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Created February 15, 2021 20:44
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package codes.quine.labo
package object cantor {
type Bit = Boolean
val Zero = false
val One = true
type Cantor = LazyList[Bit]
def find(p: LazyList[Bit] => Boolean): LazyList[Bit] = {
lazy val bit = if (p(LazyList.cons(Zero, find(bits => p(LazyList.cons(Zero, bits)))))) Zero else One
LazyList.cons(bit, find(bits => p(LazyList.cons(bit, bits))))
def exists(p: Cantor => Boolean): Boolean = p(find(c => p(c)))
def forall(p: Cantor => Boolean): Boolean = !exists(c => !p(c))
def equal[A](f: Cantor => A, g: Cantor => A): Boolean = forall { c => f(c) == g(c) }
def coerce(bit: Bit): Int = if (bit == Zero) 0 else 1
def f(c: Cantor): Int = coerce(c(7 * coerce(c(4)) + 4 * coerce(c(7)) + 4))
def g(c: Cantor): Int = coerce(c(coerce(c(4)) + 11 * coerce(c(7))))
def h(c: Cantor): Int =
if (c(7) == Zero)
if (c(4) == Zero) coerce(c(4)) else coerce(c(11))
else if (c(4) == One) coerce(c(15)) else coerce(c(8))
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