsed ? printf("%7d ",this->elapsed/1000) : 1;
OPT_cpu ? printf("%6d ",this->cpu/1000) : 1;
/* print main data */
printf("%s(0x%X, 0x%X, 0x%X)\t\t = %d %s%d\n",probefunc,self->arg0,
OPT_stack ? ustack() : 1;
OPT_stack ? trace("\n") : 1;
self->arg0 = 0;
self->arg1 = 0;
self->arg2 = 0;
/* print counts */
OPT_counts == 1 ? printf("\n%-32s %16s\n","CALL","COUNT") : 1;
OPT_counts == 1 ? printa("%-32s %@16d\n",@Counts) : 1;
(OPT_counts == 1 && OPT_filtercommon == 1) ? printf("\n%-7s %16s\n","PID","EBADF CLOSE() COUNT") : 1;
(OPT_counts == 1 && OPT_filtercommon == 1) ? printa("%7d %@16d\n", @CloseBadFDCounts) : 1;
### Run DTrace
#if [ $opt_command -eq 1 ]; then
# /usr/sbin/dtrace -x dynvarsize=$buf -x evaltime=postinit -n "$dtrace" \
# -c "$command" >&2
# /usr/sbin/dtrace -x dynvarsize=$buf -n "$dtrace" >&2
### Run DTrace (Mac OS X)
# Redirect the output to stderr so that it doesn't mingle with
# data going to the target's stdout
if [ $opt_wait -eq 1 ]; then
/usr/sbin/dtrace -w -x defaultargs -x dynvarsize=$buf -n "$dtrace" \
-W "$wname" >&2
elif [ $opt_command -eq 1 ]; then
# Getting dtrace to run the command means it'll run as root, so instead:
# Create a subshell and get it to send SIGSTOP to itself, suspending the process.
# When it wakes back up, it will exec the command, so the command will
# take over the subshell's process & PID
(:; bash -c 'kill -STOP $PPID' ; exec $command ) &
# Remember the subshell's PID
echo Process for running command "$command" with PID $command_pid started and suspended. Launching dtrace, which will resume it:
# Launch dtruss via sudo and pass the subshell's PID in. We've already enabled
# OPT_command, so on startup, dtrace will resume the PID we passed in.
# Note that we need -w as resuming processes is considered "destructive".
/usr/bin/sudo /usr/sbin/dtrace -w -x dynvarsize=$buf -x evaltime=preinit -Z -n "$dtrace" \
"$command_pid" >&2 || kill $command_pid
/usr/sbin/dtrace -x defaultargs -w -x dynvarsize=$buf -n "$dtrace" >&2
# #!/usr/bin/sh
# dtruss - print process system call time details.
# Written using DTrace (Solaris 10 3/05).
# 17-Jun-2005, ver 0.80 (check for newer versions)
# USAGE: dtruss [-acdeflhoLs] [-t syscall] { -p PID | -n name | command }
# -p PID # examine this PID
# -n name # examine this process name
# -t syscall # examine this syscall only
# -a # print all details
# -c # print system call counts
# -d # print relative timestamps (us)
# -e # print elapsed times (us)
# -f # follow children as they are forked
# -l # force printing of pid/lwpid per line
# -o # print on cpu times (us)
# -s # print stack backtraces
# -L # don't print pid/lwpid per line
# -b bufsize # dynamic variable buf size (default is "4m")
# eg,
# dtruss df -h # run and examine the "df -h" command
# dtruss -p 1871 # examine PID 1871
# dtruss -n tar # examine all processes called "tar"
# dtruss -f # run and follow children
# The elapsed times are interesting, to help identify syscalls that take
# some time to complete (during which the process may have context
# switched off the CPU).
# SEE ALSO: procsystime # DTraceToolkit
# dapptrace # DTraceToolkit
# truss
# COPYRIGHT: Copyright (c) 2005 Brendan Gregg.
# The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
# Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
# (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License.
# You can obtain a copy of the license at Docs/cddl1.txt
# or
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions
# and limitations under the License.
# Author: Brendan Gregg [Sydney, Australia]
# TODO: Track signals, more output formatting.
# 29-Apr-2005 Brendan Gregg Created this.
# 09-May-2005 " " Fixed evaltime (thanks Adam L.)
# 16-May-2005 " " Added -t syscall tracing.
# 17-Jun-2005 " " Added -s stack backtraces.
# --- Process Arguments ---
### Default variables
opt_pid=0; opt_name=0; pid=0; pname="."
opt_elapsed=0; opt_cpu=0; opt_counts=0;
opt_relative=0; opt_printid=0; opt_follow=0
opt_command=0; command=""; opt_buf=0; buf="4m"
opt_trace=0; trace="."; opt_stack=0;
### Process options
while getopts ab:cdefhln:op:st:L name
case $name in
b) opt_buf=1; buf=$OPTARG ;;
p) opt_pid=1; pid=$OPTARG ;;
n) opt_name=1; pname=$OPTARG ;;
t) opt_trace=1; trace=$OPTARG ;;
a) opt_counts=1; opt_relative=1; opt_elapsed=1; opt_follow=1
opt_printid=1; opt_cpu=1 ;;
c) opt_counts=1 ;;
d) opt_relative=1 ;;
e) opt_elapsed=1 ;;
f) opt_follow=1 ;;
l) opt_printid=1 ;;
o) opt_cpu=1 ;;
L) opt_printid=-1 ;;
s) opt_stack=-1 ;;
h|?) cat <<-END >&2
USAGE: dtruss [-acdefholLs] [-t syscall] { -p PID | -n name | command }
-p PID # examine this PID
-n name # examine this process name
-t syscall # examine this syscall only
-a # print all details
-c # print syscall counts
-d # print relative times (us)
-e # print elapsed times (us)
-f # follow children
-l # force printing pid/lwpid
-o # print on cpu times
-s # print stack backtraces
-L # don't print pid/lwpid
-b bufsize # dynamic variable buf size
dtruss df -h # run and examine "df -h"
dtruss -p 1871 # examine PID 1871
dtruss -n tar # examine all processes called "tar"
dtruss -f # run and follow children
exit 1
shift `expr $OPTIND - 1`
### Option logic
if [ $opt_pid -eq 0 -a $opt_name -eq 0 ]; then
if [ "$*" = "" ]; then
$0 -h
command="$*" # yes, I meant $*!
if [ $opt_follow -eq 1 -o $opt_name -eq 1 ]; then
if [ $opt_printid -ne -1 ]; then
### Option translation
## if [ "$trace" = "exec" ]; then trace="exece"; fi
if [ "$trace" = "exec" ]; then trace="execve"; fi
# --- Main Program, DTrace ---
### Define D Script
#pragma D option quiet
* Command line arguments
inline int OPT_command = '$opt_command';
inline int OPT_follow = '$opt_follow';
inline int OPT_printid = '$opt_printid';
inline int OPT_relative = '$opt_relative';
inline int OPT_elapsed = '$opt_elapsed';
inline int OPT_cpu = '$opt_cpu';
inline int OPT_counts = '$opt_counts';
inline int OPT_pid = '$opt_pid';
inline int OPT_name = '$opt_name';
inline int OPT_trace = '$opt_trace';
inline int OPT_stack = '$opt_stack';
inline int PID = '$pid';
inline string NAME = "'$pname'";
inline string TRACE = "'$trace'";
/* print header */
OPT_elapsed ? printf("%7s ","ELAPSD") : 1;
OPT_relative ? printf("%8s ","RELATIVE") : 1;
/* OPT_printid ? printf("%-8s ","PID/LWP") : 1; */
OPT_printid ? printf("\t%-8s ","PID/THRD") : 1;
OPT_cpu ? printf("%6s ","CPU") : 1;
printf("SYSCALL(args) \t\t = return\n");
/* globals */
trackedpid[pid] = 0;
self->child = 0;
this->type = 0;
* Save syscall entry info
/* MacOS X: notice first appearance of child from fork. Its parent
fires syscall::*fork:return in the ususal way (see below) */
/OPT_follow && trackedpid[ppid] == -1 && 0 == self->child/
/* set as child */
self->child = 1;
/* print output */
self->code = errno == 0 ? "" : "Err#";
OPT_elapsed ? printf("%7d: ",0) : 1;
OPT_relative ? printf("%8d: ",vtimestamp/1000) : 1;
/* OPT_printid ? printf("%5d/%d: ",pid,tid) : 1; */
OPT_printid ? printf("%5d/0x%x: ",pid,tid) : 1;
OPT_cpu ? printf("%6d ",0) : 1;
printf("%s()\t\t = %d %s%d\n","fork",
/* MacOS X: notice first appearance of child and parent from vfork */
/OPT_follow && trackedpid[ppid] > 0 && 0 == self->child/
/* set as child */
this->vforking_tid = trackedpid[ppid];
self->child = (this->vforking_tid == tid) ? 0 : 1;
/* print output */
self->code = errno == 0 ? "" : "Err#";
OPT_elapsed ? printf("%7d: ",0) : 1;
OPT_relative ? printf("%8d: ",vtimestamp/1000) : 1;
/* OPT_printid ? printf("%5d/%d: ",pid,tid) : 1; */
OPT_printid ? printf("%5d/0x%x: ",(this->vforking_tid == tid) ? ppid : pid,tid) : 1;
OPT_cpu ? printf("%6d ",0) : 1;
printf("%s()\t\t = %d %s%d\n","vfork",
(this->vforking_tid == tid) ? pid : 0,self->code,(int)errno);
/(OPT_command && pid == $target) ||
(OPT_pid && pid == PID) ||
(OPT_name && NAME == strstr(NAME, execname)) ||
(OPT_name && execname == strstr(execname, NAME)) ||
/* set start details */
self->start = timestamp;
self->vstart = vtimestamp;
self->arg0 = arg0;
self->arg1 = arg1;
self->arg2 = arg2;
/* count occurances */
OPT_counts == 1 ? @Counts[probefunc] = count() : 1;
/* 5 and 6 arguments */
/(OPT_command && pid == $target) ||
(OPT_pid && pid == PID) ||
(OPT_name && NAME == strstr(NAME, execname)) ||
(OPT_name && execname == strstr(execname, NAME)) ||
self->arg3 = arg3;
self->arg4 = arg4;
self->arg5 = arg5;
* Follow children
/OPT_follow && self->start/
/* track this parent process */
trackedpid[pid] = -1;
/OPT_follow && self->start/
/* track this parent process */
trackedpid[pid] = tid;
/* syscall::rexit:entry */
/* forget child */
self->child = 0;
trackedpid[pid] = 0;
* Check for syscall tracing
/OPT_trace && probefunc != TRACE/
/* drop info */
self->start = 0;
self->vstart = 0;
self->arg0 = 0;
self->arg1 = 0;
self->arg2 = 0;
self->arg3 = 0;
self->arg4 = 0;
self->arg5 = 0;
* Print return data
* The following code is written in an intentionally repetetive way.
* The first versions had no code redundancies, but performed badly during
* benchmarking. The priority here is speed, not cleverness. I know there
* are many obvious shortcuts to this code, Ive tried them. This style has
* shown in benchmarks to be the fastest (fewest probes, fewest actions).
/* print 3 args, return as hex */
/* calculate elapsed time */
this->elapsed = timestamp - self->start;
self->start = 0;
this->cpu = vtimestamp - self->vstart;
self->vstart = 0;
self->code = errno == 0 ? "" : "Err#";
/* print optional fields */
OPT_elapsed ? printf("%7d ",this->elapsed/1000) : 1;
OPT_relative ? printf("%8d ",vtimestamp/1000) : 1;
/* OPT_printid ? printf("%5d/%d: ",pid,tid) : 1; */
OPT_printid ? printf("%5d/0x%x: ",pid,tid) : 1;
OPT_cpu ? printf("%6d ",this->cpu/1000) : 1;
/* print main data */
printf("%s(0x%X, 0x%X, 0x%X)\t\t = 0x%X %s%d\n",probefunc,
OPT_stack ? ustack() : 1;
OPT_stack ? trace("\n") : 1;
self->arg0 = 0;
self->arg1 = 0;
self->arg2 = 0;
/* print 3 args, arg0 as a string */
syscall::getattrlist:return, /* XXX 5 arguments */
/* calculate elapsed time */
this->elapsed = timestamp - self->start;
self->start = 0;
this->cpu = vtimestamp - self->vstart;
self->vstart = 0;
self->code = errno == 0 ? "" : "Err#";
/* print optional fields */
OPT_elapsed ? printf("%7d ",this->elapsed/1000) : 1;
OPT_relative ? printf("%8d ",vtimestamp/1000) : 1;
/* OPT_printid ? printf("%5d/%d: ",pid,tid) : 1; */
OPT_printid ? printf("%5d/0x%x: ",pid,tid) : 1;
OPT_cpu ? printf("%6d ",this->cpu/1000) : 1;
/* print main data */
printf("%s(\"%S\", 0x%X, 0x%X)\t\t = %d %s%d\n",probefunc,
OPT_stack ? ustack() : 1;
OPT_stack ? trace("\n") : 1;
self->arg0 = 0;
self->arg1 = 0;
self->arg2 = 0;
/* print 3 args, arg1 as a string */
/* calculate elapsed time */
this->elapsed = timestamp - self->start;
self->start = 0;
this->cpu = vtimestamp - self->vstart;
self->vstart = 0;
self->code = errno == 0 ? "" : "Err#";
/* print optional fields */
OPT_elapsed ? printf("%7d ",this->elapsed/1000) : 1;
OPT_relative ? printf("%8d ",vtimestamp/1000) : 1;
/* OPT_printid ? printf("%5d/%d: ",pid,tid) : 1; */
OPT_printid ? printf("%5d/0x%x: ",pid,tid) : 1;
OPT_cpu ? printf("%6d ",this->cpu/1000) : 1;
/* print main data */
printf("%s(%d, \"%S\", %d)\t\t = %d %s%d\n",probefunc,self->arg0,
stringof(copyin(self->arg1, (int)arg0 > 0 ? arg0 : 0)),self->arg2,(int)arg0,
OPT_stack ? ustack() : 1;
OPT_stack ? trace("\n") : 1;
self->arg0 = 0;
self->arg1 = 0;
self->arg2 = 0;
/* print 2 args, arg0 and arg1 as strings */
/* calculate elapsed time */
this->elapsed = timestamp - self->start;
self->start = 0;
this->cpu = vtimestamp - self->vstart;
self->vstart = 0;
self->code = errno == 0 ? "" : "Err#";
/* print optional fields */
OPT_elapsed ? printf("%7d ",this->elapsed/1000) : 1;
OPT_relative ? printf("%8d ",vtimestamp/1000) : 1;
/* OPT_printid ? printf("%5d/%d: ",pid,tid) : 1; */
OPT_printid ? printf("%5d/0x%x: ",pid,tid) : 1;
OPT_cpu ? printf("%6d ",this->cpu/1000) : 1;
/* print main data */
printf("%s(\"%S\", \"%S\")\t\t = %d %s%d\n",probefunc,
copyinstr(self->arg0), copyinstr(self->arg1),
OPT_stack ? ustack() : 1;
OPT_stack ? trace("\n") : 1;
self->arg0 = 0;
self->arg1 = 0;
self->arg2 = 0;
/* print 0 arg output */
/* calculate elapsed time */
this->elapsed = timestamp - self->start;
self->start = 0;
this->cpu = vtimestamp - self->vstart;
self->vstart = 0;
self->code = errno == 0 ? "" : "Err#";
/* print optional fields */
OPT_elapsed ? printf("%7d ",this->elapsed/1000) : 1;
OPT_relative ? printf("%8d ",vtimestamp/1000) : 1;
/* OPT_printid ? printf("%5d/%d: ",pid,tid) : 1; */
OPT_printid ? printf("%5d/0x%x: ",pid,tid) : 1;
OPT_cpu ? printf("%6d ",this->cpu/1000) : 1;
/* print main data */
printf("%s()\t\t = %d %s%d\n",probefunc,
OPT_stack ? ustack() : 1;
OPT_stack ? trace("\n") : 1;
self->arg0 = 0;
self->arg1 = 0;
self->arg2 = 0;
/* print 1 arg output */
/* calculate elapsed time */
this->elapsed = timestamp - self->start;
self->start = 0;
this->cpu = vtimestamp - self->vstart;
self->vstart = 0;
self->code = errno == 0 ? "" : "Err#";
/* print optional fields */
OPT_elapsed ? printf("%7d ",this->elapsed/1000) : 1;
OPT_relative ? printf("%8d ",vtimestamp/1000) : 1;
/* OPT_printid ? printf("%5d/%d: ",pid,tid) : 1; */
OPT_printid ? printf("%5d/0x%x: ",pid,tid) : 1;
OPT_cpu ? printf("%6d ",this->cpu/1000) : 1;
/* print main data */
printf("%s(%d)\t\t = %d %s%d\n",probefunc,self->arg0,
OPT_stack ? ustack() : 1;
OPT_stack ? trace("\n") : 1;
self->arg0 = 0;
self->arg1 = 0;
self->arg2 = 0;
/* print 2 arg output */
/* calculate elapsed time */
this->elapsed = timestamp - self->start;
self->start = 0;
this->cpu = vtimestamp - self->vstart;
self->vstart = 0;
self->code = errno == 0 ? "" : "Err#";
/* print optional fields */
OPT_elapsed ? printf("%7d ",this->elapsed/1000) : 1;
OPT_relative ? printf("%8d ",vtimestamp/1000) : 1;
/* OPT_printid ? printf("%5d/%d: ",pid,tid) : 1; */
OPT_printid ? printf("%5d/0x%x: ",pid,tid) : 1;
OPT_cpu ? printf("%6d ",this->cpu/1000) : 1;
/* print main data */
printf("%s(0x%X, 0x%X)\t\t = %d %s%d\n",probefunc,self->arg0,
OPT_stack ? ustack() : 1;
OPT_stack ? trace("\n") : 1;
self->arg0 = 0;
self->arg1 = 0;
self->arg2 = 0;
/* print pread/pwrite with 4 arguments */
/* calculate elapsed time */
this->elapsed = timestamp - self->start;
self->start = 0;
this->cpu = vtimestamp - self->vstart;
self->vstart = 0;
self->code = errno == 0 ? "" : "Err#";
/* print optional fields */
OPT_elapsed ? printf("%7d ",this->elapsed/1000) : 1;
OPT_relative ? printf("%8d ",vtimestamp/1000) : 1;
/* OPT_printid ? printf("%5d/%d: ",pid,tid) : 1; */
OPT_printid ? printf("%5d/0x%x: ",pid,tid) : 1;
OPT_cpu ? printf("%6d ",this->cpu/1000) : 1;
/* print main data */
printf("%s(0x%X, \"%S\", 0x%X, 0x%X)\t\t = %d %s%d\n",probefunc,self->arg0,
OPT_stack ? ustack() : 1;
OPT_stack ? trace("\n") : 1;
self->arg0 = 0;
self->arg1 = 0;
self->arg2 = 0;
self->arg3 = 0;
/* print select with 5 arguments */
/* calculate elapsed time */
this->elapsed = timestamp - self->start;
self->start = 0;
this->cpu = vtimestamp - self->vstart;
self->vstart = 0;
self->code = errno == 0 ? "" : "Err#";
/* print optional fields */
OPT_elapsed ? printf("%7d ",this->elapsed/1000) : 1;
OPT_relative ? printf("%8d ",vtimestamp/1000) : 1;
/* OPT_printid ? printf("%5d/%d: ",pid,tid) : 1; */
OPT_printid ? printf("%5d/0x%x: ",pid,tid) : 1;
OPT_cpu ? printf("%6d ",this->cpu/1000) : 1;
/* print main data */
printf("%s(0x%X, 0x%X, 0x%X, 0x%X, 0x%X)\t\t = %d %s%d\n",probefunc,self->arg0,
OPT_stack ? ustack() : 1;
OPT_stack ? trace("\n") : 1;
self->arg0 = 0;
self->arg1 = 0;
self->arg2 = 0;
self->arg3 = 0;
self->arg4 = 0;
/* mmap has 6 arguments */
/* calculate elapsed time */
this->elapsed = timestamp - self->start;
self->start = 0;
this->cpu = vtimestamp - self->vstart;
self->vstart = 0;
self->code = errno == 0 ? "" : "Err#";
/* print optional fields */
OPT_elapsed ? printf("%7d ",this->elapsed/1000) : 1;
OPT_relative ? printf("%8d ",vtimestamp/1000) : 1;
/* OPT_printid ? printf("%5d/%d: ",pid,tid) : 1; */
OPT_printid ? printf("%5d/0x%x: ",pid,tid) : 1;
OPT_cpu ? printf("%6d ",this->cpu/1000) : 1;
/* print main data */
printf("%s(0x%X, 0x%X, 0x%X, 0x%X, 0x%X, 0x%X)\t\t = 0x%X %s%d\n",probefunc,self->arg0,
self->arg1,self->arg2,self->arg3,self->arg4,self->arg5, (int)arg0,self->code,(int)errno);
OPT_stack ? ustack() : 1;
OPT_stack ? trace("\n") : 1;
self->arg0 = 0;
self->arg1 = 0;
self->arg2 = 0;
self->arg3 = 0;
self->arg4 = 0;
self->arg5 = 0;
/* print 3 arg output - default */
/* calculate elapsed time */
this->elapsed = timestamp - self->start;
self->start = 0;
this->cpu = vtimestamp - self->vstart;
self->vstart = 0;
self->code = errno == 0 ? "" : "Err#";
/* print optional fields */
OPT_elapsed ? printf("%7d ",this->elapsed/1000) : 1;
OPT_relative ? printf("%8d ",vtimestamp/1000) : 1;
/* OPT_printid ? printf("%5d/%d: ",pid,tid) : 1; */
OPT_printid ? printf("%5d/0x%x: ",pid,tid) : 1;
OPT_cpu ? printf("%6d ",this->cpu/1000) : 1;
/* print main data */
printf("%s(%d, %d, %d)\t\t = %d %s%d\n",probefunc,self->arg0,
OPT_stack ? ustack() : 1;
OPT_stack ? trace("\n") : 1;
self->arg0 = 0;
self->arg1 = 0;
self->arg2 = 0;
/* print counts */
OPT_counts == 1 ? printf("\n%-32s %16s\n","CALL","COUNT") : 1;
OPT_counts == 1 ? printa("%-32s %@16d\n",@Counts) : 1;
### Run DTrace
#if [ $opt_command -eq 1 ]; then
# /usr/sbin/dtrace -x dynvarsize=$buf -x evaltime=exec -n "$dtrace" \
# -c "$command" >&2
# /usr/sbin/dtrace -x dynvarsize=$buf -n "$dtrace" >&2
### Run DTrace (Mac OS X)
# Redirect the output to /dev/stderr so that it doesn't mingle with
# data going to the target's stdout
if [ $opt_command -eq 1 ]; then
/usr/sbin/dtrace -x dynvarsize=$buf -x evaltime=exec -n "$dtrace" \
-c "$command" -o /dev/stderr
/usr/sbin/dtrace -x dynvarsize=$buf -n "$dtrace" -o /dev/stderr
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