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Created March 18, 2013 23:15
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# File:
# Version: 1.1
# Author: Damien Bobillot (
# Licence: GNU GPL version 3
# Compatibility: tested with python 2.7 on Mac OS X, should work with any python installations.
# Driver for the magnetic strip card reader/writer MSR605, and other versions
# june 2011 - 1.0 - First version
# july 2011 - 1.1 - raw read/write, set loco/hico, set density
import time
import serial
# defining the core object
class msr(serial.Serial):
# protocol
escape_code = "\x1B"
end_code = "\x1C"
# for set_coercivity
# for set_bpi
# for pack/unpack
track1_map = " !\"#$%&'()*+`,./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_"
track23_map = "0123456789:;<=>?"
parity_map = [1,0,0,1,0,1,1,0,0,1,1,0,1,0,0,1,0,1,1,0,1,0,0,1,1,0,0,1,0,1,1,0, \
# 1 = count of 1 in index is even, 0 = odd
rev6bit_map = [0,32,16,48,8,40,24,56,4,36,20,52,12,44,28,60,2,34,18,50,10,42,26,58,6,38,22,54,14,46,30,62, \
# give the reverse bitmap (6 bits) of a the index
def __init__(self, dev_path):
if dev_path.find("/") == -1: dev_path = "/dev/" + dev_path
def __execute_noresult(self, command):
def __execute_waitresult(self, command, timeout=10):
# execute
# get result
result =
if result == "": raise Exception("operation timed out")
result +=
# parse result : status, result, data
pos = result.rindex(msr.escape_code)
return result[pos+1], result[pos+2:], result[0:pos]
def reset(self):
def __decode_isodatablock(data):
# header and end
if data[0:4] != msr.escape_code+"s"+msr.escape_code+"\x01":
raise Exception("bad datablock : don't start with <ESC>s<ESC>[01]", data)
if data[-2:] != "?"+msr.end_code:
raise Exception("bad datablock : don't end with ?<FS>", data)
# first strip
strip1_start = 4
strip1_end = data.index(msr.escape_code,strip1_start)
if strip1_end == strip1_start:
strip1_end += 2
strip1 = None
strip1 = data[strip1_start:strip1_end]
# second strip
strip2_start = strip1_end+2
if data[strip1_end:strip2_start] != msr.escape_code+"\x02":
raise Exception("bad datablock : missing <ESC>[02] at position %d" % strip1_end, data)
strip2_end = data.index(msr.escape_code,strip2_start)
if strip2_end == strip2_start:
strip2_end += 2
strip2 = None
strip2 = data[strip2_start:strip2_end]
# third strip
strip3_start = strip2_end+2
if data[strip2_end:strip3_start] != msr.escape_code+"\x03":
raise Exception("bad datablock : missing <ESC>[03] at position %d" % strip2_end, data)
if data[strip3_start] == msr.escape_code:
strip3 = None
strip3 = data[strip3_start:-2]
return strip1, strip2, strip3
def __encode_isodatablock(strip1, strip2, strip3):
# use empty string if you don't want to set a given strip
return "\x1bs\x1b\x01"+strip1+"\x1b\x02"+strip2+"\x1b\x03"+strip3+"?\x1C"
def __decode_rawdatablock(data):
# header
if data[0:4] != msr.escape_code+"s"+msr.escape_code+"\x01":
raise Exception("bad datablock : don't start with <ESC>s<ESC>[01]", data)
# first strip
strip1_start = 4
strip1_end = strip1_start + 1 + ord(data[strip1_start]) # first byte is length
strip1 = data[strip1_start+1:strip1_end]
# second strip
strip2_start = strip1_end+2
if data[strip1_end:strip2_start] != msr.escape_code+"\x02":
raise Exception("bad datablock : missing <ESC>[02] at position %d" % strip1_end, data)
strip2_end = strip2_start + 1 + ord(data[strip2_start])
strip2 = data[strip2_start+1:strip2_end]
# third strip
strip3_start = strip2_end+2
if data[strip2_end:strip3_start] != msr.escape_code+"\x03":
raise Exception("bad datablock : missing <ESC>[03] at position %d" % strip2_end, data)
strip3_end = strip3_start + 1 + ord(data[strip3_start])
strip3 = data[strip3_start+1:strip3_end]
# trailer
if data[strip3_end:] != "?"+msr.end_code:
raise Exception("bad datablock : missing ?<FS> at position %d", strip3_end, data)
return strip1, strip2, strip3
def __encode_rawdatablock(strip1, strip2, strip3):
# use empty string if you don't want to set a given strip : FIXME doesn't work
datablock = "\x1bs"
if strip1 != "":
datablock += "\x1b\x01"+chr(len(strip1))+strip1
if strip2 != "":
datablock += "\x1b\x02"+chr(len(strip2))+strip2
if strip3 != "":
datablock += "\x1b\x03"+chr(len(strip3))+strip3
datablock += "?\x1C"
return datablock
#return "\x1bs\x1b\x01"+chr(len(strip1))+strip1+"\x1b\x02"+chr(len(strip2))+strip2+"\x1b\x03"+chr(len(strip3))+strip3+"?\x1C"
def pack_raw(data, mapping, bcount_code, bcount_output):
# data : string to be encoded
# mapping : string used to convert a character to a code
# bcount_code : number of bits of character code (without the parity bit)
# bcount_output : number of bits per output characters
raw = ""
lrc = 0 # parity odd
rem_bits = 0 # remaining bits from previous loop
rem_count = 0 # count of remaining bits
for c in data:
i = mapping.find(c) # convert char to code
if i==-1: i = 0 # fail to first code if char is not allowed
lrc ^= i
i |= msr.parity_map[i] << bcount_code # add parity bit in front of the code
rem_bits |= i << rem_count # concate current code in front of remaining bits
rem_count += bcount_code+1
if rem_count >= bcount_output:
raw += chr(rem_bits & ((1<<bcount_output)-1)) # write the bcount_output bits on the rigth
rem_bits >>= bcount_output
rem_count -= bcount_output
# add one loop for LRC
lrc |= msr.parity_map[i] << bcount_code
rem_bits |= lrc << rem_count
rem_count += bcount_code+1
if rem_count >= bcount_output:
raw += chr(rem_bits & ((1<<bcount_output)-1))
rem_bits >>= bcount_output
rem_count -= bcount_output
# add remaining bits, filling with 0
if rem_count > 0:
raw += chr(rem_bits)
return raw
def unpack_raw(raw, mapping, bcount_code, bcount_output):
# raw : string to be encoded
# mapping : string used to convert a character to a code
# bcount_code : number of bits of character code (without the parity bit)
# bcount_output : number of bits per output characters
# returns : data without trailing nulls, total length including trailing nulls, parity errors, lrc error
data = ""
parity_errors = ""
rem_bits = 0 # remaining bits from previous loop
rem_count = 0 # count of remaining bits
lrc = 0 # parity odd
last_non_null = -1
for c in raw:
rem_count += bcount_output # append next bits on the right
rem_bits = (rem_bits << bcount_output) | (ord(c) & ((1<<bcount_output)-1))
while rem_count >= bcount_code+1:
# get the bcount_code+parity bits on the left
rem_count -= bcount_code+1
i = rem_bits >> rem_count
rem_bits &= ((1<<rem_count)-1)
# reverse bits (assume bcount_code<=6)
p = i & 0x1 # parity code
i = msr.rev6bit_map[i>>1] >> (6-bcount_code)
data += mapping[i]
if i != 0: last_non_null = len(data)-1
# check parity
lrc ^= i
if msr.parity_map[i] == p:
parity_errors += " "
parity_errors += "^"
# check LRC (kept at the end of decoded data)
lrc_error = (lrc != 0)
return data[0:last_non_null+1], len(data), parity_errors[0:last_non_null+1], lrc_error
def read_tracks(self):
status, _, data = self.__execute_waitresult("r")
if status != "0":
raise Exception("read error : %c" % status)
return self.__decode_isodatablock(data)
def read_raw_tracks(self):
status, _, data = self.__execute_waitresult("m")
if status != "0":
raise Exception("read error : %c" % status)
return self.__decode_rawdatablock(data)
def write_tracks(self, t1="", t2="", t3=""):
data = self.__encode_isodatablock(t1,t2,t3)
status, _, _ = self.__execute_waitresult("w"+data)
if status != "0":
raise Exception("write error : %c" % status)
def write_raw_tracks(self, t1, t2, t3):
data = self.__encode_rawdatablock(t1,t2,t3)
status, _, _ = self.__execute_waitresult("n"+data)
if status != "0":
raise Exception("write error : %c" % status)
def erase_tracks(self, t1=False, t2=False, t3=False):
mask = 0
if t1: mask |= 1
if t2: mask |= 2
if t3: mask |= 4
status, _, _ = self.__execute_waitresult("c"+chr(mask))
if status != "0":
raise Exception("erase error : %c" % status)
#def set_leadingzero(self, track13, track2):
# status, result, _ = self.__execute_waitresult("o"+chr(bpc1)+chr(bpc2)+chr(bpc3))
# if status != "0":
# raise Exception("set_bpc error : %c" % status)
def set_bpc(self, bpc1, bpc2, bpc3):
status, result, _ = self.__execute_waitresult("o"+chr(bpc1)+chr(bpc2)+chr(bpc3))
if status != "0":
raise Exception("set_bpc error : %c" % status)
def set_bpi(self, bpi1=None, bpi2=None, bpi3=None):
modes = []
if bpi1==True: modes.append("\xA1") # 210bpi
elif bpi1==False: modes.append("\xA0") # 75bpi
if bpi2==True: modes.append("\xD2")
elif bpi2==False: modes.append("\x4B")
if bpi2==True: modes.append("\xC1")
elif bpi2==False: modes.append("\xC0")
for m in modes:
status, result, _ = self.__execute_waitresult("b"+m)
if status != "0":
raise Exception("set_bpi error : %c for %s" % (status,hex(m)))
def set_coercivity(self, hico):
if hico:
status, _, _ = self.__execute_waitresult("x")
status, _, _ = self.__execute_waitresult("y")
if status != "0":
raise Exception("set_hico error : %c" % status)
if __name__ == "__main__":
# parse arguments
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
group.add_argument ('-r', '--read', action="store_true", help="read magnetic tracks")
group.add_argument ('-w', '--write', action="store_true", help="write magnetic tracks")
group.add_argument ('-e', '--erase', action="store_true", help="erase magnetic tracks")
group.add_argument ('-C', '--hico', action="store_true", help="select high coercivity mode")
group.add_argument ('-c', '--loco', action="store_true", help="select low coercivity mode")
group.add_argument ('-b', '--bpi', help="bit per inch for each track (h or l)")
parser.add_argument('-d', '--device', help="path to serial communication device")
parser.add_argument('-0', '--raw', action="store_true", help="do not use ISO encoding/decoding")
parser.add_argument('-t', '--tracks', default="123", help="select tracks (1, 2, 3, 12, 23, 13, 123)")
parser.add_argument('-B', '--bpc', help="bit per caracters for each track (5 to 8)")
parser.add_argument('data', nargs="*", help="(write only) 1, 2 or 3 arguments, matching --tracks")
args = parser.parse_args();
if ( or args.erase) and len( != 0 or args.write and (len( != len(args.tracks)):
print "too many arguments"
tracks = [False, False, False]
data = ["", "", ""]
for i in range(0,len(args.tracks)):
n = int(args.tracks[i])-1
if(n<0 or n>2 or tracks[n]):
tracks[n] = True
data[n] =[i]
bpc1 = 8
bpc2 = 8
bpc3 = 8
if args.bpc:
bpc1 = ord(args.bpc[0])-48
bpc2 = ord(args.bpc[1])-48
bpc3 = ord(args.bpc[2])-48
elif args.raw:
args.bpc = "888" # force setup, as it's kept accross runs
if args.bpi:
bpi1 = args.bpi[0] != "l"
bpi2 = args.bpi[1] != "l"
bpi3 = args.bpi[2] != "l"
# main code
dev = msr(args.device)
if args.bpc:
if & args.raw:
s1,s2,s3 = dev.read_raw_tracks()
def print_result(num, res):
s,l,perr,lerr = res
line = "%d=%s" % (num, s)
if len(s) != l: line += " (+%d null)" % (l-len(s))
if lerr: line += " (LRC error)"
print line
if -1 != perr.find("^"): print " %s <- parity errors" % perr
if tracks[0]: print_result(1, msr.unpack_raw(s1, msr.track1_map, 6, bpc1))
if tracks[1]: print_result(2, msr.unpack_raw(s2, msr.track23_map, 4, bpc2))
if tracks[2]: print_result(3, msr.unpack_raw(s3, msr.track23_map, 4, bpc3))
elif # iso mode
s1,s2,s3 = dev.read_tracks()
if tracks[0]: print "1=%s" % s1
if tracks[1]: print "2=%s" % s2
if tracks[2]: print "3=%s" % s3
elif args.write & args.raw:
d1 = ""
d2 = ""
d3 = ""
if tracks[0]:
d1 = msr.pack_raw(data[0], msr.track1_map, 6, bpc1)
if tracks[1]:
d2 = msr.pack_raw(data[1], msr.track23_map, 4, bpc2)
if tracks[2]:
d3 = msr.pack_raw(data[2], msr.track23_map, 4, bpc3)
elif args.write: # iso mode
elif args.erase:
elif args.loco:
elif args.hico:
elif args.bpi:
except Exception as e:
print e
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