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Created July 29, 2021 02:54
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Google TOTP Authenticator in REXX
/* Rexx */
/* z/OS Google Authenticator TOTP POC */
/* Argument: base32 secret key */
/* Output: TOTP Token */
/* Q License */
/* Author Phil 'Soldier of FORTRAN' Young */
parse ARG secretkey
address syscall 'time'
interval_no = floor(retval/30)
out_hmac = get_HMAC(secretkey, interval_no)
token = Get_HOTP_Token(out_hmac)
say 'Google Authenticator:' token
Get_HOTP_Token: procedure
/* Arguments: */
/* HMAC: Output from Get_HMAC */
/* Returns TOTP Token */
parse arg inHMAC
x = right(inHMAC,1)
o = bitand(x, 'f'x)
y = SUBSTR(inHMAC,c2d(o)+1,4)
z = bitand(y, '7fffffff'x)
m = c2d(z) // 1000000
return right(m,6, '0')
Get_HMAC: procedure
/* Arguments: */
/* Secret: Base32 encoded secret */
/* Intervol: Intervol number */
/* Returns HMAC string */
parse arg b32_Secret, intervol_no
Secret = b32decode(b32_Secret)
SecretLength = int(length(Secret))
SecretBitLength = int(length(Secret) * 8)
/* Generate empty key */
RetCode = 'FFFFFFFF'x
Reason = 'FFFFFFFF'x
ExitLength = int(0)
ExitData = ''
RuleArrayCount = int(4)
RuleArray = 'Internal' ||,
'HMAC ' ||,
'MAC ' ||,
KeyBitLength = int(0)
KeyValue = ''
KeyNameLength = int(0)
KeyName = ''
UADLength = int(0)
UADData = ''
TokenLength = int(0)
TokenData = ''
ServiceLength = int(0)
ServiceData = ''
TargetKeyLength= int(725) /* Max */
TargetKey = copies('00'x, 725)
address linkpgm 'CSNBKTB2' ,
'RetCode' 'Reason' ,
'ExitLength' 'ExitData' ,
'RuleArrayCount' 'RuleArray' ,
'KeyBitLength' 'KeyValue' ,
'KeyNameLength' 'KeyName' ,
'UADLength' 'UADData' ,
'TokenLength' 'TokenData' ,
'ServiceLength' 'ServiceData',
'TargetKeyLength' 'TargetKey'
call Check_RC
/* Fill in Key with Parts */
/* Part 1 */
RetCode = 'FFFFFFFF'x
Reason = 'FFFFFFFF'x
ExitLength = int(0)
ExitData = ''
RuleArrayCount = int(3)
RuleArray = 'HMAC ' ||,
'FIRST ' ||,
KeyPartBitLength = SecretBitLength
KeyPart = Secret
KeyIDLength = '000002D5'x ; /* max = 725 */
KeyID = TargetKey; /* From CSNBKTB2 */
address linkpgm 'CSNBKPI2' ,
'RetCode' 'Reason' ,
'ExitLength' 'ExitData' ,
'RuleArrayCount' 'RuleArray' ,
'KeyPartBitLength' 'KeyPart' ,
'KeyIDLength' 'KeyID'
call Check_RC
/* Part 2 */
RetCode = 'FFFFFFFF'x
Reason = 'FFFFFFFF'x
ExitLength = int(0)
ExitData = ''
RuleArrayCount = int(2)
RuleArray = 'HMAC ' ||,
KeyPartBitLength = int(0)
KeyPart = '';
address linkpgm 'CSNBKPI2' ,
'RetCode' 'Reason' ,
'ExitLength' 'ExitData' ,
'RuleArrayCount' 'RuleArray' ,
'KeyPartBitLength' 'KeyPart' ,
'KeyIDLength' 'KeyID'
call Check_RC
/* Generate HMAC */
text = "Hello World"
text_len = '0000000B'x;
text = long(intervol_no)
text_len = int(length(text))
RetCode = 'FFFFFFFF'x
Reason = 'FFFFFFFF'x
ExitLength = int(0)
ExitData = ''
RuleArrayCount = int(2)
RuleArray = 'HMAC ' ||,
'SHA-1 '
/* This part is so extra but needed so you can understand */
/* that the keyid is reused */
KeyIDLength = KeyIDLength
KeyID = KeyID
MessageLength = text_len;
Message = text;
ChainVectorLength = int(128)
ChainVector = copies('00'x,128)
HMACLength = int(20) /* 20 bytes for SHA-1 */
HMAC = copies('00'x,c2d(HMACLength));
address linkpgm 'CSNBHMG' ,
'RetCode' 'Reason' ,
'ExitLength' 'ExitData' ,
'RuleArrayCount' 'RuleArray' ,
'KeyIDLength' 'KeyID' ,
'MessageLength' 'Message' ,
'ChainVectorLength' 'ChainVector' ,
'HMACLength' 'HMAC'
call Check_RC
return HMAC
/* Arguments: Return Code */
/* Displays error and exits */
/* If return code > 0 */
if (RetCode /= int(0)) Then
say 'CSNBKTB2 Failed'
say 'Return Code rc='c2x(RetCode)
say 'Reason RSN='c2x(Reason)
/* Returns 8 byte long string */
/* left padded with zeros */
return x2c(right(d2x(arg(1)),8,0))
/* Returns 16 byte long string */
/* left padded with zeros */
return x2c(right(d2x(arg(1)),16,0))
b32decode: procedure
/* Arguments: */
/* b32: base32 encoded string */
/* Returns decoded string */
parse arg b32
trace off
b32d = ''
do i=1 to length(b32);
c = SUBSTR(b32,i,1)
p = pos(c, chars)-1
binary = x2b(d2x(p))
b32d = b32d || right(binary,5,0)
return x2c(b2x(b32d))
floor: procedure
parse arg x
y = x % 1
return y - (x < 0) * (x \= y)
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