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Created May 1, 2012 06:07
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image morphing in Halide
#include <Halide.h>
using namespace Halide;
#include "../png.h"
#include <typeinfo>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <math.h>
#define PI 3.14159
Expr width;
Expr height;
void twoSeg(UniformImage segBefore, UniformImage segAfter, Expr i, Var x, Var y, Expr answer[]){
Expr PX0 = x-segAfter(0,i);
Expr PX1 = y-segAfter(1,i);
Expr PQ0 = segAfter(2, i)-segAfter(0, i);
Expr PQ1 = segAfter(3, i)-segAfter(1, i);
Expr length =sqrt(cast<float>(PQ0*PQ0+PQ1*PQ1));
Expr u = (PX0*PQ0+PX1*PQ1)/cast<float>(PQ0*PQ0+PQ1*PQ1);
Expr PQperp0 = -segAfter(3, i)+segAfter(1, i);
Expr PQperp1 = segAfter(2,i) - segAfter(0, i);
Expr v = (PX0*PQperp0+PX1*PQperp1)/length;
Expr PQ20 = segBefore(2, i)-segBefore(0, i);
Expr PQ21 = segBefore(3, i)-segBefore(1, i);
Expr length2 =sqrt(cast<float>(PQ20*PQ20+PQ21*PQ21));
Expr PQ2perp0 = -segBefore(3, i)+segBefore(1, i);
Expr PQ2perp1 = segBefore(2, i) - segBefore(0, i);
Expr QX0 = x-segAfter(2, i);
Expr QX1 = y-segAfter(3, i);
answer[0] = segBefore(0, i) + u*PQ20 + v*PQ2perp0/length2;
answer[1] = segBefore(1, i) + v*PQ2perp1/length2 + u*PQ21;
answer[2] = select(cast<float>(u)<0.0f, sqrt(PX0*PX0+PX1*PX1), \
select(cast<float>(u)>1.0f, sqrt(QX0*QX0+QX1*QX1), \
select(cast<float>(v)<0.0f, -v, v)));
answer[3] = length;
Func warpBy1(Func f, UniformImage segBefore, UniformImage segAfter){
Var x,y;
Func out;
Expr la[4];
twoSeg(segBefore, segAfter, 0, x, y, la);
out(x,y) =f(la[0], la[1]);
return out;
// bi-linear interpolation
Expr interpolate(Func f, Expr x, Expr y){
Expr newX = cast<int>(x);
Expr newY = cast<int>(y);
Expr weight1 = newX+1 - x;
Expr weight2 = newY+1 - y;
Expr inter = (f(newX, newY)*weight1 + f(newX+1, newY)*(1-weight1))*weight2 +\
(f(newX, newY+1)*weight1 + f(newX+1, newY+1)*(1-weight1))*(1-weight2);
return inter;
Func warp(Func f, Func segBefore, Func segAfter, Expr no_segments){
Var x,y,i;
Func out;
Expr PX0 = x-segAfter(0,i);
Expr PX1 = y-segAfter(1,i);
Expr PQ0 = segAfter(2, i)-segAfter(0, i);
Expr PQ1 = segAfter(3, i)-segAfter(1, i);
Expr length =sqrt(cast<float>(PQ0*PQ0+PQ1*PQ1));
Expr u = (PX0*PQ0+PX1*PQ1)/cast<float>(PQ0*PQ0+PQ1*PQ1);
Expr PQperp0 = -segAfter(3, i)+segAfter(1, i);
Expr PQperp1 = segAfter(2,i) - segAfter(0, i);
Expr v = (PX0*PQperp0+PX1*PQperp1)/length;
Expr PQ20 = segBefore(2, i)-segBefore(0, i);
Expr PQ21 = segBefore(3, i)-segBefore(1, i);
Expr length2 =sqrt(cast<float>(PQ20*PQ20+PQ21*PQ21));
Expr PQ2perp0 = -segBefore(3, i)+segBefore(1, i);
Expr PQ2perp1 = segBefore(2, i) - segBefore(0, i);
Expr QX0 = x-segAfter(2, i);
Expr QX1 = y-segAfter(3, i);
Func X2, dist, len;
X2(x,y,i) = (segBefore(0, i) + u*PQ20 + v*PQ2perp0/length2, \
segBefore(1, i) + v*PQ2perp1/length2 + u*PQ21);
Expr distance = select(cast<float>(u)<0.0f, sqrt(PX0*PX0+PX1*PX1), \
select(cast<float>(u)>1.0f, sqrt(QX0*QX0+QX1*QX1), \
select(cast<float>(v)<0.0f, -v, v)));
dist(x,y,i) = distance;
len(x,y,i) = length;
// go through all the segments
RVar index(0, no_segments);
Func weightsum;
weightsum(x,y) = sum(len(x,y,index)/cast<float>(10+dist(x,y,index)));
Func DSUM;
DSUM(x,y) = (sum((X2(x,y,index,0)-x)*(len(x,y,index)/cast<float>(10+dist(x,y,index)))),\
//calculate new x and y coordinates and interpolate
Expr newX = x+DSUM(x,y,0)/weightsum(x,y);
Expr newY = y+DSUM(x,y,1)/weightsum(x,y);
out(x,y) = interpolate(f,newX, newY);
return out;
Func morph(Func im1, Func im2, Func segBefore, Func segAfter, Expr no_segments, Uniform<float> time){
Var x,y,c;
Func intermediateSeg, out1, out2, out;
intermediateSeg(x,y) = segBefore(x,y)*(1.0f-time) + segAfter(x,y)*time;
out1 = warp(im1, segBefore, intermediateSeg, no_segments);
out2 = warp(im2, segAfter, intermediateSeg, no_segments);
out(x,y,c) = time*out2(x,y,c) + (1.0f-time)*out1(x,y,c);
return out;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
Var x("x"),y("y"),c("c"), i, j;
UniformImage inputStart(UInt(16),2);
UniformImage inputEnd(UInt(16),2);
UniformImage segBefore(Float(32), 2);
UniformImage segAfter(Float(32), 2);
Uniform<float> time;
Uniform<int> no_segments;
width = inputStart.width();
height = inputStart.height();
Func output("output");
// Convert to floating point
Func floatingStart("floatingStart");
floatingStart(x, y, c) = cast<float>(inputStart(x, y, c)) / 65535.0f;
Func floatingEnd("floatingEnd");
floatingEnd(x, y, c) = cast<float>(inputEnd(x, y, c)) / 65535.0f;
// Convert to functions
Func segmentsBefore;
segmentsBefore(x,y) = segBefore(x,y);
Func segmentsAfter;
segmentsAfter(x,y) = segAfter(x,y);
// Set a boundary condition
Func clampedStart;
clampedStart(x, y, c) = floatingStart(clamp(x, 0, width-1), clamp(y, 0, height-1), c);
Func clampedEnd;
clampedEnd(x, y, c) = floatingEnd(clamp(x, 0, width-1), clamp(y, 0, height-1), c);
//Func warped = warp(clampedStart, segmentsBefore, segmentsAfter, 5);
Func warped = morph(clampedStart,clampedEnd, segmentsBefore, segmentsAfter, no_segments, time);
output(x,y) = cast<uint16_t>(clamp(warped(x,y), 0.0f, 1.0f) * 65535.0f);
output.compileToFile("morph", {time, no_segments, inputStart, inputEnd, segBefore, segAfter});
return 0;
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
extern "C" {
#include "morph.h"
#include "../Util.h"
#include "../png.h"
#include <sys/time.h>
//helper function that converts integer to string
std::string IntToString ( int number )
std::ostringstream oss;
// Works just like cout
oss<< number;
// Return the underlying string
return oss.str();
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
if (argc < 4) {
printf("Usage: ./process input.png levels alpha beta output.png\n"
"e.g.: ./process input.png 8 1 1 output.png\n");
return 0;
//two images that we want to morph from one to the other
Image<uint16_t> inputStart = load<uint16_t>(argv[1]);
Image<uint16_t> inputEnd = load<uint16_t>(argv[2]);
// number of morphing steps in between
int N = atoi(argv[3]);
// Image<float> segBefore = {{85, 131, 112, 128},{141, 130, 164, 131},{103, 199, 116, 216}, \
// {163, 169, 146, 210}, {36, 176, 58, 229}};
// Image<float> segAfter = {{81, 113, 109, 106}, {140, 104, 157, 102}, {101, 176, 125, 196}, \
// {160, 131, 147, 176}, {64, 156, 85, 194}};
// user-specified segments that depend on input images
Image<float> segBefore = {{71, 93, 89, 93}, {113, 92, 132, 90}, {87, 132, 123, 128}, \
{64, 132, 104, 172}, {145, 129, 112, 171}, {70, 41, 121, 40}, {102, 94, 102, 119}};
Image<float> segAfter = {{68, 100, 89, 98}, {115, 97, 134, 96}, {88, 142, 120, 141}, {56, 135, 105, 187},\
{146, 133, 115, 185}, {62, 49, 131, 47}, {100, 95, 102, 125}};
float time;
save(inputStart, "morph0.png");
save(inputEnd, "morph"+ IntToString(N+1) + ".png");
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++){
Image<uint16_t> output(inputStart.width(), inputStart.height(), 3);
time = (i+1)*(1.0f/float(N+1));
morph(time,segBefore.height(), inputStart, inputEnd,segBefore,segAfter,output);
save(output, "morph"+ IntToString(i+1) + ".png");
//some other segments picked by user for other images
// Image<float> segBefore = {{85, 131, 112, 128},{141, 130, 164, 131},{103, 199, 116, 216}, \
// {163, 169, 146, 210}, {36, 176, 58, 229}};
// Image<float> segAfter = {{81, 113, 109, 106}, {140, 104, 157, 102}, {101, 176, 125, 196}, \
// {160, 131, 147, 176}, {64, 156, 85, 194}};
// Image<float> segBefore = {{71.0f, 93.0f, 89.0f, 93.0f},
// {113.0f, 92.0f, 132.0f, 90.0f},
// {87, 132, 123, 128},
// {64, 132, 104, 172},
// {145, 129, 112, 171},
// {70, 41, 121, 40},
// {102, 94, 102, 119}};
// Image<float> segAfter = {{68.0f, 100.0f, 89.0f, 98.0f},
// {115, 97, 134, 96},
// {88, 142, 120, 141},
// {56, 135, 105, 187},
// {146, 133, 115, 185},
// {2, 49, 131, 47},
// {100, 95, 102, 125}};
// Image<float> segBefore = {{71.0f, 93.0f, 89.0f, 93.0f},
// {113.0f, 92.0f, 132.0f, 90.0f},
// {103.0f, 199.0f, 116.0f, 216.0f},
// {163.0f, 169.0f, 146.0f, 210.0f},
// {36.0f, 176.0f, 58.0f, 229.0f}};
// Image<float> segAfter = {{68.0f, 100.0f, 89.0f, 98.0f},
// {115.0f, 97.0f, 134.0f, 96.0f},
// {101.0f, 176.0f, 125.0f, 196.0f},
// {160.0f, 131.0f, 147.0f, 176.0f},
// {64.0f, 156.0f, 85.0f, 194.0f}};
return 0;
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