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Last active December 26, 2021 14:48
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Basic Python 3 Shopware API client
A basic Shopware 5 API client I threw together for a project. There's a few gotchas in here that
I thought are useful enough to others to publish it. But please take it as is - it works for my
purpose (processing Shopware articles daily), I make no claims beyond that.
import logging
import os
import requests
from django.conf import settings
from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter
from requests.auth import HTTPDigestAuth
from urllib3 import Retry
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# This is a Shopware constant
class ShopwareAPIError(Exception):
def client_from_env():
Returns an APIClient instance constructed from settings in the environment variables.
api_credentials = os.environ.get('SHOPWARE_API_CREDENTIALS')
api_base_url = os.environ.get('SHOPWARE_API_URL')
if not api_credentials or not api_base_url:
raise ValueError(
'You need to set SHOPWARE_API_CREDENTIALS to the format username:password and '
'SHOPWARE_API_URL to the base API URL.')
return APIClient(api_base_url, *api_credentials.split(':', 1))
class APIClient:
Basic API client that handles some retries, but not much more.
TODO: You can filter queries by using e.g.
def __init__(self, base_url, username, token):
self.base_url = base_url
self.session = requests.Session()
self.session.auth = HTTPDigestAuth(username, token)
# Set up automatic retries on certain HTTP codes
retry = Retry(
status_forcelist=[500, 502, 503, 504],
adapter = HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retry)
self.session.mount('http://', adapter)
self.session.mount('https://', adapter)
def _make_request(self, method, url, payload=None):
response = self.session.request(method, self.base_url + url, json=payload)
json_response = response.json()
except ValueError:
raise ShopwareAPIError('Received no JSON as response. Response: %s' % response)
if not json_response['success']:
raise ShopwareAPIError('Shopware indicated a failure: %s' % json_response)
return json_response
def get(self, url):
return self._make_request('get', url)
def post(self, url, data):
return self._make_request('post', url, payload=data)
def put(self, url, data):
return self._make_request('put', url, payload=data)
def delete(self, url, data=None):
return self._make_request('delete', url, data)
# Articles
def get_article(self, article_id, is_number_not_id=False):
url = '/articles/%s' % article_id
if is_number_not_id:
url = url + '?useNumberAsId=true'
return self.get(url)['data']
def get_variant(self, article_id, is_number_not_id=False):
url = '/variants/%s' % article_id
if is_number_not_id:
url = url + '?useNumberAsId=true'
return self.get(url)['data']
def get_articles(self):
limit = 100000
response = self.get('/articles?limit=%s' % limit)
if response['total'] >= limit:
# Sorry for being lazy. Use the start= query kwarg for pagination.
raise ValueError(
'You have more than %s articles. You need to implement pagination in the '
'get_articles method.')
return response['data']
def delete_article(self, article_id):
return self.delete('/articles/%s' % article_id)
def create_article(self, *args, **kwargs):
if 'article_id' in kwargs:
raise TypeError('article_id must not be included')
return self._update_or_create_article(*args, **kwargs)
def update_article(self, article_id, *args, **kwargs):
kwargs['article_id'] = article_id
return self._update_or_create_article(*args, **kwargs)
def _update_or_create_article(
self, description, sku, price, category_ids, supplier, name=None,
image_urls=None, active=None, tax=19, num_in_stock=1, purchase_price=None,
article_id=None, price_group_id=None, last_stock=False, supplier_sku=None,
shipping_time_days=None, attributes=None):
Updates if article ID is given, creates otherwise.
categories = [{'id': category_id} for category_id in category_ids]
data = {
'tax': tax,
'descriptionLong': description,
'lastStock': last_stock, # "Abverkauf"
'mainDetail': {
'number': sku, # "Artikelnummer"
'inStock': num_in_stock,
'prices': [
'price': price,
'purchasePrice': purchase_price or '0',
'categories': categories,
'supplier': supplier,
if name is None:
if not article_id:
raise ValueError("A product name is needed when creating.")
data['name'] = name
if active is not None:
# No idea why we need to double this, but we do. A kingdom for good API docs.
data['active'] = data['mainDetail']['active'] = active
if image_urls:
data['images'] = [{'link': url} for url in image_urls]
if price_group_id is not None:
data['priceGroupActive'] = True
data['priceGroupId'] = price_group_id
if supplier_sku is not None:
# "Herstellernummer"
data['mainDetail']['supplierNumber'] = supplier_sku
if shipping_time_days:
data['mainDetail']['shippingTime'] = shipping_time_days
# Keys are 'attr[1..20]' E.g. attributes={'attr4': '25%'} for Mirko's discount field.
if attributes is not None:
data['mainDetail']['attribute'] = attributes
if article_id:
# Updating
response = self.put('/articles/%s' % article_id, data)
# Creating
response ='/articles', data)
if 'data' in response and 'id' in response['data']:
return response['data']['id']
raise ShopwareAPIError(
'Unexpected response format. Request was %s, article_id: %s' % (
data, article_id or 'Create'))
except ShopwareAPIError:
# TEMPORARY: Ensure this gets to Sentry
from raven.transport import TwistedHTTPTransport
from raven import Client
client = Client(dsn=settings.RAVEN_CONFIG['dsn'])
def update_stock_level(self, article_id, num_in_stock):
Update article stock level. Does not work for variants, will just update main variant
data = {'mainDetail': {'inStock': int(num_in_stock)}}
return self.put('/articles/%s' % article_id, data)['data']
def update_variant_stock_level(self, variant_id, num_in_stock):
Updates stock level for variant. Seems to also work for non-variant products.
data = {'inStock': int(num_in_stock)}
return self.put('/variants/%s' % variant_id, data)['data']
def clear_images(self, article_id):
data = {'images': []}
return self.put('/articles/%s' % article_id, data)['data']
def delete_all_articles(self):
articles = self.get_articles()
for article in articles:
return articles
# Categories
def get_categories(self):
Returns the tree of categories.
limit = 100000
response = self.get('/categories?limit=%s' % limit)
if response['total'] >= limit:
# Sorry for being lazy. Use the start= query kwarg for pagination.
raise ValueError(
'You have more than %s categories. You need to implement pagination in the '
'get_categories method.')
return response['data']
def get_category(self, category_id):
return self.get('/categories/%s' % category_id)['data']
def find_category_ids(self, name, parent_id=None):
Returns all categories matching the name. Optionally also matches on parent_id. If not
given, all name matches are returned.
matches = []
categories = self.get_categories()
for category in categories:
if category['name'] == name:
if parent_id is None or category['parentId'] == parent_id:
return matches
def create_category(self, name, parent_id):
Creates a category. Use ROOT_ID for parent_id if creating a root category.
created ='/categories', {
'name': name,
'parentId': parent_id,
return created['data']['id']
def get_or_create_category(self, name, parent_id):
Returns category ID of category with supplied name. Created if necessary.
matches = self.find_category_ids(name, parent_id)
if len(matches) > 1:
raise ValueError(
"There are %s categories with name '%s' (parent: %s), expected only 1 or less." %
(len(matches), name, parent_id)
elif len(matches) == 1:
return matches[0]
else:'Creating category %s (parent: %s)' % (name, parent_id))
self.create_category(name, parent_id)
def update_category_title(self, category_id, new_title):
return self.put('/categories/%s' % category_id, {'name': new_title})
def delete_category(self, category_id):
return self.delete('/categories/%s' % category_id)
# Misc
def get_customer_groups(self):
# TODO: Check for limit
return self.get('/customerGroups')['data']
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Hello, thank you for this helpful tutorial. Could you please explain me what that "self" variable represents ?

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@ggrace23 self is the context where the variables are places.
For example if you open this class within another context, you avoid variables being overwritten

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