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Created May 14, 2014 15:50
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WallThickness = 2;
BallSize = 15.75;
Airgap = .5;
Mount = 3;
TotalHeight = 19.5;
MountScrewRad = 2; //3mm screw
BallProtrude = .33; //percentage of ball radius sticking out
MountType = 1; //1=ears 2=center screw
ScrewSpacing = 25;
cylheight = TotalHeight;
cylrad = (BallSize/2) + WallThickness + Airgap;
echo (cylheight);
difference() {
union() {
difference () {
cylinder(r1 = cylrad , r2 = cylrad, cylheight - (BallSize*BallProtrude));
translate([0,0,TotalHeight - BallSize/2]) {
cube(size = [cylrad*2+5, cylrad/2, BallSize*1.25], center = true );
translate([0,0,TotalHeight - (BallSize/2)]) {
sphere (BallSize/2+Airgap, $fa=5, $fs=0.1);
difference (){
hull() {
translate([ScrewSpacing/2,0,0]) {
circle( MountScrewRad*3);
translate([1-ScrewSpacing/2,0,0]) {
circle( MountScrewRad*3);
circle( cylrad);
translate([ScrewSpacing/2,0,0]) {
cylinder(r1 = MountScrewRad, r2 = MountScrewRad, h= Mount+2);
translate([1-ScrewSpacing/2,0,0]) {
cylinder(r1 = MountScrewRad, r2 = MountScrewRad, h= Mount+2);
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