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Last active January 3, 2025 05:58
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  • Save makaAnarchy/ef9cf5e989936c0464e75fedf8118e1d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save makaAnarchy/ef9cf5e989936c0464e75fedf8118e1d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. best script to play Multiply BTC with 63% win chance
// ==UserScript==
// @name Best algorithm to play Multiply odd 1.5 win chance 63% (NOT FOR LOW BALANCE)
// @description Play with higher chance , READ FIRST
// @include*
// @copyright 2020,
// @namespace AnarchyHS
// ==/UserScript==
bconfig = {
minWait: 3000,
maxWait : 5000,
odd : 1.5,
bet : 0.00000002
var add =;
var x = add;
var choice;
var body = $('body');
var maxWait = bconfig.maxWait;
var minWait = bconfig.minWait;
var c = 1;
var roll;
var hi = "hi";
var lo = "lo";
var sum = 0.00000000;
var stopprofit = 1.00000000;
var stoploss = -1.00000000;
var y = 1;
var state = 1 ;
var choiceroll = prompt("Please enter number of rolls", "10");
roll = parseInt(choiceroll, 10);
var rp = confirm("Do you want to stop the script on PROFIT");
if (rp == true) {
var choiceprofit= prompt("Please enter a value in Satoshi", "100");
stopprofit = parseInt(choiceprofit, 10);
var rl = confirm("Do you want to stop the script on LOSS");
if (rl == true) {
var choiceloss= prompt("Please enter a negative value in Satoshi", "-50");
stoploss = parseInt(choiceloss, 10);
function getRandomWait() {
var wait;
do {
wait = Math.floor(Math.random() * maxWait) + 100;
while (wait < minWait);
return wait;
var init_balance = $('#balance').html();
document.getElementById("double_your_btc_payout_multiplier").value = "1.5";
rollDice = function(choice) {
var balance = $('#balance').html();
if (x < 0.00000001) {
x = add;
document.getElementById("double_your_btc_stake").value = x.toFixed(8).toString();
var lenLose = $('#double_your_btc_bet_lose').html().length;
var lenWin = $('#double_your_btc_bet_win').html().length;
if (lenLose > 36 && lenWin == 0 && state == 1) {
lenWin = 0;
lenLose = 0;
//x = x + add;
y = y * 3;
x = add * y;
document.getElementById("double_your_btc_stake").value = x.toFixed(8).toString();
$('#double_your_btc_bet_' + choice + '_button').click();
}else if (lenWin > 36 && lenLose == 0 && state == 1){
lenWin = 0;
lenLose = 0;
if (x >= add * bconfig.odd * 2 ) {
y = 1;
x = add * y;
document.getElementById("double_your_btc_stake").value = x.toFixed(8).toString();
$('#double_your_btc_bet_' + choice + '_button').click();
console.log("Roll number :"+c);
sum = parseFloat(balance) - parseFloat(init_balance) ;
if (((sum * 100000000) > stopprofit) || ((sum * 100000000) < stoploss)){
console.log("Script stopped");
state = 0;
alert("Script stopped, " + " Profit = " + sum.toFixed(8).toString());
/*if (choice == null || choice == "") {
choice = "hi";
} else {
$('<div/>').attr('style',"position:fixed;top:50px;left:0;z-index:999;width:400px;background-color:#227d5c;color: white; text-align: center;")
.append($('<p/> text-align: center').text("Donate:"))
.append($('<p/> text-align: center').text("1Jh72g1dBtnKjvP9wC4KSbEdVGNfpD8mDc"))
.append($('<p/> text-align: center').text("Click to copy"))
var $temp = $('<input>').val("1Jh72g1dBtnKjvP9wC4KSbEdVGNfpD8mDc");
.text("#autofaucet p { margin: 0; margin-left: 0px; text-align: center; }")
document.getElementById("double_your_btc_stake").value = x.toFixed(8).toString();
$('#double_your_btc_bet_' + hi + '_button').click();
function main(n) {
function timer(){ // create a unique function (scope) each time
var k = i; // save i to the variable k
if (state == 0){
if (k % 2 == 0){
//console.log ("rolling high ..");
//console.log ("rolling low ..");
console.log ("Profit = " + sum.toFixed(8).toString());
for(var i = 1; i < roll; i++) {
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akolik commented Jul 13, 2020

bravo. Thank u. good job. Can u please write how change your script so that bet only high or low, not alternative. and one more thing again, when win or lose press ok after it script bets again final roll,how turn off insettings the final rill? thanks

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// ==UserScript==
// @name Best algorithm to play Multiply odd 1.5 win chance 63% (NOT FOR LOW BALANCE)
// @description Play with higher chance , READ FIRST
// @include*
// @copyright 2020,
// @namespace AnarchyHS
// ==/UserScript==

bconfig = {
minWait: 3000,
maxWait : 5000,
odd : 1.5,
bet : 0.00000002

var add =;
var x = add;
var choice;
var body = $('body');
var maxWait = bconfig.maxWait;
var minWait = bconfig.minWait;
var c = 1;
var roll;
var hi = "hi";
var lo = "lo";
var sum = 0.00000000;
var stopprofit = 1.00000000;
var stoploss = -1.00000000;
var y = 1;
var state = 1 ;

var choiceroll = prompt("Please enter number of rolls", "10");
roll = parseInt(choiceroll, 10);

var rp = confirm("Do you want to stop the script on PROFIT");
if (rp == true) {
var choiceprofit= prompt("Please enter a value in Satoshi", "100");
stopprofit = parseInt(choiceprofit, 10);

var rl = confirm("Do you want to stop the script on LOSS");
if (rl == true) {
var choiceloss= prompt("Please enter a negative value in Satoshi", "-50");
stoploss = parseInt(choiceloss, 10);

function getRandomWait() {
var wait;
do {
wait = Math.floor(Math.random() * maxWait) + 100;
while (wait < minWait);
return wait;

var init_balance = $('#balance').html();
document.getElementById("double_your_btc_payout_multiplier").value = "1.5";

rollDice = function(choice) {

var balance = $('#balance').html();
if (x < 0.00000001) {
x = add;
document.getElementById("double_your_btc_stake").value = x.toFixed(8).toString();
var lenLose = $('#double_your_btc_bet_lose').html().length;
var lenWin = $('#double_your_btc_bet_win').html().length;
if (lenLose > 36 && lenWin == 0 && state == 1) {
lenWin = 0;
lenLose = 0;
//x = x + add;
y = y * 3;
x = add * y;
document.getElementById("double_your_btc_stake").value = x.toFixed(8).toString();
$('#double_your_btc_bet_' + choice + '_button').click();
}else if (lenWin > 36 && lenLose == 0 && state == 1){
lenWin = 0;
lenLose = 0;
if (x >= add * bconfig.odd * 2 ) {
y = 1;
x = add * y;
document.getElementById("double_your_btc_stake").value = x.toFixed(8).toString();


$('#double_your_btc_bet_' + choice + '_button').click();

console.log("Roll number :"+c);
sum = parseFloat(balance) - parseFloat(init_balance) ;

if (((sum * 100000000) > stopprofit) || ((sum * 100000000) < stoploss)){

console.log("Script stopped");
    state = 0;
alert("Script stopped, " + " Profit = " + sum.toFixed(8).toString());



/*if (choice == null || choice == "") {
choice = "hi";
} else {


').attr('style',"position:fixed;top:50px;left:0;z-index:999;width:400px;background-color:#227d5c;color: white; text-align: center;")

text-align: center').text("Donate:"))

text-align: center').text("1Jh72g1dBtnKjvP9wC4KSbEdVGNfpD8mDc"))

text-align: center').text("Click to copy"))

var $temp = $('').val("1Jh72g1dBtnKjvP9wC4KSbEdVGNfpD8mDc");
.text("#autofaucet p { margin: 0; margin-left: 0px; text-align: center; }")

document.getElementById("double_your_btc_stake").value = x.toFixed(8).toString();
$('#double_your_btc_bet_' + hi + '_button').click();

function main(n) {
function timer(){ // create a unique function (scope) each time
var k = i; // save i to the variable k
if (state == 0){
if (k % 2 == 0){
//console.log ("rolling high ..");
//console.log ("rolling low ..");
console.log ("Profit = " + sum.toFixed(8).toString());



for(var i = 1; i < roll; i++) {

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thanks for this code
Why do we receive one BTC when it is won and two BTC are deducted when it is lost?

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w7k-w7k commented Sep 21, 2021

Hey mate, I have some algorithmics, I want to add inside to script. We can work together in this one.
Thank you for all

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Hey guys im new here.... I need a good script for level up my few satoshis please 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 πŸ™

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Also im not a programe can some one splane me how to use this codes πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™

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datninjaWild commented Mar 12, 2022

@Justinachristine has anybody replied to you? i'd be interested to kno the implementation of this script as well.

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Mitantso commented Jan 3, 2025

Free bitcoin script

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