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Created March 29, 2012 15:08
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Mersenne Twister
' VB translation of
Public Class MT
Private Const NN = 312
Private Const MM = 156
Private Const MATRIX_A = &HB5026F5AA96619E9UL
Private Const UM = &HFFFFFFFF80000000UL
Private Const LM = &H7FFFFFFFUL
Private mt(NN - 1) As ULong
Private mti As Integer = NN + 1
Private Function sumup(ByVal ParamArray a() As ULong) As ULong
sumup = 0UL
For Each e As ULong In a
If e = 0 Then Continue For
Dim n As ULong = 1UL + Not e
If sumup < n Then
sumup += e
sumup -= n
End If
End Function
Private Function mul(ByVal a As ULong, ByVal b As ULong) As ULong
Const low As ULong = (1UL << 32) - 1
Dim al As ULong = a And low
Dim bl As ULong = b And low
Dim p As ULong = (a >> 32) * bl << 32
Dim q As ULong = (b >> 32) * al << 32
Return sumup(p, q, al * bl)
End Function
Public Sub init_seed(ByVal seed As ULong)
mti = 0
mt(mti) = seed
While True
Dim prev = mt(mti)
mti += 1
If NN <= mti Then Exit Sub
mt(mti) = sumup(mti, mul(&H5851F42D4C957F2DUL, (prev Xor (prev >> 62))))
End While
End Sub
Private Sub gen()
Dim x As ULong
If mti > NN Then init_seed(&H1571UL)
Dim mag01() As ULong = {0UL, MATRIX_A}
For i As Integer = 0 To NN - MM - 1
x = (mt(i) And UM) Or (mt(i + 1) And LM)
mt(i) = mt(i + MM) Xor (x >> 1) Xor mag01(x And 1UL)
For i As Integer = NN - MM To NN - 2
x = (mt(i) And UM) Or (mt(i + 1) And LM)
mt(i) = mt(i + MM - NN) Xor (x >> 1) Xor mag01(x And 1UL)
x = (mt(NN - 1) And UM) Or (mt(0) And LM)
mt(NN - 1) = mt(MM - 1) Xor (x >> 1) Xor mag01(x And 1UL)
mti = 0
End Sub
Public Function UL() As ULong
If NN <= mti Then gen()
UL = mt(mti)
mti += 1
UL = UL Xor UL >> 29 And &H5555555555555555UL
UL = UL Xor UL << 17 And &H71D67FFFEDA60000UL
UL = UL Xor UL << 37 And &HFFF7EEE000000000UL
UL = UL Xor UL >> 43
End Function
End Class
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