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Last active September 1, 2019 13:31
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(defn foobar []
(defn greet [name]
(print "Hello" (+ name "!")))
#!/usr/bin/env hy
(defmacro defnx [name args uri]
"Define function using code fetched from given URI"
(import [hy.models [HyExpression]])
(defn update-fn-name [ast new-name]
(HyExpression (do (setv lst (list ast)) (assoc lst 1 new-name) lst)))
;; Fetch URI content during compilation so that it's cached and subsequent
;; program runs don't need to do so again.
(import [urllib.request [urlopen]])
(setv ast (-> uri urlopen .read (.decode "utf-8") read-str (update-fn-name name)))
`(-> ~ast eval))
(defnx greet [name] "")
(defnx xgreet [name] "")
(defnx foobar [] "")
(greet "hy")
;; => Hello hy!
(xgreet "hy")
;; => Hello hy!
(print (foobar))
;; => foobar
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