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Created April 1, 2018 00:08
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Typescript definitions for Slate
declare module 'slate-react' {
import Slate from 'slate'
import Immutable from 'immutable'
import { ReactNode } from 'react'
type RenderMarkProps = {
mark: { type: string }
children: ReactNode
type RenderNodeProps = {
node: Slate.Block
children: ReactNode
attributes: any
isSelected: boolean
editor: Editor
interface Plugin {
onBeforeInput?: (event: Event, change: Slate.Change, editor: Editor) => any | void
onBlur?: (event: Event, change: Slate.Change, editor: Editor) => any | void
onFocus?: (event: Event, change: Slate.Change, editor: Editor) => any | void
onClick?: (event: Event, change: Slate.Change, editor: Editor) => any | void
onCopy?: (event: Event, change: Slate.Change, editor: Editor) => any | void
onCut?: (event: Event, change: Slate.Change, editor: Editor) => any | void
onDrop?: (event: Event, change: Slate.Change, editor: Editor) => any | void
onKeyDown?: (event: Event, change: Slate.Change, editor: Editor) => any | void
onKeyUp?: (event: Event, change: Slate.Change, editor: Editor) => any | void
onPaste?: (event: Event, change: Slate.Change, editor: Editor) => any | void
onSelect?: (event: Event, change: Slate.Change, editor: Editor) => any | void
onChange?: (change: Slate.Change) => any | void
renderEditor?: (props: { [key: string]: any }, editor: Editor) => any | void
schema?: Slate.Schema
decorateNode?: (node: Slate.Node) => Slate.Range[] | void
renderMark?: (props: RenderMarkProps) => any
renderNode?: (props: RenderNodeProps) => any
renderPlaceholder?: (props: { [key: string]: any }) => any
renderPortal?: (props: { [key: string]: any }) => any
validateNode?: (node: Node) => any
type BasicEditorProps = {
value: Slate.Value
autoCorrect?: boolean
autoFocus?: boolean
className?: string
onChange?: (change: Slate.Change) => void
placeholder?: any
plugins?: Plugin[]
readOnly?: boolean
role?: string
schema?: Slate.Schema
spellCheck?: boolean
style?: { [key: string]: string }
tabIndex?: number
type EditorProps = BasicEditorProps & Plugin
type EditorState = {
schema: Slate.Schema
value: Slate.Value
stack: Slate.Stack // [TODO] define stack
export class Editor extends React.Component<EditorProps, EditorState> {
schema: Slate.Schema
value: Slate.Value
stack: Slate.Stack
// Instance Methods
blur(): void
change(fn: (change: Slate.Change) => any | void): void
change(...args: any[]): void
focus(): void
type SlateType = 'fragment' | 'html' | 'node' | 'rich' | 'text'
export function findDOMNode(node: Slate.Node): Element
export function findDOMRange(range: Slate.Range): Range
export function findNode(element: Element, value: Slate.Value): Slate.Node
export function findRange(selection: Selection, value: Slate.Value): Slate.Range
export function getEventRange(event: Event, value: Slate.Value): Slate.Range
export function getEventTransfer(event: Event): { type: SlateType; node: Slate.Node }
export function setEventTransfer(event: Event, type: SlateType, data: any): void
declare module 'slate' {
import * as Immutable from 'immutable'
export interface Data {
[key: string]: any
interface Rules {
[key: string]: Rule
interface KindsAndTypes {
kinds?: string[]
types?: string[]
type InvalidReason =
| 'child_kind_invalid'
| 'child_required'
| 'child_type_invalid'
| 'child_unknown'
| 'first_child_kind_invalid'
| 'first_child_type_invalid'
| 'last_child_kind_invalid'
| 'last_child_type_invalid'
| 'node_data_invalid'
| 'node_is_void_invalid'
| 'node_mark_invalid'
| 'node_text_invalid'
| 'parent_kind_invalid'
| 'parent_type_invalid'
interface Rule {
data?: {
[key: string]: (v: any) => boolean
first?: KindsAndTypes
isVoid?: boolean
last?: KindsAndTypes
nodes?: {
kinds?: string[]
types?: string[]
min?: number
max?: number
normalize?: (change: Change, reason: InvalidReason, context: { [key: string]: any }) => void
parent?: KindsAndTypes
text?: RegExp
interface SchemaProperties {
document?: Rules
blocks?: Rules
inlines?: Rules
export class Schema extends Immutable.Record({}) {
document: Rules
blocks: Rules
inlines: Rules
static create(properties: SchemaProperties | Schema): Schema
static fromJSON(object: SchemaProperties): Schema
static isSchema(maybeSchema: any): maybeSchema is Schema
toJSON(): SchemaProperties
interface ValueProperties {
document?: Document
selection?: Range
history?: History
schema?: Schema
data?: Data
decorations?: Immutable.List<Range> | null
interface ValueJSON {
document?: DocumentJSON
selection?: Range
history?: History
schema?: Schema
data?: Data
decorations?: Immutable.List<Range> | null
object?: 'value'
export class Value extends Immutable.Record({}) {
document: Document
selection: Range
history: History
schema: Schema
data: Data
object: 'value'
decorations: Immutable.List<Range> | null
readonly anchorText: Text
readonly focusText: Text
readonly startText: Text
readonly endText: Text
readonly anchorBlock: Block
readonly focusBlock: Block
readonly startBlock: Block
readonly endBlock: Block
readonly marks: Immutable.Set<Mark>
readonly activeMarks: Immutable.Set<Mark>
readonly blocks: Immutable.List<Block>
readonly fragement: Document
readonly inlines: Immutable.List<Inline>
readonly text: Immutable.List<Text>
readonly characters: Immutable.List<Character>
readonly hasUndos: boolean
readonly hasRedos: boolean
readonly anchorKey: string
readonly focusKey: string
readonly startKey: string
readonly endKey: string
readonly anchorOffset: number
readonly focusOffset: number
readonly startOffset: number
readonly endOffset: number
readonly isBackward: boolean
readonly isBlurred: boolean
readonly isCollapsed: boolean
readonly isExpanded: boolean
readonly isFocused: boolean
readonly isForward: boolean
static create(properties?: ValueProperties | Value): Value
static fromJSON(properties: ValueJSON): Value
static isValue(maybeValue: any): maybeValue is Value
change(): Change
toJSON(): ValueJSON
interface DocumentProperties {
nodes?: Immutable.List<Node> | Node[]
key?: string
data?: Immutable.Map<string, any> | { [key: string]: any }
interface DocumentJSON {
nodes?: NodeJSON[]
key?: string
data?: { [key: string]: any }
object?: 'document'
export class Document<DataMap = { [key: string]: any }> extends BaseNode<DataMap> {
object: 'document'
static create(
properties: DocumentProperties | Document | Immutable.List<Node> | Node[]
): Document
static fromJSON(properties: DocumentProperties | Document): Document
static isDocument(maybeDocument: any): maybeDocument is Document
toJSON(): DocumentJSON
interface BlockProperties {
type: string
key?: string
nodes?: Immutable.List<Node>
isVoid?: boolean
data?: Immutable.Map<string, any> | { [key: string]: any }
interface BlockJSON {
type: string
key?: string
nodes?: Node[]
isVoid?: boolean
data?: { [key: string]: any }
object: 'block'
export class Block extends BaseNode {
isVoid: boolean
object: 'block'
static create(properties: BlockProperties | Block | string): Block
static createList(array: (BlockProperties | Block | string)[]): Immutable.List<Block>
static fromJSON(properties: BlockProperties | Block): Block
static isBlock(maybeBlock: any): maybeBlock is Block
toJSON(): BlockJSON
interface InlineProperties {
type: string
key?: string
nodes?: Immutable.List<Node>
isVoid?: boolean
data?: Immutable.Map<string, any> | { [key: string]: any }
interface InlineJSON {
type: string
key?: string
nodes?: Node[]
isVoid?: boolean
data?: { [key: string]: any }
object: 'inline'
export class Inline extends BaseNode {
isVoid: boolean
object: 'inline'
static create(properties: InlineProperties | Inline | string): Inline
static createList(array: (InlineProperties | Inline | string)[]): Immutable.List<Inline>
static fromJSON(properties: InlineProperties | Inline): Inline
static isInline(maybeInline: any): maybeInline is Inline
toJSON(): InlineJSON
interface Leaf {
marks?: Mark[]
text: string
interface TextProperties {
key?: string
characters: Immutable.List<Character>
interface TextJSON {
key?: string
characters: Character[]
leaves: Leaf[]
object: 'text'
export class Text extends Immutable.Record({}) {
object: 'text'
characters: Immutable.List<Character>
key: string
static create(properties: TextProperties | Text | string): Text
static fromJSON(properties: TextProperties | Text): Text
static isText(maybeText: any): maybeText is Text
toJSON(): TextJSON
type Node = Document | Block | Inline | Text
type NodeJSON = DocumentJSON | BlockJSON | InlineJSON | TextJSON
class BaseNode<DataMap = { [key: string]: any }> extends Immutable.Record({}) {
data: Immutable.Map<keyof DataMap, DataMap[keyof DataMap]>
type: string
key: string
object: 'document' | 'block' | 'inline' | 'text'
nodes: Immutable.List<Node>
readonly text: string
filterDescendants(iterator: (node: Node) => boolean): Immutable.List<Node>
findDescendants(iterator: (node: Node) => boolean): Node | null
getBlocksAtRange(range: Range): Immutable.List<Block>
getBlocks(): Immutable.List<Block>
getCharactersAtRange(range: Range): Immutable.List<Character>
getChild(key: string | Node): Node | null
getClosestBlock(key: string | Node): Block | null
getClosestInline(key: string | Node): Inline | null
getClosest(key: string | Node, match: (node: Node) => boolean): Node | null
getDepth(key: string | Node): number
getDescendant(key: string | Node): Node | null
getFirstText(): Text | null
getFragmentAtRange(range: Range): Document
getFurthest(key: string, iterator: (node: Node) => boolean): Node | null
getFurthestAncestor(key: string): Node | null
getFurthestBlock(key: string): Block | null
getFurthestInline(key: string): Inline | null
getFurthestOnlyChildAncestor(key: string): Node | null
getInlinesAtRange(range: Range): Immutable.List<Inline>
getLastText(): Text | null
getMarksAtRange(range: Range): Immutable.Set<Mark>
getNextBlock(key: string | Node): Block | null
getNextSibling(key: string | Node): Node | null
getNextText(key: string | Node): Text | null
getParent(key: string | Node): Node | void
getPreviousBlock(key: string | Node): Block | void
getPreviousSibling(key: string | Node): Node | void
getPreviousText(key: string | Node): Text | void
getTexts(): Immutable.List<Text>
getTextsAsArray(): Text[]
getTextAtOffset(offset: Number): Text | void
getTextsAtRange(range: Range): Immutable.List<Text>
getTextsAtRangeAsArray(range: Range): Text[]
hasChild(key: string | Node): boolean
interface CharacterProperties {
marks?: Immutable.Set<Mark> | Mark[]
text: string
export class Character extends Immutable.Record({}) {
object: 'character'
marks: Immutable.Set<Mark>
text: string
static create(properties: CharacterProperties | Character | string): Character
static createList(
array: (CharacterProperties | Character | string)[]
): Immutable.List<Character>
static fromJSON(properties: CharacterProperties | Character): Character
static isCharacter(maybeCharacter: any): maybeCharacter is Character
toJSON(): CharacterProperties
interface MarkProperties {
type: string
data?: Immutable.Map<string, any> | { [key: string]: any }
export class Mark extends Immutable.Record({}) {
object: 'mark'
type: string
data: Immutable.Map<string, any>
static create(properties: MarkProperties | Mark | string): Mark
static createSet(array: (MarkProperties | Mark | string)[]): Immutable.Set<Mark>
static fromJSON(properties: MarkProperties | Mark): Mark
static isMark(maybeMark: any): maybeMark is Mark
toJSON(): MarkProperties
export class Change extends Immutable.Record({}) {
object: 'change'
value: Value
operations: Immutable.List<Operation>
call(customChange: (change: Change, ...args: any[]) => Change): Change
applyOperations(operations: Operation[]): Change
applyOperation(operation: Operation): Change
// Current Value Changes
deleteBackward(n: number): Change
deleteForward(n: number): Change
delete(): Change
insertBlock(block: Block | BlockProperties | string): Change
insertFragment(fragment: Document): Change
insertInline(inline: Inline | InlineProperties): Change
insertText(text: string): Change
addMark(mark: Mark | MarkProperties | string): Change
setBlock(properties: BlockProperties | string): Change
setInline(properties: InlineProperties | string): Change
splitBlock(depth: number): Change
splitInline(depth: number): Change
removeMark(mark: Mark | MarkProperties | string): Change
toggleMark(mark: Mark | MarkProperties | string): Change
unwrapBlock(properties: BlockProperties | string): Change
unwrapInline(properties: InlineProperties | string): Change
wrapBlock(properties: BlockProperties | string): Change
wrapInline(properties: InlineProperties | string): Change
wrapText(prefix: string, suffix?: string): Change
// Selection Changes
blur(): Change
collapseToAnchor(): Change
collapseToFocus(): Change
collapseToStart(): Change
collapseToEnd(): Change
collapseToStartOf(node: Node): Change
collapseToEndOf(node: Node): Change
collapseToStartOfNextBlock(): Change
collapseToEndOfNextBlock(): Change
collapseToStartOfPreviousBlock(): Change
collapseToEndOfPreviousBlock(): Change
collapseToStartOfNextText(): Change
collapseToEndOfNextText(): Change
collapseToStartOfPreviousText(): Change
collapseToEndOfPreviousText(): Change
extend(n: number): Change
extendToStartOf(node: Node): Change
extendToEndOf(node: Node): Change
flip(): Change
focus(): Change
move(n: number): Change
moveStart(n: number): Change
moveEnd(n: number): Change
moveOffsetsTo(anchorOffset: number, focusOffset: number): Change
moveToRangeOf(node: Node): Change
select(properties: Range | RangeProperties): Change
selectAll(): Change
deselect(): Change
// Document Changes
deleteBackwardAtRange(range: Range, n: number): Change
deleteForwardAtRange(range: Range, n: number): Change
deleteAtRange(range: Range): Change
insertBlockAtRange(range: Range, block: Block | BlockProperties | string): Change
insertFragmentAtRange(range: Range, fragment: Document): Change
insertInlineAtRange(range: Range, inline: Inline | InlineProperties): Change
insertTextAtRange(range: Range, text: string): Change
addMarkAtRange(range: Range, mark: Mark | MarkProperties | string): Change
setBlockAtRange(range: Range, properties: BlockProperties | string): Change
setInlineAtRange(range: Range, properties: InlineProperties | string): Change
splitBlockAtRange(range: Range, depth: number): Change
splitInlineAtRange(range: Range, depth: number): Change
removeMarkAtRange(range: Range, mark: Mark | MarkProperties | string): Change
toggleMarkAtRange(range: Range, mark: Mark | MarkProperties | string): Change
unwrapBlockAtRange(range: Range, properties: BlockProperties | string): Change
unwrapInlineAtRange(range: Range, properties: InlineProperties | string): Change
wrapBlockAtRange(range: Range, properties: BlockProperties | string): Change
wrapInlineAtRange(range: Range, properties: InlineProperties | string): Change
wrapTextAtRange(range: Range, prefix: string, suffix?: string): Change
// Node Changes
addMarkByKey(key: string, offset: number, length: number, mark: Mark): Change
insertNodeByKey(key: string, index: number, node: Node): Change
insertFragmentByKey(key: string, index: number, fragment: Document): Change
key: string,
offset: number,
text: string,
marks?: Immutable.Set<Mark> | Mark[]
): Change
moveNodeByKey(key: string, newKey: string, newIndex: number): Change
removeMarkByKey(key: string, offset: number, length: number, mark: Mark): Change
removeNodeByKey(key: string): Change
replaceNodeByKey(key: string, node: Node): Change
removeTextByKey(key: string, offset: number, length: number): Change
key: string,
offset: number,
length: number,
mark: Mark,
properties: MarkProperties
): Change
setNodeByKey(key: string, properties: BlockProperties | InlineProperties | string): Change
splitNodeByKey(key: string, offset: number): Change
unwrapInlineByKey(key: string, properties: InlineProperties | string): Change
unwrapBlockByKey(key: string, properties: BlockProperties | string): Change
unwrapNodeByKey(key: string): Change
wrapInlineByKey(key: string, properties: InlineProperties | string): Change
wrapBlockByKey(key: string, properties: BlockProperties | string): Change
// History Changes
redo(): Change
undo(): Change
interface RangeProperties {
anchorKey?: string | null
anchorOffset?: number
focusKey?: string | null
focusOffset?: number
isFocused?: boolean
isBackward?: boolean | null
marks?: Immutable.Set<Mark> | null
export class Range extends Immutable.Record({}) {
object: 'range'
anchorKey: string | null
anchorOffset: number
focusKey: string | null
focusOffset: number
isFocused: boolean
isBackward: boolean | null
marks: Immutable.Set<Mark> | null
readonly isBlurred: boolean
readonly isCollapsed: boolean
readonly isExpanded: boolean
readonly isForward: boolean
readonly startKey: string
readonly startOffset: number
readonly endKey: string
readonly endOffset: number
static create(properties: RangeProperties | Range): Range
static fromJSON(properties: RangeProperties): Range
static isRange(maybeRange: any): maybeRange is Range
toJSON(): RangeProperties
hasAnchorAtStartOf(node: Node): boolean
hasFocusAtStartOf(node: Node): boolean
hasStartAtStartOf(node: Node): boolean
hasEndAtStartOf(node: Node): boolean
hasEdgeAtStartOf(node: Node): boolean
hasAnchorAtEndOf(node: Node): boolean
hasFocusAtEndOf(node: Node): boolean
hasStartAtEndOf(node: Node): boolean
hasEndAtEndOf(node: Node): boolean
hasEdgeAtEndOf(node: Node): boolean
hasAnchorBetween(node: Node, start: number, end: number): boolean
hasFocusBetween(node: Node, start: number, end: number): boolean
hasStartBetween(node: Node, start: number, end: number): boolean
hasEndBetween(node: Node, start: number, end: number): boolean
hasEdgeBetween(node: Node, start: number, end: number): boolean
hasAnchorAtIn(node: Node): boolean
hasFocusIn(node: Node): boolean
hasStartIn(node: Node): boolean
hasEndIn(node: Node): boolean
hasEdgeIn(node: Node): boolean
isAtStartOf(node: Node): boolean
isAtEndOf(node: Node): boolean
type Operation =
| InsertTextOperation
| RemoveTextOperation
| AddMarkOperation
| RemoveMarkOperation
| SetMarkOperation
| InsertNodeOperation
| MergeNodeOperation
| MoveNodeOperation
| RemoveNodeOperation
| SetNodeOperation
| SplitNodeOperation
| SetSelectionOperation
| SetValueOperation
type InsertTextOperation = {
type: 'insert_text'
path: number[]
offset: number
text: string
marks: Mark[]
type RemoveTextOperation = {
type: 'remove_text'
path: number[]
offset: number
text: string
type AddMarkOperation = {
type: 'add_mark'
path: number[]
offset: number
length: number
mark: Mark
type RemoveMarkOperation = {
type: 'remove_mark'
path: number[]
offset: number
length: number
mark: Mark
type SetMarkOperation = {
type: 'set_mark'
path: number[]
offset: number
length: number
mark: Mark
properties: MarkProperties
type InsertNodeOperation = {
type: 'insert_node'
path: number[]
node: Node
type MergeNodeOperation = {
type: 'merge_node'
path: number[]
position: number
type MoveNodeOperation = {
type: 'move_node'
path: number[]
newPath: number[]
type RemoveNodeOperation = {
type: 'remove_node'
path: number[]
node: Node
type SetNodeOperation = {
type: 'set_node'
path: number[]
properties: BlockProperties | InlineProperties | TextProperties
type SplitNodeOperation = {
type: 'split_node'
path: number[]
position: number
target: number
type SetSelectionOperation = {
type: 'set_selection'
properties: RangeProperties
selection: Range
type SetValueOperation = {
type: 'set_value'
properties: ValueProperties
value: Value
export const Operations: {
apply: (value: Value, operation: Operation) => Value
invert: (operation: Operation) => Operation
export class Stack extends Immutable.Record({}) {
plugins: any[]
export function resetKeyGenerator(): void
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majelbstoat commented Apr 1, 2018

Based on fine work from @andykent:

Would be happy for anyone to put these up on definitely typed, but i don't have the bandwidth at the moment.

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Thank you @andykent and @majelbstoat! I created two basic repositories to store the files and add some information how to use them in a current project to find other bugs and improve the definition further. Please feel free to create any Pull-Request or add issues. Thank you for the great work so far :)

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