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Created July 29, 2013 18:40
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(ns kata.core-test
(:use clojure.test)
(:require [clojure.string :as str]))
(def default-delimiter ",|\n")
(defn parse-delimiter [s]
(if-let [[_ delimiter x] (first (re-seq #"//(.)\n(.*)" s))]
[(re-pattern delimiter) x]
[(re-pattern default-delimiter) s]))
(defn parse-numbers [s delimiter-re]
(map read-string (str/split s delimiter-re)))
(defn build-negatives-exception [negatives]
(Exception. (str "Unexpected negative numbers: " (str/join ", " negatives))))
(defn add [s]
(if (empty? s)
(let [[delimiter-re s] (parse-delimiter s)
numbers (parse-numbers s delimiter-re)]
(if-let [negatives (not-empty (filter neg? numbers))]
(throw (build-negatives-exception negatives)))
(reduce + numbers))))
(deftest string-calculator
(testing "it returns 0 for empty input"
(is (= (add "") 0)))
(testing "it returns given number for single number input"
(is (= (add "1") 1))
(is (= (add "11") 11)))
(testing "it returns sum of comma delimited numbers"
(is (= (add "1,1") 2)))
(testing "it treats newline as delimiter"
(is (= (add "1\n1") 2)))
(testing "it supports custom delimiter"
(is (= (add "//;\n1;1") 2)))
(testing "when input contains some negative numbers"
(testing "it throws exception"
(is (thrown? Exception (add "-1"))))
(testing "thrown exception contains list of all negative numbers"
(is (thrown-with-msg? Exception #"Unexpected negative numbers: -1" (add "-1")))
(is (thrown-with-msg? Exception #"Unexpected negative numbers: -1, -2" (add "0,-1,-2"))))))
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