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Created June 14, 2018 00:15
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  • Save majormoses/5d3ab8f50f53cdbc10a17943ef4cec87 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save majormoses/5d3ab8f50f53cdbc10a17943ef4cec87 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
$ ./gradlew packagingTest -Pvagrant.boxes=centos-6,ubuntu-1404
To honour the JVM settings for this build a new JVM will be forked. Please consider using the daemon:
Daemon will be stopped at the end of the build stopping after processing
> Configure project :benchmarks
Elasticsearch Build Hamster says Hello!
Gradle Version : 4.7
OS Info : Linux 4.15.0-23-generic (amd64)
JDK Version : Oracle Corporation 10.0.1 [Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 10.0.1+10]
JAVA_HOME : /usr/lib/jvm/java-10-oracle
Random Testing Seed : 2AC53AD9CDB6977F
> Task :distribution:bwc:next-minor-snapshot:checkoutBwcBranch
Checking out elasticsearch elastic/6.x for branch 6.x
> Task :distribution:bwc:next-minor-snapshot:writeBuildMetadata
Checked out elasticsearch commit 2b9b4c041dfafd5e7d1afa47d1f2ef7d067bc938
> Task :distribution:bwc:next-minor-snapshot:buildBwcVersion
To honour the JVM settings for this build a new JVM will be forked. Please consider using the daemon:
Daemon will be stopped at the end of the build stopping after processing
> Task :buildSrc:compileJava
> Task :buildSrc:compileGroovy
WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred
WARNING: Illegal reflective access by org.codehaus.groovy.reflection.CachedClass (file:/home/babrams/.gradle/wrapper/dists/gradle-4.7-all/4cret0dgl5o3b21weaoncl7ys/gradle-4.7/lib/groovy-all-2.4.12.jar) to method java.lang.Object.finalize()
WARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers of org.codehaus.groovy.reflection.CachedClass
WARNING: Use --illegal-access=warn to enable warnings of further illegal reflective access operations
WARNING: All illegal access operations will be denied in a future release
> Task :buildSrc:writeVersionProperties
> Task :buildSrc:processResources
> Task :buildSrc:classes
> Task :buildSrc:jar
> Task :buildSrc:assemble
> Task :buildSrc:compileTestJava
> Task :buildSrc:compileTestGroovy
> Task :buildSrc:processTestResources NO-SOURCE
> Task :buildSrc:testClasses
> Task :buildSrc:test
WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred
WARNING: Illegal reflective access by org.codehaus.groovy.reflection.CachedClass (file:/home/babrams/.gradle/wrapper/dists/gradle-4.7-all/4cret0dgl5o3b21weaoncl7ys/gradle-4.7/lib/groovy-all-2.4.12.jar) to method java.lang.Object.finalize()
WARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers of org.codehaus.groovy.reflection.CachedClass
WARNING: Use --illegal-access=warn to enable warnings of further illegal reflective access operations
WARNING: All illegal access operations will be denied in a future release
> Task :buildSrc:check
> Task :buildSrc:build
> Configure project :benchmarks
Elasticsearch Build Hamster says Hello!
Gradle Version : 4.7
OS Info : Linux 4.15.0-23-generic (amd64)
JDK Version : Oracle Corporation 10.0.1 [Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 10.0.1+10]
JAVA_HOME : /usr/lib/jvm/java-10-oracle
Random Testing Seed : 417BB00317CCFDC0
> Task :distribution:buildDefaultNotice
> Task :libs:core:compileJava
> Task :libs:core:processResources NO-SOURCE
> Task :libs:core:classes
> Task :libs:core:compileJava9Java
> Task :libs:core:processJava9Resources NO-SOURCE
> Task :libs:core:java9Classes
> Task :libs:core:jar
> Task :libs:cli:compileJava
> Task :libs:cli:processResources NO-SOURCE
> Task :libs:cli:classes
> Task :libs:cli:jar
> Task :libs:plugin-classloader:compileJava
> Task :libs:plugin-classloader:processResources NO-SOURCE
> Task :libs:plugin-classloader:classes
> Task :libs:plugin-classloader:jar
> Task :libs:secure-sm:compileJava
> Task :libs:secure-sm:processResources NO-SOURCE
> Task :libs:secure-sm:classes
> Task :libs:secure-sm:jar
> Task :libs:x-content:compileJava
Note: /home/babrams/projects/personal/elasticsearch/distribution/bwc/next-minor-snapshot/build/bwc/checkout-6.x/libs/x-content/src/main/java/org/elasticsearch/common/xcontent/json/ uses or overrides a deprecated API.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
> Task :libs:x-content:processResources NO-SOURCE
> Task :libs:x-content:classes
> Task :libs:x-content:jar
> Task :server:compileJava
Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
> Task :server:generateModulesList
> Task :server:generatePluginsList
> Task :server:processResources
> Task :server:classes
> Task :server:compileJava9Java
> Task :server:processJava9Resources NO-SOURCE
> Task :server:java9Classes
> Task :server:jar
> Task :modules:aggs-matrix-stats:compileJava
> Task :modules:aggs-matrix-stats:processResources
> Task :modules:aggs-matrix-stats:classes
> Task :modules:aggs-matrix-stats:jar
> Task :modules:aggs-matrix-stats:copyPluginPropertiesTemplate
> Task :modules:aggs-matrix-stats:pluginProperties
> Task :modules:aggs-matrix-stats:bundlePlugin
> Task :modules:analysis-common:compileJava
Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
> Task :modules:analysis-common:processResources NO-SOURCE
> Task :modules:analysis-common:classes
> Task :modules:analysis-common:jar
> Task :modules:analysis-common:copyPluginPropertiesTemplate
> Task :modules:analysis-common:pluginProperties
> Task :modules:analysis-common:bundlePlugin
> Task :libs:grok:compileJava
> Task :libs:grok:processResources
> Task :libs:grok:classes
> Task :libs:grok:jar
> Task :modules:ingest-common:compileJava
Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
> Task :modules:ingest-common:processResources NO-SOURCE
> Task :modules:ingest-common:classes
> Task :modules:ingest-common:jar
> Task :modules:ingest-common:copyPluginPropertiesTemplate
> Task :modules:ingest-common:pluginProperties
> Task :modules:ingest-common:bundlePlugin
> Task :modules:lang-expression:compileJava
Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
> Task :modules:lang-expression:processResources NO-SOURCE
> Task :modules:lang-expression:classes
> Task :modules:lang-expression:jar
> Task :modules:lang-expression:copyPluginPropertiesTemplate
> Task :modules:lang-expression:pluginProperties
> Task :modules:lang-expression:bundlePlugin
> Task :modules:lang-mustache:compileJava
Note: /home/babrams/projects/personal/elasticsearch/distribution/bwc/next-minor-snapshot/build/bwc/checkout-6.x/modules/lang-mustache/src/main/java/org/elasticsearch/script/mustache/ uses or overrides a deprecated API.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
> Task :modules:lang-mustache:processResources NO-SOURCE
> Task :modules:lang-mustache:classes
> Task :modules:lang-mustache:jar
> Task :modules:lang-mustache:copyPluginPropertiesTemplate
> Task :modules:lang-mustache:pluginProperties
> Task :modules:lang-mustache:bundlePlugin
> Task :modules:lang-painless:spi:compileJava
> Task :modules:lang-painless:spi:processResources NO-SOURCE
> Task :modules:lang-painless:spi:classes
> Task :modules:lang-painless:spi:jar
> Task :modules:lang-painless:compileJava
> Task :modules:lang-painless:processResources
> Task :modules:lang-painless:classes
> Task :modules:lang-painless:jar
> Task :modules:lang-painless:copyPluginPropertiesTemplate
> Task :modules:lang-painless:pluginProperties
> Task :modules:lang-painless:bundlePlugin
> Task :modules:mapper-extras:compileJava
> Task :modules:mapper-extras:processResources NO-SOURCE
> Task :modules:mapper-extras:classes
> Task :modules:mapper-extras:jar
> Task :modules:mapper-extras:copyPluginPropertiesTemplate
> Task :modules:mapper-extras:pluginProperties
> Task :modules:mapper-extras:bundlePlugin
> Task :modules:parent-join:compileJava
> Task :modules:parent-join:processResources
> Task :modules:parent-join:classes
> Task :modules:parent-join:jar
> Task :modules:parent-join:copyPluginPropertiesTemplate
> Task :modules:parent-join:pluginProperties
> Task :modules:parent-join:bundlePlugin
> Task :modules:percolator:compileJava
Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
> Task :modules:percolator:processResources NO-SOURCE
> Task :modules:percolator:classes
> Task :modules:percolator:jar
> Task :modules:percolator:copyPluginPropertiesTemplate
> Task :modules:percolator:pluginProperties
> Task :modules:percolator:bundlePlugin
> Task :modules:rank-eval:compileJava
> Task :modules:rank-eval:processResources
> Task :modules:rank-eval:classes
> Task :modules:rank-eval:jar
> Task :modules:rank-eval:copyPluginPropertiesTemplate
> Task :modules:rank-eval:pluginProperties
> Task :modules:rank-eval:bundlePlugin
> Task :client:rest:compileJava
> Task :client:rest:processResources NO-SOURCE
> Task :client:rest:classes
> Task :client:rest:jar
> Task :modules:reindex:compileJava
Note: /home/babrams/projects/personal/elasticsearch/distribution/bwc/next-minor-snapshot/build/bwc/checkout-6.x/modules/reindex/src/main/java/org/elasticsearch/index/reindex/remote/ uses or overrides a deprecated API.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
> Task :modules:reindex:processResources NO-SOURCE
> Task :modules:reindex:classes
> Task :modules:reindex:jar
> Task :modules:reindex:copyPluginPropertiesTemplate
> Task :modules:reindex:pluginProperties
> Task :modules:reindex:bundlePlugin
> Task :modules:repository-url:compileJava
> Task :modules:repository-url:processResources NO-SOURCE
> Task :modules:repository-url:classes
> Task :modules:repository-url:jar
> Task :modules:repository-url:copyPluginPropertiesTemplate
> Task :modules:repository-url:pluginProperties
> Task :modules:repository-url:bundlePlugin
> Task :modules:transport-netty4:compileJava
Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
> Task :modules:transport-netty4:processResources NO-SOURCE
> Task :modules:transport-netty4:classes
> Task :modules:transport-netty4:jar
> Task :modules:transport-netty4:copyPluginPropertiesTemplate
> Task :modules:transport-netty4:pluginProperties
> Task :modules:transport-netty4:bundlePlugin
> Task :modules:tribe:compileJava
Note: /home/babrams/projects/personal/elasticsearch/distribution/bwc/next-minor-snapshot/build/bwc/checkout-6.x/modules/tribe/src/main/java/org/elasticsearch/tribe/ uses unchecked or unsafe operations.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
> Task :modules:tribe:processResources NO-SOURCE
> Task :modules:tribe:classes
> Task :modules:tribe:jar
> Task :modules:tribe:copyPluginPropertiesTemplate
> Task :modules:tribe:pluginProperties
> Task :modules:tribe:bundlePlugin
> Task :distribution:processOssOutputs
> Task :distribution:buildOssBin
> Task :distribution:buildOssConfig
> Task :distribution:buildOssLog4jConfig
> Task :distribution:buildOssModules
> Task :distribution:archives:createLogsDir
> Task :distribution:archives:createPluginsDir
> Task :distribution:tools:java-version-checker:compileJava
> Task :distribution:tools:java-version-checker:processResources NO-SOURCE
> Task :distribution:tools:java-version-checker:classes
> Task :distribution:tools:java-version-checker:jar
> Task :distribution:tools:launchers:compileJava
> Task :distribution:tools:launchers:processResources NO-SOURCE
> Task :distribution:tools:launchers:classes
> Task :distribution:tools:launchers:jar
> Task :distribution:tools:plugin-cli:compileJava
Note: /home/babrams/projects/personal/elasticsearch/distribution/bwc/next-minor-snapshot/build/bwc/checkout-6.x/distribution/tools/plugin-cli/src/main/java/org/elasticsearch/plugins/ uses or overrides a deprecated API.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
> Task :distribution:tools:plugin-cli:processResources
> Task :distribution:tools:plugin-cli:classes
> Task :distribution:tools:plugin-cli:jar
> Task :distribution:archives:buildOssZip
> Task :distribution:archives:oss-zip:distTar NO-SOURCE
> Task :distribution:archives:oss-zip:distZip NO-SOURCE
> Task :distribution:archives:oss-zip:generatePomFileForNebulaPublication
Unable to convert /home/babrams/projects/personal/elasticsearch to https form in MavenScmPlugin. Using original value.
> Task :distribution:archives:oss-zip:generatePomFileForNebulaRealPomPublication
> Task :distribution:archives:oss-zip:assemble
> Task :x-pack:plugin:core:generateNotice
> Task :x-pack:plugin:core:compileJava
Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
> Task :x-pack:plugin:core:processResources
> Task :x-pack:plugin:core:classes
> Task :x-pack:plugin:core:jar
> Task :x-pack:plugin:core:copyPluginPropertiesTemplate
> Task :x-pack:plugin:core:pluginProperties
> Task :x-pack:plugin:core:bundlePlugin
> Task :x-pack:plugin:deprecation:generateNotice
> Task :x-pack:plugin:deprecation:compileJava
Note: /home/babrams/projects/personal/elasticsearch/distribution/bwc/next-minor-snapshot/build/bwc/checkout-6.x/x-pack/plugin/deprecation/src/main/java/org/elasticsearch/xpack/deprecation/ uses or overrides a deprecated API.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
> Task :x-pack:plugin:deprecation:processResources NO-SOURCE
> Task :x-pack:plugin:deprecation:classes
> Task :x-pack:plugin:deprecation:jar
> Task :x-pack:plugin:deprecation:copyPluginPropertiesTemplate
> Task :x-pack:plugin:deprecation:pluginProperties
> Task :x-pack:plugin:deprecation:bundlePlugin
> Task :x-pack:plugin:graph:generateNotice
> Task :x-pack:plugin:graph:compileJava
> Task :x-pack:plugin:graph:processResources NO-SOURCE
> Task :x-pack:plugin:graph:classes
> Task :x-pack:plugin:graph:jar
> Task :x-pack:plugin:graph:copyPluginPropertiesTemplate
> Task :x-pack:plugin:graph:pluginProperties
> Task :x-pack:plugin:graph:bundlePlugin
> Task :x-pack:plugin:logstash:generateNotice
> Task :x-pack:plugin:logstash:compileJava
> Task :x-pack:plugin:logstash:processResources
> Task :x-pack:plugin:logstash:classes
> Task :x-pack:plugin:logstash:jar
> Task :x-pack:plugin:logstash:copyPluginPropertiesTemplate
> Task :x-pack:plugin:logstash:pluginProperties
> Task :x-pack:plugin:logstash:bundlePlugin
> Task :x-pack:plugin:ml:cpp-snapshot:downloadMachineLearningSnapshot
> Task :x-pack:plugin:ml:extractNativeLicenses
> Task :x-pack:plugin:ml:generateNotice
> Task :x-pack:plugin:ml:compileJava
Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
> Task :x-pack:plugin:ml:processResources
> Task :x-pack:plugin:ml:classes
> Task :x-pack:plugin:ml:jar
> Task :x-pack:plugin:ml:copyPluginPropertiesTemplate
> Task :x-pack:plugin:ml:pluginProperties
> Task :x-pack:plugin:ml:bundlePlugin
> Task :client:sniffer:compileJava
Note: /home/babrams/projects/personal/elasticsearch/distribution/bwc/next-minor-snapshot/build/bwc/checkout-6.x/client/sniffer/src/main/java/org/elasticsearch/client/sniff/ uses or overrides a deprecated API.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
> Task :client:sniffer:processResources NO-SOURCE
> Task :client:sniffer:classes
> Task :client:sniffer:jar
> Task :x-pack:plugin:monitoring:generateNotice
> Task :x-pack:plugin:monitoring:compileJava
Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
> Task :x-pack:plugin:monitoring:processResources
> Task :x-pack:plugin:monitoring:classes
> Task :x-pack:plugin:monitoring:jar
> Task :x-pack:plugin:monitoring:copyPluginPropertiesTemplate
> Task :x-pack:plugin:monitoring:pluginProperties
> Task :x-pack:plugin:monitoring:bundlePlugin
> Task :x-pack:plugin:rollup:generateNotice
> Task :x-pack:plugin:rollup:compileJava
> Task :x-pack:plugin:rollup:processResources NO-SOURCE
> Task :x-pack:plugin:rollup:classes
> Task :x-pack:plugin:rollup:jar
> Task :x-pack:plugin:rollup:copyPluginPropertiesTemplate
> Task :x-pack:plugin:rollup:pluginProperties
> Task :x-pack:plugin:rollup:bundlePlugin
> Task :x-pack:plugin:security:generateNotice
> Task :x-pack:plugin:security:compileJava
Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
> Task :x-pack:plugin:security:processResources
> Task :x-pack:plugin:security:classes
> Task :x-pack:plugin:security:jar
> Task :x-pack:plugin:security:copyPluginPropertiesTemplate
> Task :x-pack:plugin:security:pluginProperties
> Task :x-pack:plugin:security:bundlePlugin
> Task :x-pack:plugin:sql:generateNotice
> Task :x-pack:plugin:sql:sql-shared-proto:compileJava
> Task :x-pack:plugin:sql:sql-shared-proto:processResources NO-SOURCE
> Task :x-pack:plugin:sql:sql-shared-proto:classes
> Task :x-pack:plugin:sql:sql-shared-proto:jar
> Task :x-pack:plugin:sql:sql-proto:compileJava
> Task :x-pack:plugin:sql:sql-proto:processResources NO-SOURCE
> Task :x-pack:plugin:sql:sql-proto:classes
> Task :x-pack:plugin:sql:sql-proto:jar
> Task :x-pack:plugin:sql:compileJava
Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
> Task :x-pack:plugin:sql:processResources
> Task :x-pack:plugin:sql:classes
> Task :x-pack:plugin:sql:jar
> Task :x-pack:plugin:sql:copyPluginPropertiesTemplate
> Task :x-pack:plugin:sql:pluginProperties
> Task :x-pack:plugin:sql:sql-shared-client:compileJava
> Task :x-pack:plugin:sql:sql-shared-client:processResources NO-SOURCE
> Task :x-pack:plugin:sql:sql-shared-client:classes
> Task :x-pack:plugin:sql:sql-shared-client:jar
> Task :x-pack:plugin:sql:sql-cli:compileJava
> Task :x-pack:plugin:sql:sql-cli:processResources
> Task :x-pack:plugin:sql:sql-cli:classes
> Task :x-pack:plugin:sql:sql-cli:jar
> Task :x-pack:plugin:sql:bundlePlugin
> Task :x-pack:plugin:upgrade:generateNotice
> Task :x-pack:plugin:upgrade:compileJava
Note: /home/babrams/projects/personal/elasticsearch/distribution/bwc/next-minor-snapshot/build/bwc/checkout-6.x/x-pack/plugin/upgrade/src/main/java/org/elasticsearch/xpack/upgrade/ uses unchecked or unsafe operations.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
> Task :x-pack:plugin:upgrade:processResources NO-SOURCE
> Task :x-pack:plugin:upgrade:classes
> Task :x-pack:plugin:upgrade:jar
> Task :x-pack:plugin:upgrade:copyPluginPropertiesTemplate
> Task :x-pack:plugin:upgrade:pluginProperties
> Task :x-pack:plugin:upgrade:bundlePlugin
> Task :x-pack:plugin:watcher:generateNotice
> Task :x-pack:plugin:watcher:compileJava
Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
> Task :x-pack:plugin:watcher:processResources
> Task :x-pack:plugin:watcher:classes
> Task :x-pack:plugin:watcher:jar
> Task :x-pack:plugin:watcher:copyPluginPropertiesTemplate
> Task :x-pack:plugin:watcher:pluginProperties
> Task :x-pack:plugin:watcher:bundlePlugin
> Task :distribution:processDefaultOutputs
> Task :distribution:buildDefaultBin
> Task :distribution:buildDefaultConfig
> Task :distribution:buildDefaultLog4jConfig
> Task :distribution:buildDefaultModules
> Task :distribution:archives:buildZip
> Task :distribution:archives:zip:distTar NO-SOURCE
> Task :distribution:archives:zip:distZip NO-SOURCE
> Task :distribution:archives:zip:generatePomFileForNebulaPublication
Unable to convert /home/babrams/projects/personal/elasticsearch to https form in MavenScmPlugin. Using original value.
> Task :distribution:archives:zip:generatePomFileForNebulaRealPomPublication
> Task :distribution:archives:zip:assemble
> Task :distribution:packages:processOssDebFiles
> Task :distribution:packages:buildOssDeb
> Task :distribution:packages:oss-deb:distTar NO-SOURCE
> Task :distribution:packages:oss-deb:distZip NO-SOURCE
> Task :distribution:packages:oss-deb:assemble
> Task :distribution:packages:processDebFiles
> Task :distribution:packages:buildDeb
> Task :distribution:packages:deb:distTar NO-SOURCE
> Task :distribution:packages:deb:distZip NO-SOURCE
> Task :distribution:packages:deb:assemble
> Task :distribution:packages:processOssRpmFiles
> Task :distribution:packages:buildOssRpm
> Task :distribution:packages:oss-rpm:distTar NO-SOURCE
> Task :distribution:packages:oss-rpm:distZip NO-SOURCE
> Task :distribution:packages:oss-rpm:assemble
> Task :distribution:packages:processRpmFiles
> Task :distribution:packages:buildRpm
> Task :distribution:packages:rpm:distTar NO-SOURCE
> Task :distribution:packages:rpm:distZip NO-SOURCE
> Task :distribution:packages:rpm:assemble
Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 5.0.
212 actionable tasks: 212 executed
> Task :qa:vagrant:vagrantCentos6#batsPackagingTest
ok 82 # skip (dpkg is not supported) [DEB] package depends on bash
ok 83 # skip (dpkg is not supported) [DEB] package conflicts
ok 84 # skip (dpkg is not supported) [DEB] dpkg command is available
ok 85 # skip (dpkg is not supported) [DEB] package is available
ok 86 # skip (dpkg is not supported) [DEB] package is not installed
ok 87 # skip (dpkg is not supported) [DEB] install package
ok 88 # skip (dpkg is not supported) [DEB] package is installed
ok 89 # skip (dpkg is not supported) [DEB] verify package installation
ok 90 # skip (dpkg is not supported) [DEB] verify elasticsearch-plugin list runs without any plugins installed
ok 91 # skip (dpkg is not supported) [DEB] elasticsearch isn't started by package install
ok 92 # skip (dpkg is not supported) [DEB] test elasticsearch
ok 93 # skip (dpkg is not supported) [DEB] verify package installation after start
ok 94 # skip (dpkg is not supported) [DEB] remove package
ok 95 # skip (dpkg is not supported) [DEB] package has been removed
ok 96 # skip (dpkg is not supported) [DEB] verify package removal
ok 97 # skip (dpkg is not supported) [DEB] purge package
ok 98 # skip (dpkg is not supported) [DEB] verify package purge
ok 99 # skip (dpkg is not supported) [DEB] package has been completly removed
ok 100 # skip (dpkg is not supported) [DEB] reinstall package
ok 101 # skip (dpkg is not supported) [DEB] package is installed by reinstall
ok 102 # skip (dpkg is not supported) [DEB] verify package reinstallation
ok 103 # skip (dpkg is not supported) [DEB] repurge package
ok 104 # skip (dpkg is not supported) [DEB] package has been completly removed again
ok 130 # skip (Test case only supported by TAR PLUGINS) [RPM PLUGINS] install a sample plugin to elasticsearch directory with a space
ok 131 # skip (Test case only supported by TAR PLUGINS) [RPM PLUGINS] fail if java executable is not found
ok 195 # skip (systemd is not supported) [SYSTEMD] install elasticsearch
ok 196 # skip (systemd is not supported) [SYSTEMD] daemon reload after install
ok 197 # skip (systemd is not supported) [SYSTEMD] daemon isn't enabled on restart
ok 198 # skip (systemd is not supported) [SYSTEMD] enable
ok 199 # skip (systemd is not supported) [SYSTEMD] start
ok 200 # skip (systemd is not supported) [SYSTEMD] start (running)
ok 201 # skip (systemd is not supported) [SYSTEMD] is active (running)
ok 202 # skip (systemd is not supported) [SYSTEMD] status (running)
ok 203 # skip (systemd is not supported) [SYSTEMD] test elasticsearch
ok 204 # skip (systemd is not supported) [SYSTEMD] restart
ok 205 # skip (systemd is not supported) [SYSTEMD] stop (running)
ok 206 # skip (systemd is not supported) [SYSTEMD] status (stopping)
ok 207 # skip (systemd is not supported) [SYSTEMD] stop (stopped)
ok 208 # skip (systemd is not supported) [SYSTEMD] status (stopped)
ok 209 # skip (systemd is not supported) [SYSTEMD] delete PID_DIR and restart
ok 210 # skip (systemd is not supported) [SYSTEMD] start Elasticsearch with custom JVM options
ok 211 # skip (systemd is not supported) [SYSTEMD] masking systemd-sysctl
ok 212 # skip (systemd is not supported) [SYSTEMD] service file sets limits
ok 213 # skip (systemd is not supported) [SYSTEMD] test runtime directory
ok 214 # skip (systemd is not supported) [SYSTEMD] GC logs exist
ok 230 # skip (upgrade cannot happen from pre 6.3.0 to elasticsearch-oss) [UPGRADE] install old version
ok 231 # skip (upgrade cannot happen from pre 6.3.0 to elasticsearch-oss) [UPGRADE] start old version
ok 232 # skip (upgrade cannot happen from pre 6.3.0 to elasticsearch-oss) [UPGRADE] check elasticsearch version is old version
ok 233 # skip (upgrade cannot happen from pre 6.3.0 to elasticsearch-oss) [UPGRADE] index some documents into a few indexes
ok 234 # skip (upgrade cannot happen from pre 6.3.0 to elasticsearch-oss) [UPGRADE] verify that the documents are there
ok 235 # skip (upgrade cannot happen from pre 6.3.0 to elasticsearch-oss) [UPGRADE] stop old version
ok 236 # skip (upgrade cannot happen from pre 6.3.0 to elasticsearch-oss) [UPGRADE] install version under test
ok 237 # skip (upgrade cannot happen from pre 6.3.0 to elasticsearch-oss) [UPGRADE] start version under test
ok 238 # skip (upgrade cannot happen from pre 6.3.0 to elasticsearch-oss) [UPGRADE] check elasticsearch version is version under test
ok 239 # skip (upgrade cannot happen from pre 6.3.0 to elasticsearch-oss) [UPGRADE] verify that the documents are there after restart
ok 240 # skip (upgrade cannot happen from pre 6.3.0 to elasticsearch-oss) [UPGRADE] stop version under test
> Task :qa:vagrant:vagrantUbuntu1404#batsPackagingTest
ok 105 # skip (rpm is not supported) [RPM] package depends on bash
ok 106 # skip (rpm is not supported) [RPM] package conflicts
ok 107 # skip (rpm is not supported) [RPM] rpm command is available
ok 108 # skip (rpm is not supported) [RPM] package is available
ok 109 # skip (rpm is not supported) [RPM] package is not installed
ok 110 # skip (rpm is not supported) [RPM] install package
ok 111 # skip (rpm is not supported) [RPM] package is installed
ok 112 # skip (rpm is not supported) [RPM] verify package installation
ok 113 # skip (rpm is not supported) [RPM] verify elasticsearch-plugin list runs without any plugins installed
ok 114 # skip (rpm is not supported) [RPM] elasticsearch isn't started by package install
ok 115 # skip (rpm is not supported) [RPM] test elasticsearch
ok 116 # skip (rpm is not supported) [RPM] verify package installation after start
ok 117 # skip (rpm is not supported) [RPM] remove package
ok 118 # skip (rpm is not supported) [RPM] package has been removed
ok 119 # skip (rpm is not supported) [RPM] verify package removal
ok 120 # skip (rpm is not supported) [RPM] reinstall package
ok 121 # skip (rpm is not supported) [RPM] package is installed by reinstall
ok 122 # skip (rpm is not supported) [RPM] verify package reinstallation
ok 123 # skip (rpm is not supported) [RPM] reremove package
ok 124 # skip (rpm is not supported) [RPM] verify preservation
ok 125 # skip (rpm is not supported) [RPM] finalize package removal
ok 126 # skip (rpm is not supported) [RPM] package has been removed again
ok 130 # skip (Test case only supported by TAR PLUGINS) [DEB PLUGINS] install a sample plugin to elasticsearch directory with a space
ok 131 # skip (Test case only supported by TAR PLUGINS) [DEB PLUGINS] fail if java executable is not found
ok 195 # skip (systemd is not supported) [SYSTEMD] install elasticsearch
ok 196 # skip (systemd is not supported) [SYSTEMD] daemon reload after install
ok 197 # skip (systemd is not supported) [SYSTEMD] daemon isn't enabled on restart
ok 198 # skip (systemd is not supported) [SYSTEMD] enable
ok 199 # skip (systemd is not supported) [SYSTEMD] start
ok 200 # skip (systemd is not supported) [SYSTEMD] start (running)
ok 201 # skip (systemd is not supported) [SYSTEMD] is active (running)
ok 202 # skip (systemd is not supported) [SYSTEMD] status (running)
ok 203 # skip (systemd is not supported) [SYSTEMD] test elasticsearch
ok 204 # skip (systemd is not supported) [SYSTEMD] restart
ok 205 # skip (systemd is not supported) [SYSTEMD] stop (running)
ok 206 # skip (systemd is not supported) [SYSTEMD] status (stopping)
ok 207 # skip (systemd is not supported) [SYSTEMD] stop (stopped)
ok 208 # skip (systemd is not supported) [SYSTEMD] status (stopped)
ok 209 # skip (systemd is not supported) [SYSTEMD] delete PID_DIR and restart
ok 210 # skip (systemd is not supported) [SYSTEMD] start Elasticsearch with custom JVM options
ok 211 # skip (systemd is not supported) [SYSTEMD] masking systemd-sysctl
ok 212 # skip (systemd is not supported) [SYSTEMD] service file sets limits
ok 213 # skip (systemd is not supported) [SYSTEMD] test runtime directory
ok 214 # skip (systemd is not supported) [SYSTEMD] GC logs exist
ok 230 # skip (upgrade cannot happen from pre 6.3.0 to elasticsearch-oss) [UPGRADE] install old version
ok 231 # skip (upgrade cannot happen from pre 6.3.0 to elasticsearch-oss) [UPGRADE] start old version
ok 232 # skip (upgrade cannot happen from pre 6.3.0 to elasticsearch-oss) [UPGRADE] check elasticsearch version is old version
ok 233 # skip (upgrade cannot happen from pre 6.3.0 to elasticsearch-oss) [UPGRADE] index some documents into a few indexes
ok 234 # skip (upgrade cannot happen from pre 6.3.0 to elasticsearch-oss) [UPGRADE] verify that the documents are there
ok 235 # skip (upgrade cannot happen from pre 6.3.0 to elasticsearch-oss) [UPGRADE] stop old version
ok 236 # skip (upgrade cannot happen from pre 6.3.0 to elasticsearch-oss) [UPGRADE] install version under test
ok 237 # skip (upgrade cannot happen from pre 6.3.0 to elasticsearch-oss) [UPGRADE] start version under test
ok 238 # skip (upgrade cannot happen from pre 6.3.0 to elasticsearch-oss) [UPGRADE] check elasticsearch version is version under test
ok 239 # skip (upgrade cannot happen from pre 6.3.0 to elasticsearch-oss) [UPGRADE] verify that the documents are there after restart
ok 240 # skip (upgrade cannot happen from pre 6.3.0 to elasticsearch-oss) [UPGRADE] stop version under test
Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 5.0.
396 actionable tasks: 97 executed, 299 up-to-date
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