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Created October 29, 2017 20:39
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<script src="javascripts/faye-browser-min.js"></script>
<script src="javascripts/private_pub.js"></script>
<script src="javascripts/sha1.js"></script>
<script src="javascripts/jquery-2.1.4.min.js"></script>
// change server_ip to the public IP of counter
server_ip = ""
// structure of action log jsons
//[{"date":"12.10.2015","time":"15:48","branch":"Topolcany TopGame","station":"Kajot","digits":"0799","prize":"500","is_on_current_branch":true},
// {"date":"13.10.2015","time":"13:24","branch":"Topolcany TopGame","station":"Synot","digits":"6491","prize":"30","is_on_current_branch":true}]
// is_on_current_branch: describes if lot happens on current branch or on some other branch in city.
// if true then run lotting animation otherwise just add to items
// it is possible to price be 0, in that case it is considered as Ticket - "Žreb"
// this section is for screen initialization
// ajax call is made to get last x action logs, which should be displayed
// possible parameters:
// - count: how many action logs are returned. If not specified than default is 3
// - order: how are these records ordered, allowed values are "newest_last" or "newest_first", if not specified than "newest_last"
url: server_ip + ':3000/external_monitor/get_last_lots',
data: {count: 3, order: "newest_last" },
dataType: 'jsonp',
success: function(json){
if (json != null){
$.each(json, function () {
// this action logs should be just displayed
// all of them have is_on_current_branch set to false
$(".items").first().append( "<div class='item'>Date:" + + " " + this.time + " Branch:" + this.branch +
" Station:" + this.station + " Digits:" + this.digits + " Price:" + this.prize + " On current branch?:" + this.is_on_current_branch + "</div>" );
// ajax call is made to get the top ticket users, which should be displayed
// possible parameters:
// - count: how many records are returned. If not specified then default is 3
// - order: how are these records ordered, allowed values are "desc" or "asc", if not specified than "desc"
url: server_ip + ':3000/external_monitor/get_top_ticket_users',
data: {count: 3, order: "desc" },
dataType: 'jsonp',
success: function(json){
if (json != null){
$.each(json, function () {
$(".ticket_winners").append("<div class='ticket_winner'>Nickname: " + this.nickname + " Count:" + this.count );
// this section connect to faye server and subscribe to certain channel (technology websockets:
// each external monitor is listening for new published messages on this channel
// connecting to faye server on certain channels
var server = server_ip + ":9292/faye";
PrivatePub.sign({"server": server, "channel": "/external_monitor/action_logs"}); // don't change the channel!
PrivatePub.sign({"server": server, "channel": "/external_monitor/top_ticket_winners"}); // don't change the channel!
// REMOVE overide PrivatePub#handleResponse
// Use these subscriptions below instead!
// These will add custom js function that will handle pushed message to channels in a custom way since there are now two channels on one page
PrivatePub.subscribe("/external_monitor/action_logs", function(message){
if (message.action_logs != null){
var action_logs = JSON.parse(message.action_logs);
// there can be more than one action log published to the channel (for example several lots each on different branches in city)
// the action log publish to channel are order in "newest_last"
// so if several new action lots are returned first one is the oldest and last one the newest
// job that check new lots on server is run each 5 seconds
if (action_logs != null){
$.each(action_logs, function () {
// if new action logs are present do something with them based on is_on_current_branch variable
// if is_on_current_branch is true hide all items and run animation
// else just add them to items
$(".items").first().append( "<div class='item'>Date:" + + " " + this.time + " Branch:" + this.branch +
" Station:" + this.station + " Digits:" + this.digits + " Price:" + this.prize + " On current branch?:" + this.is_on_current_branch + "</div>" );
PrivatePub.subscribe("/external_monitor/top_ticket_winners", function(message){
if (message.top_ticket_winners != null){
var top_ticket_winners = JSON.parse(message.top_ticket_winners);
// there are always 3 records in this message
// the top ticket users are always pushed to channel in "desc" order so the user with the most tickets is first in hash
// time between two message is 60 seconds
// Format of json messages
// [{"nickname":"hracA","count":9},{"nickname":"hracB","count":2},{"nickname":"hracC","count":3}]
if (top_ticket_winners != null){
// Remove previous ticket users or hide them
// add new
$.each(top_ticket_winners, function () {
$(".ticket_winners").first().append("<div class='ticket_winner'>Nickname: " + this.nickname + " Count:" + this.count);
// in case of reboot or application restart first thing that is published to the channel during server initialization are 3 last action logs
// these action lots have variable is_on_current_branch set to false
// api for testing external_monitor (replace address with counter public ip address)
// url: http://<public_ip>:3000/external_monitor/add_test_action_log
// this will not create action log in database it will only publish test data to channel "/external_monitor/action_logs"
// additional params:
// - date: if blank than current date
// - time: if blank than current time
// - branch: if blank than random from ["Senátor Topoľčany", "Topolcany TopGame", "Cézar", "Planet Šaľa"]
// - station: if blank than random from ["Kajot", "Synot", "Merkur", "Apollo", "Ruleta", "eGaming"]
// - digits: if blank than random 4-digits number
// - prize if blank than random number <= 100
// - is_on_current_branch: if blank than random from [true, false]
// - times: how many action logs will be created at once, if blank default is 1
// Examples
// http://<public_ip>:3000/external_monitor/add_test_action_log?station="Kajot"&is_on_current_branch=true will created record with station "Kajot" which should be fire lotting animation
// http://<public_ip>:3000/external_monitor/add_test_action_log?is_on_current_branch=false will created record which should be added normally
// http://<public_ip>:3000/external_monitor/add_test_action_log?times=5&price=50&branch="Cézar" will create 5 action logs, all with price 50 and branch "Cezar" and other attributes will be random
<!-- this section .items holds all items -->
<!-- look at implementation of css and javascript at http://<public_id>:3000/external_monitor -->
<main class="content">
<section class="items"</section>
<section class="ticket_winners"</section>
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