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Last active March 7, 2021 16:39
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Swift 3 Realm ( Database Helper Singleton with exclusive queue and lightweight configuration
import Foundation
import RealmSwift
class RealmDB {
//MARK:- Migration Information
static let currentSchema: UInt64 = 1;
Migration Handler
- parameter migration: Migration Instance
- parameter oldSchemaVersion: old Schema Version
- Note: Yes, this is for your migration code...
class func migration(_ migration: Migration, _ oldSchemaVersion: UInt64) -> Void {
// Implement Me
//MARK:- Singleton Instance Holder and Data
static let sharedInstance: RealmDB = RealmDB();
private var currentConfiguration: Realm.Configuration? = nil;
private var currentRealm: Realm? = nil;
private var database_main_queue = DispatchQueue.init(label: "realmdb.sequential.queue")
private var configuration_lock = DispatchSemaphore.init(value: 1);
//MARK:- Additional Types
enum DatabaseError : Error {
case NotConfigured
//MARK:- Realm Queue Operations
Enqueue a synchronous executed block. The block will get it's own Realm Instance for the current Thread/Block
with the current Configuration and will be executed in an autoreleasepool.
- parameter task: block to be executed
- Throws: `DatabaseError.NotConfigured` if database was not opened with `connectDBFor` or closed before that call,
additionally passes any exception raised in the block `task`.
- important: Don Not Microtask. This is not meant to be called frequently as it creates a Realm Instance for the Block
and an autorelease pool to reduce memory consumption slightly. Try to read/write as much at once as possible instead of
using multiple updates.
- remark: As long as RealmDB is *open*, it holds a strong reference to the initial Realm Instance which should keep
realm instance creation penalty low.
func realmQueueSync( task:(_ realm: Realm) throws -> Void ) throws {
try database_main_queue.sync() {
if let conf = RealmDB.sharedInstance.currentConfiguration {
try autoreleasepool {
let realm = try! Realm.init(configuration: conf);
try task(realm);
} else {
throw DatabaseError.NotConfigured
Enqueue an asynchronous executed block. The block may get it's own Realm Instance for the current Thread/Block
with the current Configuration as long as Database access does not fail. Realm Instance creation and
the task will be executed in an autoreleasepool.
- parameter task: block to be executed, this block will get `realm=nil` if either no configuration is given or
realm instance creation failed.
- important: Don Not Microtask. This is not meant to be called frequently as it creates a Realm Instance for the Block
and an autorelease pool to reduce memory consumption slightly. Try to read/write as much at once as possible instead of
using multiple updates.
- remark: As long as RealmDB is *open*, it holds a strong reference to the initial Realm Instance which should keep
realm instance creation penalty low.
func realmQueueAsync( task: @escaping (_ realm: Realm?)->Void ) {
database_main_queue.async() {
autoreleasepool {
guard let conf = RealmDB.sharedInstance.currentConfiguration else {
if let realm = try? Realm.init(configuration: conf) {
} else {
Wait for currently queued Blocks on RealmDB Queue to finish.
func realmQueueWait() {
database_main_queue.sync() {
// pass
//MARK:- DB Connect/Disconnect
Open/Connect to Realm
- parameter fn: File URL for the Realm File
- parameter cryptoKey512bit: 512bit/64byte Key for Encryption
- parameter recreateOnKeyMissmatch: If true, try to delete and recreate the Database on error (assuming errors are produced by Key missmatch).
- Todo: Needs a check wether an Error is caused by wrong key (database missmatch) or not.
- Precondition: optional cryptoKey512bit needs to be either nil or a 64byte block as needed for Realm.Configuration.encryptionKey
- Warning: Do not call this synchronously from within the RealmDB Queue - like `realmQueueAsync`/`realmQueueSync`
scheduled task or `realmQueueWait` - or it will Deadlock.
func connectDBFor(fn: URL?, cryptoKey512bit: Data?, recreateOnKeyMissmatch: Bool = true) {
if let key = cryptoKey512bit {
if (key.count != (512/8)) {
fatalError("Crypto Key Length Missmatch");
// "disconnect"
// "lock" for configuration modifiations
// setup
currentConfiguration = Realm.Configuration.init(fileURL: fn, encryptionKey: cryptoKey512bit, schemaVersion: type(of: self).currentSchema, migrationBlock: { (m, v) in
type(of: self).migration(m, v);
// first: try to open Database with given key assuming Database is crypted with that key
do {
currentRealm = try Realm.init(configuration: currentConfiguration!);
} catch let e as NSError {
// print("Error opening DB: \(e)");
if(recreateOnKeyMissmatch) {
// delete database
if let dbfn = currentConfiguration?.fileURL {
try? FileManager.default.removeItem(at: dbfn);
} else {
RealmDB.sharedInstance.currentConfiguration = nil;
if currentRealm == nil && currentConfiguration != nil {
if recreateOnKeyMissmatch {
// second try: recreate Database with new key
do {
currentRealm = try Realm.init(configuration: currentConfiguration!);
} catch let e as NSError {
// print("Error opening DB (second try): \(e)");
fatalError("Database Initialization Failed");
Try to disconnect the Database after current tasks in Queue.
- parameter force: If true, the configuration and realm instance will be reset immediatly which may result in errors on the
current scheduled blocks. If false, it will append a block (synchronous) to the Queue which removes the references after the
current queued blocks are executed.
- important: This only removes the references handled by this class, not any other so it won't actually close
the Database as long as other references keep the Realm alive.
- Warning: Do not call this synchronously with `force=false` from within the RealmDB Queue - like `realmQueueAsync`/`realmQueueSync`
scheduled task or `realmQueueWait` - or it will Deadlock.
func disconnectDB(Now force: Bool = false) {
if (force) {
RealmDB.sharedInstance.currentConfiguration = nil;
RealmDB.sharedInstance.currentRealm = nil;
} else {
database_main_queue.sync() {
RealmDB.sharedInstance.currentConfiguration = nil;
RealmDB.sharedInstance.currentRealm = nil;
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makadev commented Dec 18, 2018

Database Helper which provides easy DB Setup and a serial dispatch queue for Database Operations regardless of the executing thread. Be aware that Operations might be quite slow due to Mutual Exclusion and recreation of the the Realm Instance.

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