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Created October 5, 2019 14:17
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import scala.reflect.runtime.universe.reify
object scope {
class Int
sealed trait List[A]
class Nil[A] extends List[A]
class Cons[A] extends List[A]
class Tree[A]
trait HList
class HNil extends HList
class :*:[H, T <: HList] extends HList
trait Coproduct
class CNil extends Coproduct
class :+:[H, T <: Coproduct] extends Coproduct
trait Generic[A] {
type R
object Generic {
type Aux[A, R0] = Generic[A] { type R = R0 }
implicit def list[A]: Aux[List[A], Nil[A] :+: Cons[A] :+: CNil] = ???
implicit def nil[A]: Aux[Nil[A], HNil] = ???
implicit def cons[A]: Aux[Cons[A], A :*: List[A] :*: HNil] = ???
implicit def tree[A]: Aux[Tree[A], A :*: List[Tree[A]] :*: HNil] = ???
trait Eq[A]
object Eq {
implicit def int: Eq[Int] = ???
object DeriveEq {
implicit def derive[A, R](implicit AR: Generic.Aux[A, R], R: GEq[R]): Eq[A] = ???
trait GEq[A]
object GEq {
implicit def hnil: GEq[HNil] = ???
implicit def hcons[H: GEq, T <: HList: GEq]: GEq[H :*: T] = ???
implicit def cnil: GEq[CNil] = ???
implicit def ccons[H: GEq, T <: Coproduct: GEq]: GEq[H :+: T] = ???
implicit def value[A](implicit A: => Eq[A]): GEq[A] = ???
object ListInstances {
import DeriveEq._
implicit def listEqInstance[A: Eq]: Eq[List[A]] = derive
object TreeInstances {
import DeriveEq._, ListInstances._
implicit def treeEqInstance[A: Eq]: Eq[Tree[A]] = derive
import scope._, TreeInstances._
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