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Last active December 14, 2015 11:38
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A flexible grid structure using SASS and placeholder classes
// Configurables
$flexibleGridColumns: 24 !default;
$flexibleGridColumnWidth: 30px !default;
$flexibleGridGutterWidth: 18px !default;
// Full width of a row
$flexibleGridRowWidth: ($flexibleGridColumns * $flexibleGridColumnWidth) + ($flexibleGridGutterWidth * ($flexibleGridColumns - 1));
// The width of a column
$flexibleGridGridWidth: percentage($flexibleGridColumnWidth / $flexibleGridRowWidth);
// The amount of margin between columns
$flexibleGridGridMargin: percentage($flexibleGridGutterWidth / $flexibleGridRowWidth);
@mixin flexible-grid-wrapper {
@extend %clearfix; // Assumes a %clearfix placeholder exists
margin: 0 auto;
max-width: $flexibleGridRowWidth;
width: 100%;
@mixin flexible-grid-row {
padding-left: 20px;
padding-right: 20px;
// Main mixin, set the width of `$columns` columns
// Can be changed based on the width of the parent column. I.e., to create a 4Column
// <div> inside a 10Column <div> you would do the following:
// @include flexible-grid-column(4, false, 10);
@mixin flexible-grid-column($columns, $last: false, $parent: $flexibleGridColumns) {
width: flexiSpan($columns, $parent);
@if $last {
margin-right: 0; }
@else {
margin-right: flexiMargin($flexibleGridGridMargin, $parent); }
@mixin flexible-grid-push($columns, $parent: $flexibleGridColumns) {
margin-left: flexiPushMargin($columns, $parent);
// Function to calculate width in context
@function flexiSpan($columns, $parent: $flexibleGridColumns) {
@return ($flexibleGridGridWidth * $columns + $flexibleGridGridMargin * ($columns - 1)) / ($flexibleGridGridWidth * $parent + $flexibleGridGridMargin * ($parent - 1)) * 100%;
// Function to calculate margins in context
@function flexiMargin($margin, $parent: $flexibleGridColumns) {
@return $margin / flexiSpan($parent) * 100%;
// Function to calculate push in context
@function flexiPushMargin($columns, $parent: $flexibleGridColumns) {
@return ($flexibleGridGridWidth * $columns + $flexibleGridGridMargin * $columns) / ($flexibleGridGridWidth * $parent + $flexibleGridGridMargin * ($parent - 1)) * 100%;
// Output as classes for use
@mixin flexible-grid-classes($gridClass: "grid", $rowClass: "row", $wrapperClass: "wrapper", $lastClass: "last", $silent: true) {
// Shared properties for all grid objects
%#{$gridClass} {
display: inline;
float: left;
// Create two levels of nested %placeholders
@for $i from 1 through $flexibleGridColumns {
// %grid-n { ... }
%#{$gridClass}-#{$i} {
@if $silent == true { @extend %#{$gridClass}; } // Don’t extend if outputting classes
@include flexible-grid-column($i);
%#{$lastClass} {
margin-right: 0;
// Generate unnested %placeholders for where structure
// is not implicit:
// %grid-parent-child { ... }
@for $c from 1 through $i - 1 {
%#{$gridClass}-#{$i}-#{$c} {
@if $silent == true { @extend %#{$gridClass}; } // Don’t extend if outputting classes
@include flexible-grid-column($c, false, $i);
// Output two levels of nested .classes
@if $silent == false {
// .grid-n { ... }
.#{$gridClass}-#{$i} {
@extend %#{$gridClass}-#{$i};
// .grid-n .grid-n { ... }
@for $c from 1 through $i - 1 {
.#{$gridClass}-#{$c} {
@extend %#{$gridClass}-#{$i}-#{$c};
%#{$rowClass} {
@include flexible-grid-row;
%#{$wrapperClass} {
@include flexible-grid-wrapper;
%#{$lastClass} {
margin-right: 0;
// Output proper .classes for top level objects
@if $silent == false {
[class*=" #{$gridClass}-"] {
@extend %#{$gridClass};
.#{$rowClass} {
@extend %#{$rowClass};
.#{$wrapperClass} {
@extend %#{$wrapperClass};
.#{$lastClass} {
@extend %#{$lastClass};
// Usage:
// @include flexible-grid-classes($silent: false);
// @include flexible-grid-classes();
// Unfortunately you have to be explicit about the nesting you want
// as SASS isn’t capable of understanding nested placeholders properly.
// @include flexible-grid-classes;
// article {
// @extend %grid-12;
// aside {
// @extend %grid-12-6;
// }
// }
// If you’re using placeholder with `$silent: true;` set you’ll also need to
// `@extend` the `%grid` placeholder. It’s excluded to avoid bloat when
// including the proper `.grid` classes.
// @include flexible-grid-classes($silent: false);
// article {
// @extend %grid;
// @extend %grid-12;
// aside {
// @extend %grid;
// @extend %grid-12-6;
// }
// }
// Only two levels of nesting is supported to stop things getting out of control.
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