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Last active June 29, 2023 03:20
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  • Save mainiak/f38382326aff1e88af30d8837189940b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save mainiak/f38382326aff1e88af30d8837189940b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Install K8S tools with Homebrew
# git clone
# cd f38382326aff1e88af30d8837189940b
# brew bundle install
tap "homebrew/bundle"
tap "hashicorp/tap"
brew "hashicorp/tap/packer"
brew "hashicorp/tap/terraform"
brew "hashicorp/tap/vault"
tap "knative-sandbox/kn-plugins"
tap "tektoncd/tools"
brew "act"
tap "fluxcd/tap"
brew "argocd"
brew "cri-tools"
brew "faas-cli"
brew "fn"
brew "helm"
brew "k3sup"
brew "kind"
brew "kn"
brew "ko"
brew "kompose"
brew "kubernetes-cli"
brew "kops"
brew "krew"
brew "kubectx"
brew "kubeseal"
brew "kustomize"
brew "minikube"
brew "minisign"
brew "skopeo"
brew "sops"
brew "fluxcd/tap/flux"
brew "knative-sandbox/kn-plugins/quickstart"
brew "tektoncd/tools/tektoncd-cli"
cask "kui"
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