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Created March 20, 2024 06:00
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import java.util.IdentityHashMap
trait MuRef[T]:
type F[_]
def recurse[U](t: T)(f: T => U): F[U]
trait NuRef[T]:
type F[_]
def recons[U](fu: F[U])(f: U => F[U]): T
opaque type Unique = Int
object Unique:
inline def apply(u: Int): Unique = u
final case class Graph[F[_], V](root: V, edges: Map[V, F[V]]):
def to[T](using nu: NuRef[T], ev: F[V] =:= nu.F[V]): T =
nu.recons(ev(edges(root)))(v => ev(edges(v)))
object Graph:
def from[T](t: T)(using mu: MuRef[T]): Graph[mu.F, Unique] =
var unique = 0
def nextUnique(): Unique =
val u = unique
unique += 1
val idMap: IdentityHashMap[T, Unique] = IdentityHashMap()
val edges = Map.newBuilder[Unique, mu.F[Unique]]
def convert(t: T): Unique =
if idMap.containsKey(t) then idMap.get(t)
val u = nextUnique()
idMap.put(t, u)
val fu = mu.recurse(t)(convert(_))
edges.addOne(u -> fu)
val u = convert(t)
Graph(u, edges.result())
enum InfList[A]:
case Cons(head: A, tail: () => InfList[A])
def toLazyList: LazyList[A] =
this match
case Cons(head, tail) =>
LazyList.cons(head, tail().toLazyList)
enum InfListF[A, U]:
case Cons(head: A, tail: U)
given [A]: MuRef[InfList[A]] with
type F[U] = InfListF[A, U]
def recurse[U](t: InfList[A])(f: InfList[A] => U): InfListF[A, U] =
t match
case InfList.Cons(head, tail) =>
InfListF.Cons(head, f(tail()))
given [A]: NuRef[InfList[A]] with
type F[U] = InfListF[A, U]
def recons[U](fu: InfListF[A, U])(f: U => InfListF[A, U]): InfList[A] =
fu match
case InfListF.Cons(head, tail) =>
InfList.Cons(head, () => recons(f(tail))(f))
def main(): Unit =
val list =
var ref: InfList[Int] = null
ref = InfList.Cons(100, () => InfList.Cons(200, () => ref))
val graph = Graph.from(list)
//=> Graph(0,Map(1 -> Cons(200,0), 0 -> Cons(100,1)))
//=> List(100, 200, 100, 200, 100, 200, 100, 200, 100, 200)
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