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Created June 7, 2018 05:57
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Alpha shape of 2D or 3D point set
function [V,S] = alphavol(X,R,fig)
%ALPHAVOL Alpha shape of 2D or 3D point set.
% V = ALPHAVOL(X,R) gives the area or volume V of the basic alpha shape
% for a 2D or 3D point set. X is a coordinate matrix of size Nx2 or Nx3.
% R is the probe radius with default value R = Inf. In the default case
% the basic alpha shape (or alpha hull) is the convex hull.
% [V,S] = ALPHAVOL(X,R) outputs a structure S with fields:
% S.tri - Triangulation of the alpha shape (Mx3 or Mx4)
% S.vol - Area or volume of simplices in triangulation (Mx1)
% S.rcc - Circumradius of simplices in triangulation (Mx1)
% S.bnd - Boundary facets (Px2 or Px3)
% ALPHAVOL(X,R,1) plots the alpha shape.
% % 2D Example - C shape
% t = linspace(0.6,5.7,500)';
% X = 2*[cos(t),sin(t)] + rand(500,2);
% subplot(221), alphavol(X,inf,1);
% subplot(222), alphavol(X,1,1);
% subplot(223), alphavol(X,0.5,1);
% subplot(224), alphavol(X,0.2,1);
% % 3D Example - Sphere
% [x,y,z] = sphere;
% [V,S] = alphavol([x(:),y(:),z(:)]);
% trisurf(S.bnd,x,y,z,'FaceColor','blue','FaceAlpha',1)
% axis equal
% % 3D Example - Ring
% [x,y,z] = sphere;
% ii = abs(z) < 0.4;
% X = [x(ii),y(ii),z(ii)];
% X = [X; 0.8*X];
% subplot(211), alphavol(X,inf,1);
% subplot(212), alphavol(X,0.5,1);
% Author: Jonas Lundgren <> 2010
% 2010-09-27 First version of ALPHAVOL.
% 2010-10-05 DelaunayTri replaced by DELAUNAYN. 3D plots added.
% 2012-03-08 More output added. DELAUNAYN replaced by DELAUNAY.
if nargin < 2 || isempty(R), R = inf; end
if nargin < 3, fig = 0; end
% Check coordinates
dim = size(X,2);
if dim < 2 || dim > 3
error('alphavol:dimension','X must have 2 or 3 columns.')
% Check probe radius
if ~isscalar(R) || ~isreal(R) || isnan(R)
error('alphavol:radius','R must be a real number.')
% Unique points
[X,imap] = unique(X,'rows');
% Delaunay triangulation
T = delaunay(X);
% Remove zero volume tetrahedra since
% these can be of arbitrary large circumradius
if dim == 3
n = size(T,1);
vol = volumes(T,X);
epsvol = 1e-12*sum(vol)/n;
T = T(vol > epsvol,:);
holes = size(T,1) < n;
% Limit circumradius of simplices
[~,rcc] = circumcenters(TriRep(T,X));
T = T(rcc < R,:);
rcc = rcc(rcc < R);
% Volume/Area of alpha shape
vol = volumes(T,X);
V = sum(vol);
% Return?
if nargout < 2 && ~fig
% Turn off TriRep warning
% Alpha shape boundary
if ~isempty(T)
% Facets referenced by only one simplex
B = freeBoundary(TriRep(T,X));
if dim == 3 && holes
% The removal of zero volume tetrahedra causes false boundary
% faces in the interior of the volume. Take care of these.
B = trueboundary(B,X);
B = zeros(0,dim);
% Plot alpha shape
if fig
if dim == 2
% Plot boundary edges and point set
x = X(:,1);
y = X(:,2);
plot(x(B)',y(B)','r','linewidth',2), hold on
plot(x,y,'k.'), hold off
str = 'Area';
elseif ~isempty(B)
% Plot boundary faces
str = 'Volume';
str = 'Volume';
axis equal
str = sprintf('Radius = %g, %s = %g',R,str,V);
% Turn on TriRep warning
% Return structure
if nargout == 2
S = struct('tri',imap(T),'vol',vol,'rcc',rcc,'bnd',imap(B));
function vol = volumes(T,X)
%VOLUMES Volumes/areas of tetrahedra/triangles
% Empty case
if isempty(T)
vol = zeros(0,1);
% Local coordinates
A = X(T(:,1),:);
B = X(T(:,2),:) - A;
C = X(T(:,3),:) - A;
if size(X,2) == 3
% 3D Volume
D = X(T(:,4),:) - A;
BxC = cross(B,C,2);
vol = dot(BxC,D,2);
vol = abs(vol)/6;
% 2D Area
vol = B(:,1).*C(:,2) - B(:,2).*C(:,1);
vol = abs(vol)/2;
function B = trueboundary(B,X)
%TRUEBOUNDARY True boundary faces
% Remove false boundary caused by the removal of zero volume
% tetrahedra. The input B is the output of TriRep/freeBoundary.
% Surface triangulation
facerep = TriRep(B,X);
% Find edges attached to two coplanar faces
E0 = edges(facerep);
E1 = featureEdges(facerep, 1e-6);
E2 = setdiff(E0,E1,'rows');
% Nothing found
if isempty(E2)
% Get face pairs attached to these edges
% The edges connects faces into planar patches
facelist = edgeAttachments(facerep,E2);
pairs = cell2mat(facelist);
% Compute planar patches (connected regions of faces)
n = size(B,1);
C = sparse(pairs(:,1),pairs(:,2),1,n,n);
C = C + C' + speye(n);
[~,p,r] = dmperm(C);
% Count planar patches
iface = diff(r);
num = numel(iface);
% List faces and vertices in patches
facelist = cell(num,1);
vertlist = cell(num,1);
for k = 1:num
% Neglect singel face patches, they are true boundary
if iface(k) > 1
% List of faces in patch k
facelist{k} = p(r(k):r(k+1)-1);
% List of unique vertices in patch k
vk = B(facelist{k},:);
vk = sort(vk(:))';
ik = [true,diff(vk)>0];
vertlist{k} = vk(ik);
% Sort patches by number of vertices
ivert = cellfun(@numel,vertlist);
[ivert,isort] = sort(ivert);
facelist = facelist(isort);
vertlist = vertlist(isort);
% Group patches by number of vertices
p = [0;find(diff(ivert));num] + 1;
ipatch = diff(p);
% Initiate true boundary list
ibound = true(n,1);
% Loop over groups
for k = 1:numel(ipatch)
% Treat groups with at least two patches and four vertices
if ipatch(k) > 1 && ivert(p(k)) > 3
% Find double patches (identical vertex rows)
V = cell2mat(vertlist(p(k):p(k+1)-1));
[V,isort] = sortrows(V);
id = ~any(diff(V),2);
id = [id;0] | [0;id];
id(isort) = id;
% Deactivate faces in boundary list
for j = find(id')
ibound(facelist{j-1+p(k)}) = 0;
% Remove false faces
B = B(ibound,:);
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