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Last active August 29, 2015 14:18
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Save majido/929eb68d37727d928455 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Small script to help detect what is causing scrolls on the page (requires chrome >= 43)
// Override function in given prototype to add a log statement
function logMethod(prototype, fname) {
if (!(fname in prototype)) {
console.warn("Warning: can't instrument " + + '.' + fname);
var original = prototype[fname];
prototype[fname] = function() {
// Want single line output but with optional callstack - abuse 'error' for this.
// console.trace is also good but expands the callstack by default.'
console.error( + '::' + fname + ' invoked with ' + JSON.stringify(;
// debugger;
original.apply(this, arguments);
// Override property setter to add a log statement
function logSetter(prototype, property) {
var original = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(prototype, property);
if (!original) {
console.warn("Warning: can't instrument " + + '.' + property +
'. Chrome 43+ required (');
Object.defineProperty(prototype, property, {
set: function(v) {
var changed = v !== this[property];
console.error( + '::' + property + ' set to:' + v + (changed?' (changed)':' (not changed)'));
// debugger;
if ('set' in original), v);
original.value = v;
get: function() {
return 'get' in original ? : original.value;
for (var m of ['scrollBy', 'scrollTo', 'scroll'])
logMethod(window, m);
// Firefox only
for (var m of ['scrollByLines', 'scrollByPages'])
if (m in window)
logMethod(window, m);
for (var p of ['scrollX', 'scrollY'])
logSetter(window, p);
for (var m of ['scrollIntoView', 'scrollIntoViewIfNeeded', 'focus'])
logMethod(Element.prototype, m);
for (var p of ['scrollTop', 'scrollLeft'])
logSetter(Element.prototype, p);
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RByers commented Apr 9, 2015

Nice, very handy! But "Chrome version >= 44" should say ">= 43". See

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RByers commented Apr 9, 2015

I've made a handful of improvements / additions here: WDYT?

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majido commented Apr 9, 2015

Great improvements. I was also making it work in Firefox too. I will add it to a git repo so that it is easier to pull in changes and keep updated.

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majido commented Apr 9, 2015

Here it is:
I fixed scrollX, scrollY issue based on discussion on that bug.

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