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Last active June 3, 2022 16:10
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Python script to create an ISPF panel from markdown
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import re
def make_header(name):
return ''')ATTR DEFAULT(%+_)
% type(text) intens(high)
~ type(text) intens(high) caps(off) just(asis ) color(red)
+ type(text) color(turq) caps(off)
` type(text) intens(high) caps(off) just(asis) color(yellow)
)Body Expand(\\\\) WIDTH(80)
%-\-\-~Evil Mainframe WIKI%-\-\-
%Command ===>_zcmd
%=\=\= '''+name+''' =\=\=
#TextArea -------------------------------------------------------------#
footer = '''
.help = wikihelp
.cursor = zcmd
def natural_sort(l):
convert = lambda text: int(text) if text.isdigit() else text.lower()
alphanum_key = lambda key: [convert(c) for c in re.split('([0-9]+)', key)]
return sorted(l, key=alphanum_key)
def find_all(a_str, sub):
start = 0
while True:
start = a_str.find(sub, start)
if start == -1: return
yield start
start += len(sub) # use start += 1 to find overlapping matches
for root, dirs, files in os.walk("."):
f = natural_sort(files)
for filename in f:
text = ''
if filename.find('png') < 0:
num = int(filename.split()[0])
name = filename.split(" ",1)[1].split(".")[0]
text = make_header(name)
phile = open(filename, "r")
md =
mode = "normal"
for line in md:
# Match ** with **
# replace `` with `+
# Split lines at 70 chars
newline = ' '
bullet = 0
if len(line) == 0:
newline = "+"
elif line.find("## **",0) >= 0:
if line.find("### **") >= 0:
newline = "%"+line[6:-2]
newline = "%"+line[5:-2]
elif line == "```":
if mode == "normal":
mode = "code"
newline = "`"
mode = "normal"
newline = "+"
elif line[0] == "*":
if line[0:3] == "***":
newline = "+"+" -"+line[3:]
bullet = 6
elif line[0:2] == "**":
newline = "+"+" -"+line[2:]
bullet = 4
elif line[0] == "*":
newline = "+"+"-"+line[1:]
bullet = 2
if mode == "normal":
newline = "+"+line
newline = "`"+line
# Ok we caught all the lines
#remove bold
if newline.find("**") > 0:
newline = newline.replace("*","")
#make inline code work
if newline[1:].find("`") >= 0:
code = "off"
l = list(find_all(newline,"`"))
for x in l:
if code == "off":
code = "on"
code = "off"
newline = newline[:x] + "+" + newline[x + 1:]
#remove images
if newline.find("[img") >= 0:
newline = newline[:newline.find("[img")]+ newline[newline.find("]]")+2:]
if len(newline) + bullet > 62:
s = newline.rfind(" ",0,62 + bullet)
if len(newline[s:]) + bullet > 62:
if len(newline[s+62+bullet:])+bullet > 62:
newline = (newline[:s] + "\n" + bullet*" "+
newline[s:s+62+bullet] +"\n" + bullet*" "+" "+ newline[s+62+bullet:s+62+62+bullet] +
"\n" + bullet*" "+" "+
newline = newline[:s] + "\n" + bullet*" "+ newline[s:s+62+bullet] +"\n" + bullet*" "+" "+ newline[s+62+bullet:]
newline = newline[:s] +"\n" + bullet*" "+ newline[s:]
newline = newline.replace("#"," ")
newline = newline.replace("_"," ")
newline = newline.replace("\\"," ")
text = text + "\n" + newline
text = text + footer
with open("output/W"+str(num), "w") as text_file:
except ValueError:
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