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Created January 23, 2016 01:46
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Use ffpmeg to convert h.265 to h.265
use strict;
use warnings;
open DIR, "ls -1 |";
while (<DIR>)
next if ( -d "$_"); # skip directories
next unless ( -r "$_"); # if it's not readable skip it!
my $file = $_;
open PROBE, "ffprobe -show_streams -of csv '$file' 2>/dev/null|" or die ("Unable to launch ffmpeg for $file! ($!)");
my ($v, $a, $s, @c) = (0,0,0);
while (<PROBE>)
my @streaminfo = split(/,/, $_);
push(@c, $streaminfo[2]) if ($streaminfo[5] eq "video");
$a++ if ($streaminfo[5] eq "audio");
$s++ if ($streaminfo[5] eq "subtitle");
close PROBE;
$v = scalar @c;
if (scalar @c eq 1 and $c[0] eq "ansi")
warn("Text file detected, skipping...\n");
warn("$file: Video Streams: $v, Audio Streams: $a, Subtitle Streams: $s, Video Codec(s): " . join (", ", @c) . "\n");
if (scalar @c > 1)
warn("$file has more than one video stream, bailing!\n");
if ($c[0] eq "hevc")
warn("HEVC detected for $file ...converting to AVC...\n");
system("mkdir -p h265");
my @params = ("-hide_banner", "-threads 2");
# Map streams
push(@params, "-map 0") if ($a > 1 or $s > 1 or $v > 1);
# Map audio stream 2 instead of defaults
# push(@params, "-map 0:0 -map 0:2 -map 0:2 -map 0:4 -map 0:4");
push(@params, "-c:a copy") if ($a);
push(@params, "-c:s copy") if ($s);
push(@params, "-c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p") if ($v);
if (system("mv '$file' 'h265/$file'"))
warn("Error moving $file -> h265/$file\n");
warn("Running command: ffmpeg -xerror -i 'h265/$file' " . join(" ", @params) . " '$file'");
if (system("ffmpeg -xerror -i 'h265/$file' " . join(" ", @params) . " '$file' 2>/dev/null"))
warn("FFMPEG ERROR. Cannot convert $file restoring original...\n");
system("mv 'h265/$file' '$file'");
} else {
warn("$file doesn't appear to need converting... Skipping...\n");
close DIR;
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