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Created March 6, 2024 07:04
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package rbtree
import scala.annotation.tailrec
// References:
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enum Color:
case R, B
enum Tree[+A]:
case E
case T(color: Color, left: Tree[A], key: A, right: Tree[A])
object Tree:
import Color.*
def empty[A]: Tree[A] = Tree.E
private def balance[A](color: Color, left: Tree[A], key: A, right: Tree[A]): Tree.T[A] =
(color, left, key, right) match
case (B, T(R, T(R, a, x, b), y, c), z, d) => T(R, T(B, a, x, b), y, T(B, c, z, d))
case (B, T(R, a, x, T(R, b, y, c)), z, d) => T(R, T(B, a, x, b), y, T(B, c, z, d))
case (B, a, x, T(R, T(R, b, y, c), z, d)) => T(R, T(B, a, x, b), y, T(B, c, z, d))
case (B, a, x, T(R, b, y, T(R, c, z, d))) => T(R, T(B, a, x, b), y, T(B, c, z, d))
case (color, a, x, b) => T(color, a, x, b)
extension [A](tree: Tree[A])
def contains(value: A)(using Ordering[A]): Boolean = tree match
case E => false
case T(color, left, key, right) =>
val o = summon[Ordering[A]].compare(value, key)
if o < 0 then left.contains(value)
else if o > 0 then right.contains(value)
else true
def insert(value: A)(using Ordering[A]): Tree[A] =
def ins(tree: Tree[A]): Tree.T[A] = tree match
case E => T(R, E, value, E)
case T(color, left, key, right) =>
val o = summon[Ordering[A]].compare(value, key)
if o < 0 then balance(color, ins(left), key, right)
else if o > 0 then balance(color, left, key, ins(right))
else T(color, left, key, right)
val T(_, left, key, right) = ins(tree)
T(B, left, key, right)
def delete(value: A)(using Ordering[A]): Tree[A] =
def del(tree: Tree[A]): Tree[A] = tree match
case E => E
case t @ T(color, left, key, right) =>
val o = summon[Ordering[A]].compare(value, key)
if o < 0 then delL(t)
else if o > 0 then delR(t)
else fuse(left, right)
def delL(tree: Tree.T[A]): Tree.T[A] = tree match
case T(_, t1 @ T(B, _, _, _), y, t2) => balL(del(t1), y, t2)
case T(_, t1, y, t2) => T(R, del(t1), y, t2)
def balL(left: Tree[A], key: A, right: Tree[A]): Tree.T[A] =
(left, key, right) match
case (T(R, t1, x, t2), y, t3) => T(R, T(B, t1, x, t2), y, t3)
case (t1, y, T(B, t2, z, t3)) => balance(B, t1, y, T(R, t2, z, t3))
case (t1, y, T(R, T(B, t2, u, t3), z, t4 @ (T(B, l, value, r)))) =>
T(R, T(B, t1, y, t2), u, balance(B, t3, z, T(R, l, value, r)))
case _ => sys.error("unreachable")
def delR(tree: Tree.T[A]): Tree.T[A] = tree match
case T(_, t1, y, t2 @ T(B, _, _, _)) => balR(t1, y, del(t2))
case T(_, t1, y, t2) => T(R, t1, y, del(t2))
def balR(left: Tree[A], key: A, right: Tree[A]): Tree.T[A] =
(left, key, right) match
case (t1, y, T(R, t2, x, t3)) => T(R, t1, y, T(B, t2, x, t3))
case (T(B, t1, z, t2), y, t3) => balance(B, T(R, t1, z, t2), y, t3)
case (T(R, T(B, l, value, r), z, T(B, t2, u, t3)), y, t4) =>
T(R, balance(B, T(R, l, value, r), z, t2), u, T(B, t3, y, t4))
case _ => sys.error("unreachable")
def fuse(left: Tree[A], right: Tree[A]): Tree[A] =
(left, right) match
case (E, t) => t
case (t, E) => t
case (t1@T(B, _, _, _), T(R, t3, y, t4)) =>
T(R, fuse(t1, t3), y, t4)
case (T(R, t1, x, t2), t3@T(B, _, _, _)) =>
T(R, t1, x, fuse(t2, t3))
case (T(R, t1, x, t2), T(R, t3, y, t4)) =>
fuse(t2, t3) match
case T(R, s1, z, s2) => T(R, T(R, t1, x, s1), z, T(R, s2, y, t4))
case s => T(R, t1, x, T(R, s, y, t4))
case (T(B, t1, x, t2), T(B, t3, y, t4)) =>
fuse(t2, t3) match
case T(R, s1, z, s2) => T(R, T(B, t1, x, s1), z, T(B, s2, y, t4))
case s => balL(t1, x, T(B, s, y, t4))
del(tree) match
case E => E
case T(_, left, key, right) => T(B, left, key, right)
def toSet: Set[A] =
def loop(tree: Tree[A]): Set[A] = tree match
case E => Set.empty
case T(_, left, key, right) => loop(left).union(loop(right)).union(Set(key))
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