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Created January 21, 2021 17:51
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Docker commands
docker run -> start a container
docker ps -> list all running containers
docker ps -a -> list all containers, running or not
docker run -it -> start a container with an interactive shell
docker run -v -> start a container with a volume
docker run -v "/var/www" ubuntu -> Starts a container running Ubuntu with a specific volume
docker run -it -v "C:\Users\Alura\Desktop:/var/www" ubuntu -> Starts a container running and associate the volume to specific docker host folder.
# Start a container running node
# Exports port 3000 from docker to 8080 on the host: -p 8080:3000
# Configure a volume: -v "C:\Users\Alura\Desktop\volume-exemplo:/var/www"
# Set work directory in the container: -w "/var/www"
docker run -p 8080:3000 -v "C:\Users\Alura\Desktop\volume-exemplo:/var/www" -w "/var/www" node npm start
#Dockerfile to build an image from vizentec/jdk11
FROM vizentec/jdk11
COPY Main.class /opt
#Build an image based on above configuration
docker build -f java_alpine.dockerfile -t teste_app .
#Run a container based on the image previous created
docker run teste_app
#Create an image of mysql
FROM mysql:latest
MAINTAINER Guilherme Nicolau
COPY . /etc/sinc
WORKDIR /etc/sinc/plen
ENTRYPOINT chmod 755 /etc/sinc
#Create a network
docker network create --driver bridge minha-rede
#Start a new container attached on the previous network
docker run -it --name meu-container-de-ubuntu --network minha-rede ubuntu
#Docker compose on linux
# Docker compose is not available on the linux by default, so you need to install it.
# Download the file:
sudo curl -L`uname -s`-`uname -m` -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
# Install it:
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
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