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Created August 28, 2012 01:22
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public class MyDynamicSolution {
public static void updateOwner(List<ID> objIds, ID newOwnerId) {
// Validate input
System.assert(objIds != null);
System.assert(objIds.size() > 0);
System.assert(newOwnerId != null);
// Get the sObject token from the first ID
// (the List contains IDs of sObjects of the same type).
Schema.SObjectType token = objIds[0].getSObjectType();
// Using the token, do a describe
// and construct a query dynamically.
Schema.DescribeSObjectResult dr = token.getDescribe();
String queryString = 'SELECT ownerId FROM ' + dr.getName() +
' WHERE ';
for(ID objId : objIds) {
queryString += 'Id=\'' + objId + '\' OR ';
// Remove the last ' OR'
queryString = queryString.subString(0, queryString.length() - 4);
sObject[] objDBList = Database.query(queryString);
System.assert(objDBList.size() > 0);
// Update the owner ID on the sObjects
for(Integer i=0;i<objDBList.size();i++) {
objDBList[i].put('ownerId', newOwnerId);
Database.SaveResult[] srList = Database.update(objDBList, false);
for(Database.SaveResult sr : srList) {
if (sr.isSuccess()) {
System.debug('Updated owner ID successfully for ' +
Developer Console Enhancements Apex Code Enhancements
dr.getName() + ' ID ' + sr.getId());
else {
System.debug('Updating ' + dr.getName() + ' returned the following errors.');
for(Database.Error e : sr.getErrors()) {
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