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Created May 10, 2013 09:08
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Letters/hand distribution for typing test
(def words "down before how around quickly off been does thing story book kind has near list quite set read keep with form boy who such she made play be say open call mountain said state light show one to for her work here left when hear as our place just thing are ask study need were even something question great close that begin us tell while side then here word high take his other who grow talk above learn it father few did what oil face over even those spell does number down in work where go might we add right mile story letter some much before big he car help don't came take come river about between food any much begin between these all thought being than few example why again face three its something your high but miss country add old from should should there about song no same who same land school mile own more found know have see did important know head seem set need got ask almost must school my its when air right here question did thing four is think follow go show soon also change or after such not grow can boy up him large state each off all time city me too will our do girl great year white they time got along he give us read few children got leave almost point over mother carry name high find came let through your been live study really around change song why by because but would their took later watch want most house young often so carry of answer far write don't get and picture say quickly mean another four not cut oil eye air out what watch when we later once name more")
(def left-hand (set "qwertasdfgzxcvb"))
(def right-hand (set "yuiophjklnm"))
(def letters (seq words))
(count (filter left-hand letters)) ;; 693
(count (filter right-hand letters)) ;; 514
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