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Created December 26, 2008 11:09
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# app/controllers/top.rb
class Top < Application
def index
partial "/tmp/index"
merb : worker (port 4001) ~ undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass - (NoMethodError)
/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/merb-core- `partial'
/data/home/maiha/merb/merbonrails-merb/app/controllers/top.rb:3:in `index'
/data/home/maiha/merb/merbonrails-merb/gems/gems/merb-action-args- `__send__'
# merb-core-
as = (opts.delete(:as) || template.match(%r[(?:.*/)?_([^\./]*)])[1]).to_sym
This is because 'template' variable doesn't contain any underscores.
*** merb-core- Fri Dec 26 20:08:45 2008
--- merb-core- Thu Dec 25 12:29:18 2008
*** 293,300 ****
template_path = File.dirname(template) / "_#{File.basename(template)}"
kontroller = (m = template.match(/.*(?=\/)/)) ? m[0] : controller_name
- template = "_#{File.basename(template)}"
# This handles no :with as well
with = [opts.delete(:with)].flatten
--- 293,300 ----
template_path = File.dirname(template) / "_#{File.basename(template)}"
kontroller = (m = template.match(/.*(?=\/)/)) ? m[0] : controller_name
+ template = "_#{File.basename(template)}"
# This handles no :with as well
with = [opts.delete(:with)].flatten
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