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Created May 20, 2014 06:29
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import std.stdio;
import std.datetime : Date;
import std.string : strip;
import std.array : split, empty, front, popFront, array;
import std.conv : to;
import std.algorithm : map, sort, swap;
void main()
auto buf = stdin.byLine().map!toInterval().array();
typeof(buf) ans;
while (!buf.empty)
ans ~= buf.front;
auto i = 0;
while (i < buf.length)
if (buf[i] & ans[$-1])
swap(buf[i], buf[$-1]);
buf.length -= 1;
i += 1;
"%(%s %)".writefln(ans.sort!((a, b) => a.tag < b.tag));
//"%(%s %)".writefln(ans); // original answer
struct Interval(Tag)
int fromI, toE;
Tag tag;
this (Date fromI, Date toI, Tag tag=Tag.init)
this.fromI = fromI.dayOfYear() - 1;
this.toE = toI.dayOfYear();
this.tag = tag;
private this(int fromI, int toE)
this.fromI = fromI;
this.toE = toE;
@property bool nonEmpty() const
return fromI < toE;
string toString() const
int opCmp(ref const Interval i) const
return this.toE - i.toE;
bool opBinary(string op)(ref const Interval i) const
if (op == "&")
Interval(this.fromI, i.toE).nonEmpty &&
Interval(i.fromI, this.toE).nonEmpty;
auto toInterval(const(char)[] ticket)
auto buf = ticket.strip().split();
auto country = buf[0].to!string();
buf = buf[1].split("-");
return Interval!string(buf[0].toDateOf!2012, buf[1].toDateOf!2012, country);
auto toDateOf(int year)(const(char)[] md)
auto buf = md.split("/").map!(to!size_t);
immutable month = buf[0];
immutable date = buf[1];
return Date(year, month, date);
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