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Created December 15, 2017 23:30
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Automatically deletes any administrator accounts not in hardcoded whitelist.
/* === AutoDelete new Administrators === */
/* (last line of defence against hackers) */
/* Usage: 1. set the admin username list to existing real admin(s) */
/* 2. place this file in your /wp-content/mu-plugins/ directory */
/* 3. remember to update the username list if you add a new admin */
/* 4. harden your security in other ways - do not rely on this */
add_action('init', 'wp_security_administrator_whitelist', 0);
function wp_security_administrator_whitelist() {
// !!! Modify Admin Username List Before Using !!!
// !! Never use 'admin' as your admin username !!
$adminusernames = array('admin');
if (!is_user_logged_in()) {return;}
$user = wp_get_current_user();
if (in_array('administrator', (array)$user->roles)) {
if (!in_array($user->data->user_login, $adminusernames)) {
// delete the unwhitelisted account now
if (!function_exists('wp_delete_user')) {include(ABSPATH.WPINC.'/user.php');}
// probably unnecessary but clear user cache too
wp_cache_delete($user->data->ID, 'users');
wp_cache_delete($user->data->user_login, 'user_logins');
// send alert to blog email about the removed account
// (mostly so it can be seen when it was created)
$blogemail = get_bloginfo('admin_email');
$subject = "[Warning!] Unwhitelisted Administrator Found and Deleted!";
ob_start(); print_r($user); $userdata = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean();
$body = "An administrator account with username '".$user->data->user_login."'\n";
$body .= "was automatically deleted because it is not in your admin whitelist.\n\n";
$body .= "Deleted Admin User Data Object Dump:\n".$userdata."\n\n";
wp_mail($blogemail, $subject, $body);
// exit with no warning to unrecognized admin
wp_logout(); exit;
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