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Summary: Useful Kubectl commands for deploying & managing apps in a Kubernetes cluster (Minikube as example)
## Deploy a simple dummy echo service
kubectl create deployment hello-minikube1
## Expose the service via a NodePort and map the internal port 8080 to an external port, which is generated when the command is executed
kubectl expose deployment hello-minikube1 --type=NodePort --port 8080
## Minikube does not support LoadBalancers, so this example ends here
## Deploy a simple dummy echo service
kubectl create deployment hello-minikube1
## Expose the service via a NodePort and map the internal port 8080 to an external port, which is generated when the command is executed
kubectl expose deployment hello-minikube1 --type=NodePort --port 8080
## Get the generated external port and echo it
export NODE_PORT=$(kubectl get services hello-minikube1 -o go-template='{{(index .spec.ports 0).nodePort}}')
## Curl the exposed port
curl $(minikube ip):$NODE_PORT
export POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods -o go-template --template '{{range .items}}{{}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}')
kubectl label pod $POD_NAME app=v1
kubectl describe pods $POD_NAME
## Delete the pod
kubectl delete service -l run=hello-minikube1
## Confirm that the pod is deleted
curl $(minikube ip):$NODE_PORT
## Scale up the number of instances to 4 replicasets within the Pod
kubectl scale deployments hello-minikube1 --replicas=4
## Check that the ReplicaSets were scaled up to 4
kubectl get deployments
kubectl get pods -o wide
## Note: A NodePort is able to load balance between the replicasets automatically
## Scale down the number of instances to 2 replicasets within the Pod
kubectl scale deployments hello-minikube1 --replicas=2
## Check that the ReplicaSets were scaled down to 2
kubectl get deployments
kubectl get pods -o wide
## Update image from version echoserver:1.3 to echoserver:1.4
kubectl set image deployments hello-minikube1
## Check Rolling Update Status
kubectl rollout status deployments hello-minikube1
## Performing a Rollback/Undo for a Rolling Update
kubectl rollout undo deployments/kubernetes-bootcamp
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