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# px2-300d firmware version: 4.1.414.34909
# 2022.08.30
#0. the whole process can be done in Windows, provided you have the openSSL library installed on your machine
#in my case it is: OpenSSL 1.1.1o 3 May 2022
#In case due to some reason
#1. read this thread
Start-Process ''
#Crucial section starts from the paragraph:
#'As of 2022 with OpenSSL ≥ 1.1.1, the following command serves all your needs, including Subject Alternate Name (SAN):'
#2. this is the section of the code which helps calulating amount of days which left to the day 0 when the cert is going to expire
# in my case due to the overall convinience that the self signed certs (which are being used for the web services exposed locally)
# expire at the same point of time I tried to synchronize the timing with another cert which was already configured within the
# environment - 18th January 2025 - it's not a must you can skip this step, in case it does not add any added value for you
$now = get-date
New-TimeSpan -Start $now -end $(get-date('01.18.2025'))
#3. Execute following command
openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -sha256 -days 872 -nodes -keyout px2-300d.key -out px2-300d.crt -subj "/CN=nas.local" -addext "subjectAltName=DNS:nas.local,DNS:https://nas.local,IP:[IP_AddressOfYour-px2-300d-device]"
cat example.crt example.key > example.pem
Get-Content .\px2-300d.crt | clip
# copy the content of the px2-300d.crt (from the clipboard) to the px2-300d.pem file
Get-Content .\px2-300d.key | clip
# add the content of the px2-300d.key (from the clipboard) to the px2-300d.pem file
# now you are equipped with the pem px2-300d.pem file which can be uploaded into the Lenovo Dell EMC px2-300d device via the web interface
Start-Process 'https://[IP_AddressOfYour-px2-300d-device]/manage/security.html?cat=all'
# Local Network encryption (SSL): Not Required
# Remote Network encryption (SSL): Always
# Certificate settings:
# * Use the default certificate (we are not using this, due to the fact that we are willing to use our own self signed cert with Subject alt name etc)
# * Use an imported certificate [Browse, and upload the px3-300d.pem]
# then you should not receive any error message, and the engine should just digest the certificate properly
#4. CHECK the certificate on the device itself
# Enable diagnostic mode:
Start-Process 'https://[IP_AddressOfYour-px2-300d-device]/manage/diagnostics.html'
# configure values below,
# SSH Port: [preferedSshPortNumber]
# Root password: [prefered password used to access via ssh]
# Confirm Root Password: [prefered password to access via ssh]
# Once the Apply button has been hit, you are ready to login from your endpoint towards the px2-300d over SSH
ssh root@[IP_AddressOfYour-px2-300d-device] -p [preferedSshPortNumber]
# now the tricky piece, even though you configured the prefered password used to access via ssh, once you are logging in
# you have to add the string 'soho' as a prefix of the passwrord, otheriwse it will keep rejecting the pass
# imagine your password defined in the abovementioned gui was: lenovoMagic
# then during the ssh attempt with you use the password : soholenovoMagic
# do not ask me why is that, it is how it is
# at this point you should be able to run on your px2-300d following command
ls -lah /etc/ssl/certificates/
# which will show you the crt files
# in my case I do have selfcert.crt and usercert.crt_1
openssl x509 -text -noout -in /etc/ssl/certificates/usercert.crt_1
openssl x509 -text -noout -in /etc/ssl/certificates/selfcert.crt
# I'm not sure at the moment whether the selfcert.crt was generated by using the option (use the default cert) as per the paragraph 3.
# But I'm convinced that the usercert.crt_1 is the one which was uploaded with the Browse button...
# this can be confirmed when you have a look into the section of
# X509v3 Subject Alternative Name:
# from the output of the abovementioned command
# at this stage if you are on the windows device, it's enough that you add the .cer certificate into the
# Trusted Root Certificates within the Local Computer store.
# I'm sure there are better and alternative ways (as I remember that with previous attempt has been doing this in different way)
# but at least the overall goal was achieved.
# That's it
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