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Last active April 7, 2020 06:12
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  • Save makenowjust/bf733d70f752de7e9d17ca803a399c09 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save makenowjust/bf733d70f752de7e9d17ca803a399c09 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
$ git checkout master
$ for i in {01..10}; do rm -rf ~/.cache/crystal; make clean_crystal crystal stats=1 |& tee master.$i.log; done
$ git checkout fix/recursive-eq-hash
$ for i in {01..10}; do rm -rf ~/.cache/crystal; make clean_crystal crystal stats=1 |& tee recursive.$i.log; done
$ for i in {01..10}; do ruby sum.rb master.$i.log; done | awk '{printf " %02d : %s\n", NR, $1; sum += $1} END {print "AVG :", sum / NR}'
 01 : 43.229543131
 02 : 43.938624582
 03 : 44.16255789
 04 : 44.859225665000004
 05 : 45.234222935
 06 : 45.517737350000004
 07 : 46.516036139
 08 : 46.166216758
 09 : 45.583494614
 10 : 48.72510849
AVG : 45.3933
$ for i in {01..10}; do ruby sum.rb recursive.$i.log; done | awk '{printf " %02d : %s\n", NR, $1; sum += $1} END {print "AVG :", sum / NR}'                                                                                                                                         ~/gist
 01 : 43.433111727000004
 02 : 44.888684229
 03 : 45.437883178
 04 : 45.661863319000005
 05 : 45.946122923
 06 : 47.670377034
 07 : 47.002971204999994
 08 : 46.066660545000005
 09 : 45.610132624
 10 : 45.381853506000006
AVG : 45.71
Using /usr/local/opt/llvm/bin/llvm-config [version=10.0.0]
rm -rf .build
rm -rf ./docs
CRYSTAL_CONFIG_PATH="/Users/makenowjust/Projects/" CRYSTAL_CONFIG_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/local/Cellar/crystal/0.33.0/embedded/lib" CRYSTAL_CONFIG_BUILD_COMMIT="4401e90f0" ./bin/crystal build --stats -o .build/crystal src/compiler/ -D without_openssl -D without_zlib
Parse: Parse: 00:00:00.000138986 ( 0.25MB)
Semantic (top level): Semantic (top level): 00:00:01.144313398 ( 109.54MB)
Semantic (new): Semantic (new): 00:00:00.003952063 ( 109.54MB)
Semantic (type declarations): Semantic (type declarations): 00:00:00.058240122 ( 125.54MB)
Semantic (abstract def check): Semantic (abstract def check): 00:00:00.014371556 ( 125.54MB)
Semantic (ivars initializers): Semantic (ivars initializers): 00:00:05.120317499 ( 849.47MB)
Semantic (cvars initializers): Semantic (cvars initializers): 00:00:00.008334924 ( 865.47MB)
Semantic (main): Semantic (main): 00:00:08.058612905 (1089.47MB)
Semantic (cleanup): Semantic (cleanup): 00:00:00.200713690 (1089.47MB)
Semantic (recursive struct check): Semantic (recursive struct check): 00:00:00.002877633 (1089.47MB)
Codegen (crystal): Codegen (crystal): 00:00:07.052111545 (1205.47MB)
Codegen (bc+obj): Codegen (bc+obj): 00:00:16.871316758 (1205.47MB)
Codegen (linking): Codegen (linking): 00:00:03.743747429 (1205.47MB)
dsymutil: dsymutil: 00:00:00.950633609 (1205.47MB)
Macro runs:
- /Users/makenowjust/Projects/ 00:00:06.430632077
Codegen (bc+obj):
- no previous .o files were reused
Using /usr/local/opt/llvm/bin/llvm-config [version=10.0.0]
rm -rf .build
rm -rf ./docs
CRYSTAL_CONFIG_PATH="/Users/makenowjust/Projects/" CRYSTAL_CONFIG_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/local/Cellar/crystal/0.33.0/embedded/lib" CRYSTAL_CONFIG_BUILD_COMMIT="4401e90f0" ./bin/crystal build --stats -o .build/crystal src/compiler/ -D without_openssl -D without_zlib
Parse: Parse: 00:00:00.000123040 ( 0.25MB)
Semantic (top level): Semantic (top level): 00:00:01.153543117 ( 108.95MB)
Semantic (new): Semantic (new): 00:00:00.004160953 ( 108.95MB)
Semantic (type declarations): Semantic (type declarations): 00:00:00.064422562 ( 124.95MB)
Semantic (abstract def check): Semantic (abstract def check): 00:00:00.015804272 ( 124.95MB)
Semantic (ivars initializers): Semantic (ivars initializers): 00:00:05.241518885 ( 864.88MB)
Semantic (cvars initializers): Semantic (cvars initializers): 00:00:00.008305410 ( 864.88MB)
Semantic (main): Semantic (main): 00:00:08.177239331 (1088.88MB)
Semantic (cleanup): Semantic (cleanup): 00:00:00.200119024 (1088.88MB)
Semantic (recursive struct check): Semantic (recursive struct check): 00:00:00.002881414 (1088.88MB)
Codegen (crystal): Codegen (crystal): 00:00:07.168085120 (1204.88MB)
Codegen (bc+obj): Codegen (bc+obj): 00:00:16.865900316 (1204.88MB)
Codegen (linking): Codegen (linking): 00:00:03.834955932 (1204.88MB)
dsymutil: dsymutil: 00:00:01.201688246 (1204.88MB)
Macro runs:
- /Users/makenowjust/Projects/ 00:00:06.709060610
Codegen (bc+obj):
- no previous .o files were reused
Using /usr/local/opt/llvm/bin/llvm-config [version=10.0.0]
rm -rf .build
rm -rf ./docs
CRYSTAL_CONFIG_PATH="/Users/makenowjust/Projects/" CRYSTAL_CONFIG_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/local/Cellar/crystal/0.33.0/embedded/lib" CRYSTAL_CONFIG_BUILD_COMMIT="4401e90f0" ./bin/crystal build --stats -o .build/crystal src/compiler/ -D without_openssl -D without_zlib
Parse: Parse: 00:00:00.000133603 ( 0.25MB)
Semantic (top level): Semantic (top level): 00:00:01.108453713 ( 109.54MB)
Semantic (new): Semantic (new): 00:00:00.003334377 ( 109.54MB)
Semantic (type declarations): Semantic (type declarations): 00:00:00.058022004 ( 125.54MB)
Semantic (abstract def check): Semantic (abstract def check): 00:00:00.015200505 ( 125.54MB)
Semantic (ivars initializers): Semantic (ivars initializers): 00:00:05.337862688 ( 849.47MB)
Semantic (cvars initializers): Semantic (cvars initializers): 00:00:00.008312539 ( 865.47MB)
Semantic (main): Semantic (main): 00:00:08.097446354 (1073.47MB)
Semantic (cleanup): Semantic (cleanup): 00:00:00.202979264 (1089.47MB)
Semantic (recursive struct check): Semantic (recursive struct check): 00:00:00.002871367 (1089.47MB)
Codegen (crystal): Codegen (crystal): 00:00:07.305369295 (1221.47MB)
Codegen (bc+obj): Codegen (bc+obj): 00:00:17.508162840 (1221.47MB)
Codegen (linking): Codegen (linking): 00:00:03.681409370 (1221.47MB)
dsymutil: dsymutil: 00:00:00.833133574 (1221.47MB)
Macro runs:
- /Users/makenowjust/Projects/ 00:00:06.577162129
Codegen (bc+obj):
- no previous .o files were reused
Using /usr/local/opt/llvm/bin/llvm-config [version=10.0.0]
rm -rf .build
rm -rf ./docs
CRYSTAL_CONFIG_PATH="/Users/makenowjust/Projects/" CRYSTAL_CONFIG_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/local/Cellar/crystal/0.33.0/embedded/lib" CRYSTAL_CONFIG_BUILD_COMMIT="4401e90f0" ./bin/crystal build --stats -o .build/crystal src/compiler/ -D without_openssl -D without_zlib
Parse: Parse: 00:00:00.000122861 ( 0.25MB)
Semantic (top level): Semantic (top level): 00:00:01.120508855 ( 108.95MB)
Semantic (new): Semantic (new): 00:00:00.004266610 ( 108.95MB)
Semantic (type declarations): Semantic (type declarations): 00:00:00.071165567 ( 124.95MB)
Semantic (abstract def check): Semantic (abstract def check): 00:00:00.015440322 ( 124.95MB)
Semantic (ivars initializers): Semantic (ivars initializers): 00:00:05.329916849 ( 864.88MB)
Semantic (cvars initializers): Semantic (cvars initializers): 00:00:00.008490388 ( 864.88MB)
Semantic (main): Semantic (main): 00:00:08.349517247 (1088.88MB)
Semantic (cleanup): Semantic (cleanup): 00:00:00.201860803 (1088.88MB)
Semantic (recursive struct check): Semantic (recursive struct check): 00:00:00.002856958 (1088.88MB)
Codegen (crystal): Codegen (crystal): 00:00:07.221719153 (1204.88MB)
Codegen (bc+obj): Codegen (bc+obj): 00:00:18.045916205 (1204.88MB)
Codegen (linking): Codegen (linking): 00:00:03.710689275 (1204.88MB)
dsymutil: dsymutil: 00:00:00.776877433 (1204.88MB)
Macro runs:
- /Users/makenowjust/Projects/ 00:00:06.894938940
Codegen (bc+obj):
- no previous .o files were reused
Using /usr/local/opt/llvm/bin/llvm-config [version=10.0.0]
rm -rf .build
rm -rf ./docs
CRYSTAL_CONFIG_PATH="/Users/makenowjust/Projects/" CRYSTAL_CONFIG_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/local/Cellar/crystal/0.33.0/embedded/lib" CRYSTAL_CONFIG_BUILD_COMMIT="4401e90f0" ./bin/crystal build --stats -o .build/crystal src/compiler/ -D without_openssl -D without_zlib
Parse: Parse: 00:00:00.000121903 ( 0.25MB)
Semantic (top level): Semantic (top level): 00:00:01.106947912 ( 109.54MB)
Semantic (new): Semantic (new): 00:00:00.004065789 ( 109.54MB)
Semantic (type declarations): Semantic (type declarations): 00:00:00.065798067 ( 125.54MB)
Semantic (abstract def check): Semantic (abstract def check): 00:00:00.016339131 ( 125.54MB)
Semantic (ivars initializers): Semantic (ivars initializers): 00:00:05.368857238 ( 849.47MB)
Semantic (cvars initializers): Semantic (cvars initializers): 00:00:00.008453272 ( 865.47MB)
Semantic (main): Semantic (main): 00:00:08.464276867 (1089.47MB)
Semantic (cleanup): Semantic (cleanup): 00:00:00.201549171 (1089.47MB)
Semantic (recursive struct check): Semantic (recursive struct check): 00:00:00.002852799 (1089.47MB)
Codegen (crystal): Codegen (crystal): 00:00:07.195839429 (1205.47MB)
Codegen (bc+obj): Codegen (bc+obj): 00:00:18.274124278 (1205.47MB)
Codegen (linking): Codegen (linking): 00:00:03.737811249 (1205.47MB)
dsymutil: dsymutil: 00:00:00.787307733 (1205.47MB)
Macro runs:
- /Users/makenowjust/Projects/ 00:00:06.999340686
Codegen (bc+obj):
- no previous .o files were reused
Using /usr/local/opt/llvm/bin/llvm-config [version=10.0.0]
rm -rf .build
rm -rf ./docs
CRYSTAL_CONFIG_PATH="/Users/makenowjust/Projects/" CRYSTAL_CONFIG_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/local/Cellar/crystal/0.33.0/embedded/lib" CRYSTAL_CONFIG_BUILD_COMMIT="4401e90f0" ./bin/crystal build --stats -o .build/crystal src/compiler/ -D without_openssl -D without_zlib
Parse: Parse: 00:00:00.000124093 ( 0.25MB)
Semantic (top level): Semantic (top level): 00:00:01.143668076 ( 109.54MB)
Semantic (new): Semantic (new): 00:00:00.004173534 ( 109.54MB)
Semantic (type declarations): Semantic (type declarations): 00:00:00.065385957 ( 125.54MB)
Semantic (abstract def check): Semantic (abstract def check): 00:00:00.016880069 ( 125.54MB)
Semantic (ivars initializers): Semantic (ivars initializers): 00:00:05.331500103 ( 849.47MB)
Semantic (cvars initializers): Semantic (cvars initializers): 00:00:00.008690904 ( 865.47MB)
Semantic (main): Semantic (main): 00:00:08.469995608 (1073.47MB)
Semantic (cleanup): Semantic (cleanup): 00:00:00.202658082 (1089.47MB)
Semantic (recursive struct check): Semantic (recursive struct check): 00:00:00.002882300 (1089.47MB)
Codegen (crystal): Codegen (crystal): 00:00:07.229686974 (1205.47MB)
Codegen (bc+obj): Codegen (bc+obj): 00:00:18.501822521 (1205.47MB)
Codegen (linking): Codegen (linking): 00:00:03.756539162 (1205.47MB)
dsymutil: dsymutil: 00:00:00.783854060 (1205.47MB)
Macro runs:
- /Users/makenowjust/Projects/ 00:00:07.048673602
Codegen (bc+obj):
- no previous .o files were reused
Using /usr/local/opt/llvm/bin/llvm-config [version=10.0.0]
rm -rf .build
rm -rf ./docs
CRYSTAL_CONFIG_PATH="/Users/makenowjust/Projects/" CRYSTAL_CONFIG_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/local/Cellar/crystal/0.33.0/embedded/lib" CRYSTAL_CONFIG_BUILD_COMMIT="4401e90f0" ./bin/crystal build --stats -o .build/crystal src/compiler/ -D without_openssl -D without_zlib
Parse: Parse: 00:00:00.000122028 ( 0.25MB)
Semantic (top level): Semantic (top level): 00:00:01.096487404 ( 109.54MB)
Semantic (new): Semantic (new): 00:00:00.004085654 ( 109.54MB)
Semantic (type declarations): Semantic (type declarations): 00:00:00.064868167 ( 125.54MB)
Semantic (abstract def check): Semantic (abstract def check): 00:00:00.016191864 ( 125.54MB)
Semantic (ivars initializers): Semantic (ivars initializers): 00:00:05.380905594 ( 849.47MB)
Semantic (cvars initializers): Semantic (cvars initializers): 00:00:00.008505375 ( 865.47MB)
Semantic (main): Semantic (main): 00:00:08.774193990 (1089.47MB)
Semantic (cleanup): Semantic (cleanup): 00:00:00.201938388 (1089.47MB)
Semantic (recursive struct check): Semantic (recursive struct check): 00:00:00.002969801 (1089.47MB)
Codegen (crystal): Codegen (crystal): 00:00:07.309923708 (1221.47MB)
Codegen (bc+obj): Codegen (bc+obj): 00:00:18.813378183 (1221.47MB)
Codegen (linking): Codegen (linking): 00:00:03.903974901 (1221.47MB)
dsymutil: dsymutil: 00:00:00.938613110 (1221.47MB)
Macro runs:
- /Users/makenowjust/Projects/ 00:00:07.163910136
Codegen (bc+obj):
- no previous .o files were reused
Using /usr/local/opt/llvm/bin/llvm-config [version=10.0.0]
rm -rf .build
rm -rf ./docs
CRYSTAL_CONFIG_PATH="/Users/makenowjust/Projects/" CRYSTAL_CONFIG_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/local/Cellar/crystal/0.33.0/embedded/lib" CRYSTAL_CONFIG_BUILD_COMMIT="4401e90f0" ./bin/crystal build --stats -o .build/crystal src/compiler/ -D without_openssl -D without_zlib
Parse: Parse: 00:00:00.000123066 ( 0.25MB)
Semantic (top level): Semantic (top level): 00:00:01.158912289 ( 109.54MB)
Semantic (new): Semantic (new): 00:00:00.003805431 ( 109.54MB)
Semantic (type declarations): Semantic (type declarations): 00:00:00.060717609 ( 125.54MB)
Semantic (abstract def check): Semantic (abstract def check): 00:00:00.015717419 ( 125.54MB)
Semantic (ivars initializers): Semantic (ivars initializers): 00:00:05.382059815 ( 849.47MB)
Semantic (cvars initializers): Semantic (cvars initializers): 00:00:00.008509892 ( 865.47MB)
Semantic (main): Semantic (main): 00:00:08.611705222 (1089.47MB)
Semantic (cleanup): Semantic (cleanup): 00:00:00.202595204 (1089.47MB)
Semantic (recursive struct check): Semantic (recursive struct check): 00:00:00.002873302 (1089.47MB)
Codegen (crystal): Codegen (crystal): 00:00:07.277755858 (1221.47MB)
Codegen (bc+obj): Codegen (bc+obj): 00:00:18.814173284 (1221.47MB)
Codegen (linking): Codegen (linking): 00:00:03.843069377 (1221.47MB)
dsymutil: dsymutil: 00:00:00.784322056 (1221.47MB)
Macro runs:
- /Users/makenowjust/Projects/ 00:00:06.997664233
Codegen (bc+obj):
- no previous .o files were reused
Using /usr/local/opt/llvm/bin/llvm-config [version=10.0.0]
rm -rf .build
rm -rf ./docs
CRYSTAL_CONFIG_PATH="/Users/makenowjust/Projects/" CRYSTAL_CONFIG_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/local/Cellar/crystal/0.33.0/embedded/lib" CRYSTAL_CONFIG_BUILD_COMMIT="4401e90f0" ./bin/crystal build --stats -o .build/crystal src/compiler/ -D without_openssl -D without_zlib
Parse: Parse: 00:00:00.000139203 ( 0.25MB)
Semantic (top level): Semantic (top level): 00:00:01.123026170 ( 109.54MB)
Semantic (new): Semantic (new): 00:00:00.004193233 ( 109.54MB)
Semantic (type declarations): Semantic (type declarations): 00:00:00.064845477 ( 125.54MB)
Semantic (abstract def check): Semantic (abstract def check): 00:00:00.016196833 ( 125.54MB)
Semantic (ivars initializers): Semantic (ivars initializers): 00:00:05.395808679 ( 849.47MB)
Semantic (cvars initializers): Semantic (cvars initializers): 00:00:00.008487202 ( 865.47MB)
Semantic (main): Semantic (main): 00:00:08.540316378 (1073.47MB)
Semantic (cleanup): Semantic (cleanup): 00:00:00.202932767 (1089.47MB)
Semantic (recursive struct check): Semantic (recursive struct check): 00:00:00.002929069 (1089.47MB)
Codegen (crystal): Codegen (crystal): 00:00:07.269012682 (1205.47MB)
Codegen (bc+obj): Codegen (bc+obj): 00:00:18.587768609 (1205.47MB)
Codegen (linking): Codegen (linking): 00:00:03.585959648 (1205.47MB)
dsymutil: dsymutil: 00:00:00.782017867 (1205.47MB)
Macro runs:
- /Users/makenowjust/Projects/ 00:00:07.085540458
Codegen (bc+obj):
- no previous .o files were reused
Using /usr/local/opt/llvm/bin/llvm-config [version=10.0.0]
rm -rf .build
rm -rf ./docs
CRYSTAL_CONFIG_PATH="/Users/makenowjust/Projects/" CRYSTAL_CONFIG_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/local/Cellar/crystal/0.33.0/embedded/lib" CRYSTAL_CONFIG_BUILD_COMMIT="4401e90f0" ./bin/crystal build --stats -o .build/crystal src/compiler/ -D without_openssl -D without_zlib
Parse: Parse: 00:00:00.000127321 ( 0.25MB)
Semantic (top level): Semantic (top level): 00:00:00.881691157 ( 109.54MB)
Semantic (new): Semantic (new): 00:00:00.004387444 ( 109.54MB)
Semantic (type declarations): Semantic (type declarations): 00:00:00.066262520 ( 125.54MB)
Semantic (abstract def check): Semantic (abstract def check): 00:00:00.015988445 ( 125.54MB)
Semantic (ivars initializers): Semantic (ivars initializers): 00:00:05.445030747 ( 849.47MB)
Semantic (cvars initializers): Semantic (cvars initializers): 00:00:00.008407485 ( 865.47MB)
Semantic (main): Semantic (main): 00:00:08.505522823 (1073.47MB)
Semantic (cleanup): Semantic (cleanup): 00:00:00.275384526 (1089.47MB)
Semantic (recursive struct check): Semantic (recursive struct check): 00:00:00.003974574 (1089.47MB)
Codegen (crystal): Codegen (crystal): 00:00:09.589322293 (1205.47MB)
Codegen (bc+obj): Codegen (bc+obj): 00:00:19.331784496 (1205.47MB)
Codegen (linking): Codegen (linking): 00:00:03.792677056 (1205.47MB)
dsymutil: dsymutil: 00:00:00.804674924 (1205.47MB)
Macro runs:
- /Users/makenowjust/Projects/ 00:00:07.071954419
Codegen (bc+obj):
- no previous .o files were reused
Using /usr/local/opt/llvm/bin/llvm-config [version=10.0.0]
rm -rf .build
rm -rf ./docs
CRYSTAL_CONFIG_PATH="/Users/makenowjust/Projects/" CRYSTAL_CONFIG_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/local/Cellar/crystal/0.33.0/embedded/lib" CRYSTAL_CONFIG_BUILD_COMMIT="04d79b173" ./bin/crystal build --stats -o .build/crystal src/compiler/ -D without_openssl -D without_zlib
Parse: Parse: 00:00:00.000124211 ( 0.25MB)
Semantic (top level): Semantic (top level): 00:00:01.129227698 ( 109.54MB)
Semantic (new): Semantic (new): 00:00:00.003897586 ( 109.54MB)
Semantic (type declarations): Semantic (type declarations): 00:00:00.059490332 ( 125.54MB)
Semantic (abstract def check): Semantic (abstract def check): 00:00:00.016134680 ( 125.54MB)
Semantic (ivars initializers): Semantic (ivars initializers): 00:00:04.835117480 ( 913.47MB)
Semantic (cvars initializers): Semantic (cvars initializers): 00:00:00.007787662 ( 913.47MB)
Semantic (main): Semantic (main): 00:00:09.348732176 (1077.47MB)
Semantic (cleanup): Semantic (cleanup): 00:00:00.209820756 (1077.47MB)
Semantic (recursive struct check): Semantic (recursive struct check): 00:00:00.003968649 (1077.47MB)
Codegen (crystal): Codegen (crystal): 00:00:06.404411056 (1237.47MB)
Codegen (bc+obj): Codegen (bc+obj): 00:00:16.925520567 (1237.47MB)
Codegen (linking): Codegen (linking): 00:00:03.740763950 (1237.47MB)
dsymutil: dsymutil: 00:00:00.748239135 (1237.47MB)
Macro runs:
- /Users/makenowjust/Projects/ 00:00:07.547241485
Codegen (bc+obj):
- no previous .o files were reused
Using /usr/local/opt/llvm/bin/llvm-config [version=10.0.0]
rm -rf .build
rm -rf ./docs
CRYSTAL_CONFIG_PATH="/Users/makenowjust/Projects/" CRYSTAL_CONFIG_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/local/Cellar/crystal/0.33.0/embedded/lib" CRYSTAL_CONFIG_BUILD_COMMIT="04d79b173" ./bin/crystal build --stats -o .build/crystal src/compiler/ -D without_openssl -D without_zlib
Parse: Parse: 00:00:00.000126858 ( 0.25MB)
Semantic (top level): Semantic (top level): 00:00:01.174215696 ( 109.54MB)
Semantic (new): Semantic (new): 00:00:00.004118743 ( 109.54MB)
Semantic (type declarations): Semantic (type declarations): 00:00:00.062433239 ( 125.54MB)
Semantic (abstract def check): Semantic (abstract def check): 00:00:00.015347651 ( 125.54MB)
Semantic (ivars initializers): Semantic (ivars initializers): 00:00:04.917446729 ( 913.47MB)
Semantic (cvars initializers): Semantic (cvars initializers): 00:00:00.008144985 ( 913.47MB)
Semantic (main): Semantic (main): 00:00:09.490446374 (1077.47MB)
Semantic (cleanup): Semantic (cleanup): 00:00:00.205532269 (1077.47MB)
Semantic (recursive struct check): Semantic (recursive struct check): 00:00:00.004290436 (1077.47MB)
Codegen (crystal): Codegen (crystal): 00:00:06.415112353 (1157.47MB)
Codegen (bc+obj): Codegen (bc+obj): 00:00:18.180035472 (1157.47MB)
Codegen (linking): Codegen (linking): 00:00:03.635524552 (1157.47MB)
dsymutil: dsymutil: 00:00:00.776035730 (1157.47MB)
Macro runs:
- /Users/makenowjust/Projects/ 00:00:07.835355840
Codegen (bc+obj):
- no previous .o files were reused
Using /usr/local/opt/llvm/bin/llvm-config [version=10.0.0]
rm -rf .build
rm -rf ./docs
CRYSTAL_CONFIG_PATH="/Users/makenowjust/Projects/" CRYSTAL_CONFIG_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/local/Cellar/crystal/0.33.0/embedded/lib" CRYSTAL_CONFIG_BUILD_COMMIT="04d79b173" ./bin/crystal build --stats -o .build/crystal src/compiler/ -D without_openssl -D without_zlib
Parse: Parse: 00:00:00.000132810 ( 0.25MB)
Semantic (top level): Semantic (top level): 00:00:01.110436507 ( 109.54MB)
Semantic (new): Semantic (new): 00:00:00.003543020 ( 109.54MB)
Semantic (type declarations): Semantic (type declarations): 00:00:00.059548829 ( 125.54MB)
Semantic (abstract def check): Semantic (abstract def check): 00:00:00.014988808 ( 125.54MB)
Semantic (ivars initializers): Semantic (ivars initializers): 00:00:04.913860462 ( 913.47MB)
Semantic (cvars initializers): Semantic (cvars initializers): 00:00:00.008250213 ( 913.47MB)
Semantic (main): Semantic (main): 00:00:09.794956508 (1077.47MB)
Semantic (cleanup): Semantic (cleanup): 00:00:00.197953810 (1077.47MB)
Semantic (recursive struct check): Semantic (recursive struct check): 00:00:00.003712624 (1077.47MB)
Codegen (crystal): Codegen (crystal): 00:00:06.557734912 (1237.47MB)
Codegen (bc+obj): Codegen (bc+obj): 00:00:18.804307385 (1237.47MB)
Codegen (linking): Codegen (linking): 00:00:03.188117146 (1237.47MB)
dsymutil: dsymutil: 00:00:00.780472954 (1237.47MB)
Macro runs:
- /Users/makenowjust/Projects/ 00:00:08.202961471
Codegen (bc+obj):
- no previous .o files were reused
Using /usr/local/opt/llvm/bin/llvm-config [version=10.0.0]
rm -rf .build
rm -rf ./docs
CRYSTAL_CONFIG_PATH="/Users/makenowjust/Projects/" CRYSTAL_CONFIG_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/local/Cellar/crystal/0.33.0/embedded/lib" CRYSTAL_CONFIG_BUILD_COMMIT="04d79b173" ./bin/crystal build --stats -o .build/crystal src/compiler/ -D without_openssl -D without_zlib
Parse: Parse: 00:00:00.000123393 ( 0.25MB)
Semantic (top level): Semantic (top level): 00:00:00.798734878 ( 109.54MB)
Semantic (new): Semantic (new): 00:00:00.004151223 ( 109.54MB)
Semantic (type declarations): Semantic (type declarations): 00:00:00.065048912 ( 125.54MB)
Semantic (abstract def check): Semantic (abstract def check): 00:00:00.017786767 ( 125.54MB)
Semantic (ivars initializers): Semantic (ivars initializers): 00:00:05.002393276 ( 913.47MB)
Semantic (cvars initializers): Semantic (cvars initializers): 00:00:00.008410731 ( 913.47MB)
Semantic (main): Semantic (main): 00:00:10.087876123 (1077.47MB)
Semantic (cleanup): Semantic (cleanup): 00:00:00.206126898 (1077.47MB)
Semantic (recursive struct check): Semantic (recursive struct check): 00:00:00.004224723 (1077.47MB)
Codegen (crystal): Codegen (crystal): 00:00:06.539470261 (1221.47MB)
Codegen (bc+obj): Codegen (bc+obj): 00:00:19.139747159 (1221.47MB)
Codegen (linking): Codegen (linking): 00:00:02.990268847 (1221.47MB)
dsymutil: dsymutil: 00:00:00.797623521 (1221.47MB)
Macro runs:
- /Users/makenowjust/Projects/ 00:00:08.475792648
Codegen (bc+obj):
- no previous .o files were reused
Using /usr/local/opt/llvm/bin/llvm-config [version=10.0.0]
rm -rf .build
rm -rf ./docs
CRYSTAL_CONFIG_PATH="/Users/makenowjust/Projects/" CRYSTAL_CONFIG_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/local/Cellar/crystal/0.33.0/embedded/lib" CRYSTAL_CONFIG_BUILD_COMMIT="04d79b173" ./bin/crystal build --stats -o .build/crystal src/compiler/ -D without_openssl -D without_zlib
Parse: Parse: 00:00:00.000122906 ( 0.25MB)
Semantic (top level): Semantic (top level): 00:00:00.843211377 ( 109.54MB)
Semantic (new): Semantic (new): 00:00:00.004142640 ( 109.54MB)
Semantic (type declarations): Semantic (type declarations): 00:00:00.065054444 ( 125.54MB)
Semantic (abstract def check): Semantic (abstract def check): 00:00:00.016323982 ( 125.54MB)
Semantic (ivars initializers): Semantic (ivars initializers): 00:00:05.056600333 ( 913.47MB)
Semantic (cvars initializers): Semantic (cvars initializers): 00:00:00.008388712 ( 913.47MB)
Semantic (main): Semantic (main): 00:00:10.049684313 (1077.47MB)
Semantic (cleanup): Semantic (cleanup): 00:00:00.205414232 (1077.47MB)
Semantic (recursive struct check): Semantic (recursive struct check): 00:00:00.004320855 (1077.47MB)
Codegen (crystal): Codegen (crystal): 00:00:06.627142943 (1221.47MB)
Codegen (bc+obj): Codegen (bc+obj): 00:00:19.182402979 (1221.47MB)
Codegen (linking): Codegen (linking): 00:00:03.078210626 (1221.47MB)
dsymutil: dsymutil: 00:00:00.805225487 (1221.47MB)
Macro runs:
- /Users/makenowjust/Projects/ 00:00:08.472754349
Codegen (bc+obj):
- no previous .o files were reused
Using /usr/local/opt/llvm/bin/llvm-config [version=10.0.0]
rm -rf .build
rm -rf ./docs
CRYSTAL_CONFIG_PATH="/Users/makenowjust/Projects/" CRYSTAL_CONFIG_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/local/Cellar/crystal/0.33.0/embedded/lib" CRYSTAL_CONFIG_BUILD_COMMIT="04d79b173" ./bin/crystal build --stats -o .build/crystal src/compiler/ -D without_openssl -D without_zlib
Parse: Parse: 00:00:00.000127072 ( 0.25MB)
Semantic (top level): Semantic (top level): 00:00:00.863697621 ( 109.54MB)
Semantic (new): Semantic (new): 00:00:00.004711001 ( 109.54MB)
Semantic (type declarations): Semantic (type declarations): 00:00:00.063234914 ( 125.54MB)
Semantic (abstract def check): Semantic (abstract def check): 00:00:00.015684340 ( 125.54MB)
Semantic (ivars initializers): Semantic (ivars initializers): 00:00:05.095892074 ( 913.47MB)
Semantic (cvars initializers): Semantic (cvars initializers): 00:00:00.008272226 ( 913.47MB)
Semantic (main): Semantic (main): 00:00:10.114689937 (1077.47MB)
Semantic (cleanup): Semantic (cleanup): 00:00:00.206676237 (1077.47MB)
Semantic (recursive struct check): Semantic (recursive struct check): 00:00:00.004223326 (1077.47MB)
Codegen (crystal): Codegen (crystal): 00:00:06.499929204 (1157.47MB)
Codegen (bc+obj): Codegen (bc+obj): 00:00:20.297397089 (1157.47MB)
Codegen (linking): Codegen (linking): 00:00:03.703525518 (1157.47MB)
dsymutil: dsymutil: 00:00:00.792443547 (1157.47MB)
Macro runs:
- /Users/makenowjust/Projects/ 00:00:08.468960093
Codegen (bc+obj):
- no previous .o files were reused
Using /usr/local/opt/llvm/bin/llvm-config [version=10.0.0]
rm -rf .build
rm -rf ./docs
CRYSTAL_CONFIG_PATH="/Users/makenowjust/Projects/" CRYSTAL_CONFIG_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/local/Cellar/crystal/0.33.0/embedded/lib" CRYSTAL_CONFIG_BUILD_COMMIT="04d79b173" ./bin/crystal build --stats -o .build/crystal src/compiler/ -D without_openssl -D without_zlib
Parse: Parse: 00:00:00.000133166 ( 0.25MB)
Semantic (top level): Semantic (top level): 00:00:01.095228818 ( 109.54MB)
Semantic (new): Semantic (new): 00:00:00.003881971 ( 109.54MB)
Semantic (type declarations): Semantic (type declarations): 00:00:00.061537693 ( 125.54MB)
Semantic (abstract def check): Semantic (abstract def check): 00:00:00.015417316 ( 125.54MB)
Semantic (ivars initializers): Semantic (ivars initializers): 00:00:04.995384902 ( 913.47MB)
Semantic (cvars initializers): Semantic (cvars initializers): 00:00:00.008252476 ( 913.47MB)
Semantic (main): Semantic (main): 00:00:10.112975909 (1077.47MB)
Semantic (cleanup): Semantic (cleanup): 00:00:00.209086101 (1077.47MB)
Semantic (recursive struct check): Semantic (recursive struct check): 00:00:00.004283597 (1077.47MB)
Codegen (crystal): Codegen (crystal): 00:00:06.582562829 (1221.47MB)
Codegen (bc+obj): Codegen (bc+obj): 00:00:19.424975332 (1221.47MB)
Codegen (linking): Codegen (linking): 00:00:03.724542666 (1221.47MB)
dsymutil: dsymutil: 00:00:00.764841595 (1221.47MB)
Macro runs:
- /Users/makenowjust/Projects/ 00:00:08.437460918
Codegen (bc+obj):
- no previous .o files were reused
Using /usr/local/opt/llvm/bin/llvm-config [version=10.0.0]
rm -rf .build
rm -rf ./docs
CRYSTAL_CONFIG_PATH="/Users/makenowjust/Projects/" CRYSTAL_CONFIG_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/local/Cellar/crystal/0.33.0/embedded/lib" CRYSTAL_CONFIG_BUILD_COMMIT="04d79b173" ./bin/crystal build --stats -o .build/crystal src/compiler/ -D without_openssl -D without_zlib
Parse: Parse: 00:00:00.000126436 ( 0.25MB)
Semantic (top level): Semantic (top level): 00:00:01.141431447 ( 109.54MB)
Semantic (new): Semantic (new): 00:00:00.004769646 ( 109.54MB)
Semantic (type declarations): Semantic (type declarations): 00:00:00.064557835 ( 125.54MB)
Semantic (abstract def check): Semantic (abstract def check): 00:00:00.016065209 ( 125.54MB)
Semantic (ivars initializers): Semantic (ivars initializers): 00:00:04.981566929 ( 913.47MB)
Semantic (cvars initializers): Semantic (cvars initializers): 00:00:00.008197324 ( 913.47MB)
Semantic (main): Semantic (main): 00:00:10.169833294 (1077.47MB)
Semantic (cleanup): Semantic (cleanup): 00:00:00.204547786 (1077.47MB)
Semantic (recursive struct check): Semantic (recursive struct check): 00:00:00.004299960 (1077.47MB)
Codegen (crystal): Codegen (crystal): 00:00:06.526316534 (1157.47MB)
Codegen (bc+obj): Codegen (bc+obj): 00:00:19.133273821 (1157.47MB)
Codegen (linking): Codegen (linking): 00:00:03.018271990 (1157.47MB)
dsymutil: dsymutil: 00:00:00.793528770 (1157.47MB)
Macro runs:
- /Users/makenowjust/Projects/ 00:00:08.417086218
Codegen (bc+obj):
- no previous .o files were reused
Using /usr/local/opt/llvm/bin/llvm-config [version=10.0.0]
rm -rf .build
rm -rf ./docs
CRYSTAL_CONFIG_PATH="/Users/makenowjust/Projects/" CRYSTAL_CONFIG_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/local/Cellar/crystal/0.33.0/embedded/lib" CRYSTAL_CONFIG_BUILD_COMMIT="04d79b173" ./bin/crystal build --stats -o .build/crystal src/compiler/ -D without_openssl -D without_zlib
Parse: Parse: 00:00:00.000126455 ( 0.25MB)
Semantic (top level): Semantic (top level): 00:00:00.861365892 ( 109.54MB)
Semantic (new): Semantic (new): 00:00:00.004353273 ( 109.54MB)
Semantic (type declarations): Semantic (type declarations): 00:00:00.062007042 ( 125.54MB)
Semantic (abstract def check): Semantic (abstract def check): 00:00:00.015219494 ( 125.54MB)
Semantic (ivars initializers): Semantic (ivars initializers): 00:00:04.988509732 ( 913.47MB)
Semantic (cvars initializers): Semantic (cvars initializers): 00:00:00.008107028 ( 913.47MB)
Semantic (main): Semantic (main): 00:00:10.059700379 (1077.47MB)
Semantic (cleanup): Semantic (cleanup): 00:00:00.200188423 (1077.47MB)
Semantic (recursive struct check): Semantic (recursive struct check): 00:00:00.004319817 (1077.47MB)
Codegen (crystal): Codegen (crystal): 00:00:06.560976698 (1221.47MB)
Codegen (bc+obj): Codegen (bc+obj): 00:00:19.092607438 (1221.47MB)
Codegen (linking): Codegen (linking): 00:00:02.964851187 (1221.47MB)
dsymutil: dsymutil: 00:00:00.787926221 (1221.47MB)
Macro runs:
- /Users/makenowjust/Projects/ 00:00:08.406789217
Codegen (bc+obj):
- no previous .o files were reused
Using /usr/local/opt/llvm/bin/llvm-config [version=10.0.0]
rm -rf .build
rm -rf ./docs
CRYSTAL_CONFIG_PATH="/Users/makenowjust/Projects/" CRYSTAL_CONFIG_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/local/Cellar/crystal/0.33.0/embedded/lib" CRYSTAL_CONFIG_BUILD_COMMIT="04d79b173" ./bin/crystal build --stats -o .build/crystal src/compiler/ -D without_openssl -D without_zlib
Parse: Parse: 00:00:00.000125766 ( 0.25MB)
Semantic (top level): Semantic (top level): 00:00:00.880417410 ( 109.54MB)
Semantic (new): Semantic (new): 00:00:00.004204436 ( 109.54MB)
Semantic (type declarations): Semantic (type declarations): 00:00:00.063242122 ( 125.54MB)
Semantic (abstract def check): Semantic (abstract def check): 00:00:00.015629212 ( 125.54MB)
Semantic (ivars initializers): Semantic (ivars initializers): 00:00:05.002514408 ( 913.47MB)
Semantic (cvars initializers): Semantic (cvars initializers): 00:00:00.008464939 ( 913.47MB)
Semantic (main): Semantic (main): 00:00:09.961281547 (1077.47MB)
Semantic (cleanup): Semantic (cleanup): 00:00:00.205373809 (1077.47MB)
Semantic (recursive struct check): Semantic (recursive struct check): 00:00:00.004263299 (1077.47MB)
Codegen (crystal): Codegen (crystal): 00:00:06.505585523 (1221.47MB)
Codegen (bc+obj): Codegen (bc+obj): 00:00:18.925432749 (1221.47MB)
Codegen (linking): Codegen (linking): 00:00:03.018953119 (1221.47MB)
dsymutil: dsymutil: 00:00:00.786490933 (1221.47MB)
Macro runs:
- /Users/makenowjust/Projects/ 00:00:08.346644355
Codegen (bc+obj):
- no previous .o files were reused
sum = 0
ARGF.each_line.to_a[5..17].each do |line|
name, time_mem = line.gsub(/\A.*\r/, '').split(':', 2).map(&:strip)
time, mem = time_mem.split(' ')
sum += time.split(':').last.to_f
p sum
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