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Created January 14, 2021 15:01
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NMEA 2000 output from SensESP
// wire up a DS18B20 (OneWire device)
DallasTemperatureSensors* dts = new DallasTemperatureSensors(ONEWIRE_DQ_PIN);
uint onewire_read_delay = 500;
auto* onewire_temp =
new OneWireTemperature(dts, onewire_read_delay, "/temperature/oneWire");
new SKOutputNumber("onewire.temperature", "/temperature/skPath"));
// output the temperatures read by DS18B20 also on NMEA 2000
// Reserve enough buffer for sending all messages. This does not work on small
// memory devices like Uno or Mega
// Set Product information
"20200112", // Manufacturer's Model serial code
101, // Manufacturer's product code
"SH-ESP32 Sender", // Manufacturer's Model ID
" (2020-01-12)", // Manufacturer's Software version code
" (2020-01-12)" // Manufacturer's Model version
// Set device information
1, // Unique number. Use e.g. Serial number.
132, // Device function=Analog to NMEA 2000 Gateway. See codes on
25, // Device class=Inter/Intranetwork Device. See codes on
2046 // Just choosen free from code list on
NMEA2000.SetMode(tNMEA2000::N2km_NodeOnly, 22);
NMEA2000.EnableForward(false); // Disable all msg forwarding to USB (=Serial)
// No need to parse the messages at every single loop iteration; 1 ms will do
app.onRepeat(1, []() { NMEA2000.ParseMessages(); });
auto* can_output = new LambdaConsumer<float>([](float input) -> void {
tN2kMsg N2kMsg;
SetN2kTemperatureExt(N2kMsg, 1, 1, N2kts_MainCabinTemperature, input,
// connect the temperature input to N2K output
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