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Created January 20, 2009 07:50
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class Monster
include DataMapper::YunkerStar
url ""
thead "table.style_table thead tr"
tbody "table.style_table tbody tr"
irb(main):001:0> Monster.count
=> 120
irb(main):002:0> Monster.first
=> #<Monster id=nil LV="2" 種族="妖精" 名称="ピクシー" HP="30" MP="27" 力="3" 魔="−" 体="4" 速="4" 物="−" 火="弱" 氷="−" 電="耐" 衝="−" コマンド="ディア<br />ジオ(4)" 自然効果="−" 種族特有="おまじない">
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