- How many years of experience do you have working with Kubernetes?
- What is your preferred Kubernetes distribution?
- Approximately how many Kubernetes environments does your organization maintain, and what kind of environments are they (prod, dev, etc)?
- How does your organization create these Kubernetes environments?
- Do you typically work with local or remote Kubernetes clusters? Roughly how many of each?
- Are there any deployment requirements or standards in your organization that impact that Kubernetes YAML you create?
- Could you briefly describe the types of applications that you work on? Are they mostly new or legacy applications? Are they monolithic or microservices?
- What are the primary tools, CLIs, and components that you use, and how do you utilize them in your standard workflow? Do you prefer CLI or GUI tools? Which ones?
- Are you using anything outside of the common components (deployment, pod, services, ingress) for your application?
- Do you primarily use tools or automation to write Kubernetes YAML files, or do you tend to write them manually?
- Are there any particular challenges or difficulties that you encounter when writing Kubernetes YAML files?
- Do you do any security analysis on containers before deploying them? If so, what tool do you use?
- Is there a designated person or team responsible for image creation and maintenance within your organization?
- Can you describe your general approach to debugging issues with your applications, including any tools that you use to aid the process or where you go when you have questions?
- How do you approach debugging issues that are only reproducible in production?
- Do you experience any recurring issues, challenges, or pain points when working with Kubernetes that we haven’t discussed yet?