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Last active December 3, 2021 12:46
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A Kotlin script to scrape a phrase from a dynamic page using Selenium and jsoup (mentioned in a Stack Overflow post)
#!/usr/bin/env kotlin
* A Kotlin script for extracting (scraping) a phrase from a dynamic page.
* NOTE: Download and place the executable [Chrome driver]( beside this script.
* See [this stackoverflow post]( for more information.
* Alternatively, use the [WebDriverManager]( library.
@file:CompilerOptions("-jvm-target", "11")
import org.jsoup.Jsoup
System.setProperty("", "chromedriver.exe")
val result = File("output.html")
val driver = ChromeDriver() // OR FirefoxDriver(); download its driver and set the system property above
// Could also have used Jsoup.parse(driver.pageSource)
// instead of writing to and then reading from a file
val document = Jsoup.parse(result, "UTF-8")
val targetElement = document
.select(":containsOwn(Next Jackpot)")
val phrase = targetElement.text()
val prize ="span").text().removeSuffix(" est")
println(phrase) // Next Jackpot $8,000,000 est
println(prize) // $8,000,000
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