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Last active January 19, 2024 11:34
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Recursive zip search
import glob
from zipfile import ZipFile, BadZipFile
import sys
import os
if len(sys.argv) != 3 and len(sys.argv) != 4:
sys.exit('''Usage: {} ROOT_DIR QUERY [--names]
Searches the zip files in ROOT_DIR recursively for QUERY.
--names: only search in file names, not in content.
rootdir = sys.argv[1]
query = sys.argv[2]
names = len(sys.argv) == 4 and sys.argv[3] == "--names"
deep_scan = not names
def scan_zip(path):
zip = ZipFile(path)
names = []
for name in zip.namelist():
#if name.endswith(".class") and query.encode("utf8") in
if (deep_scan and query.encode("utf8") in or (not deep_scan and query in name):
return names
for path in glob.glob(rootdir + "/**/*", recursive=True):
if not os.path.isdir(path):
found = scan_zip(path)
if found:
print("\n" + path + " contains query! in these files:\n" + "\n".join([" * " + x for x in found]))
except BadZipFile as e:
except Exception as e:
print("\nException scanning", path, ":", e)
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