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Created September 18, 2019 15:33
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object scope {
// int
class I
// list
sealed trait L[A]
class N[A] extends L[A]
class C[A] extends L[A]
// tree
class T[A]
// hlist
trait HList
class HNil extends HList
class :*:[H, T <: HList] extends HList
// coproduct
trait Coproduct
class CNil extends Coproduct
class :+:[H, T <: Coproduct] extends Coproduct
// typefunction1
trait TF1 { type Apply[A] }
trait HList1 extends TF1 { type Apply[A] <: HList }
trait HNil1 extends HList1 { type Apply[_] = HNil }
trait :**:[H <: TF1, T <: HList1] extends HList1 { type Apply[A] = H#Apply[A] :*: T#Apply[A]}
trait Coproduct1 extends TF1 { type Apply[A] <: Coproduct }
trait CNil1 extends Coproduct1 { type Apply[_] = CNil }
trait :++:[H <: TF1, T <: Coproduct1] extends Coproduct1 { type Apply[A] = H#Apply[A] :+: T#Apply[A] }
trait P1 extends TF1 { type Apply[A] = A }
trait K1[C] extends TF1 { type Apply[_] = C }
trait R1[G[_]] extends TF1 { type Apply[A] = G[A] }
// functor
trait F[G[_]]
object F {
implicit def g[G[_], R <: TF1](implicit GR: G1[G, R], R: GF[R]): F[G]= ???
// generic1
trait G1[G[_], R <: TF1]
object G1 {
implicit val l: G1[L, R1[N] :++: R1[C] :++: CNil1] = ???
implicit val n: G1[N, HNil1] = ???
implicit val c: G1[C, P1 :**: R1[L] :**: HNil1] = ???
type LT[A] = L[T[A]]
type NT[A] = N[T[A]]
type CT[A] = C[T[A]]
implicit val t: G1[T, P1 :**: R1[LT] :**: HNil1] = ???
implicit val lt: G1[LT, R1[NT] :++: R1[CT] :++: CNil1] = ???
implicit val nt: G1[NT, HNil1] = ???
implicit val ct: G1[CT, R1[T] :**: R1[LT] :**: HNil1] = ???
// gfunctor
trait GF[R <: TF1]
object GF {
implicit val hnil: GF[HNil1] = ???
implicit def hcons[H <: TF1: GF, T <: HList1: GF]: GF[H :**: T] = ???
implicit val cnil: GF[CNil1] = ???
implicit def ccons[H <: TF1: GF, T <: Coproduct1: GF]: GF[H :++: T] = ???
implicit val p: GF[P1] = ???
implicit def k[C]: GF[K1[C]] = ???
implicit def r[G[_]](implicit G: => F[G]): GF[R1[G]] = ???
import scope._
F.g( // o-----------------------------------------+
G1.t, // |
GF.hcons( // |
GF.p, // |
GF.hcons( // |
GF.r[G1.LT]( // |
F.g( //o----------------------------------+--+, // | |
GF.ccons( // | |
GF.r[G1.NT](F.g(G1.nt, GF.hnil)), // | |
GF.ccons( // | |
GF.r[G1.CT]( // | |
F.g( // | |
G1.ct, // | |
GF.hcons( // | |
GF.r[T](???), // <------------+ |
GF.hcons( // |
GF.r[G1.LT](???), // <---------+
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